thank you for sharing CE , I play solo and partly with my wife, at the beginning it helps a lot, especially the weight of our character we have to use, the showmap which works perfectly and now more than just discovering the whole thing of the game I was just wondering something, is it possible to make an outfit without having to take a wanderer or force a person into one of the outfits like the claw fight, thanks again and good game to all
The command console is unlocked when you run your own server, you set an admin password with "adminpsw" as a command like in a batch file for running the server, which lets you use "gm key (whatever the password you set was)" to open a panel that lets you spawn in items/mobs, give yourself 1million hp, etc. I just don't know where you'd put that command line password for an offline game. This would be the best cheat option if we knew where to place it and it work with offline mode.
1. add "-adminpsw=123" to "Launcher.bat" in game folder.
my Launcher.bat looks:
Still, when using the table, the game crashes.
Crashes when these options are enabled: Items Increase On Stack Split
Items Don't Decrease On Use
Items On Hotbar Don't Decrease (Pair with 'Items Don't Decrease On Use')
This parameter is not enabled, it says a script error: Max Awareness Strength.
The rest are working fine.
Thanks. I made a batch file like that, but it wouldn't work for me, the game kept crashing.
I ended up trying something that did work though. If you go to your Steam library and right click on Soulmask and choose properties, in the general tab there is a section that says "Advanced users may choose to enter modifications to their launch options." and you can enter the "-adminpsw=123" there for Steam itself to run that command line function. GM Spear, Test Armor, and GM Hammer. Fun times lol.
I think they're making hotfixes as stuff keeps breaking then working, crashing the game, etc lol.
Note- last update added console mode with the "numpad -" key. If you open it and type "teleport" > Enter, you can then point + right click port to wherever you want.
So tested both Proficiency scripts and they both work fine, the game registers the stat increasesa and new cap fine with the benefits from the increased stats. The cap one works on a char thats new and doesn't have maxed out caps, likely due to not having any proficiency to gain for them and setting a cap somehow breaks the game.
Now the main question is that some of the upgrades after lvl 60s for weapon skills are still locked, despite having the skills for them. Now I haven't gotten that far in the game so I'm not sure if its progression, mask upgrades or pyramid bosses or if its the matter that our PC is considered a T0 Common and not a T5 Legendary with the red symbol, with stats not being colored red to indicate legendary cap.
So while those two work, the skills after 60 still seem to be locked, although the perks can be acquired fine.
So my question is, besides modding, would it be possible to somehow have the PC char convert to a T5 legendary with all the skills at legendary, as well as possibly giving them traits? Assuming if one could use the code where you take over other characters to have their skills and status be switched or leeched onto the PC char?
Otherwise table works great and Traits aren't too big of a deal outside of some particularities, although the combat skills being locked after 60 despite reaching 120 is still something.
What about acquiring some of the locked combat skills after 60? or the special skills or talents?
Or changing the rarity of the PC from common tier to legendary tier with the skills? since it seems to recognize skill unlocks based on the Tribesman tier and the PC isn't able to unlock them as they are.
As well as talents, which aren't that much of a pressing issue.