If possible, can the table be made to recalculate the offset with a base value from macca? It would likely make it usable with most platforms including emulator. Thanks for the work you put in, anyhow, I've figured out how to change stuffs with the offsets o/
Wow, I haven't used this account in a long time, if not ever. I came here mostly because I'm looking for a table that doesn't crash the game. I've used fearlessrevolution, other cheat engines tables, I haven't used your software yet, although I do use it for other games and am even in your discord, and I've used one similar to your software but I can't click options without going pro and it's a ninja.
I just wanna be able to have inf HP/MP, 50000 Macca and Glory, and a 15 times exp gain for the hero and 4 times for the demons without the game crashing or being limited to two hours because who thought that was a good update for that software? (I miss the old days of that software) Anyways, yeah, does this cause a CTD when used or are the cheats safe?
Will there be a Ryujinx (emulator) version as well?
I hope so, i can't find any cheats for ryujinx or a cheat engine version for it
I'm trying here, but the right thing is to do a cmp (comparison) to always find the correct values, but one that finds them all I've already managed to create pointers, but it keeps switching between monsters' Essences and consumable items.