For all the items ID's with name, i want to thank a lot all people who have created/helped this sheet : [Link] especially Rubyelf.
What you can do with it ?
1) Add or remove any Pet's in your wardrobe.
2) Fully unlock the collection of the companions.
3) You can edit the currency of Star Coins, Dreamlight, Pixel Dust, Mist, Daisy Coins.
4) Add or remove any Clothes in your wardrobe.
5) Fully unlock the collection of the clothes.
5) Add more inventory space.
6) Unlock all skins of NPC
7) Unlock all houses in the game (player)
What it's look like and how it's work ?
Prerequisite :
.Net Framework 4.8 [Link]
The compatible save is unknown, i can just assure you that it is working with the 2 last version of steam !
And thanks to KosDDV for testing for the latest steam version.
For obvious reasons, i have protected it with a tool (little less powerfull), so it is a false positive viruscan... [Link]
Thanks to a person who is sharing PUBLIC the key..... now that it is public idk how many times this tool going to live
So now, don't need to do all i show in the previous version...
If you have a question, how i can do that or that, simply watch the video i have done all you can do in it, and it is explained how to proceed in my tool.
Here is the source code of the tool, if someone want to work on it :
Ps :
The HexKey for decrypt the save (for now) is : (i do not include in the source the key)