basic script tutorials?

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basic script tutorials?

Post by Mordok »

Hello, i'm looking for a tutorial on how to script for basic things. Once I find a value by scanning that I can then edit as needed, how do you script so it finds it on it's own? are there tutorials on how to start learning this?

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Re: basic script tutorials?

Post by zachillios »

This is what I used to learn, credit to Aanpsx:

Not sure hop applicable it will be for whatever you're specifically looking for though. The main concept is pinpoint the instruction that's accessing the value you want to edit, then using AOB injection to hook whatever function you want to add to it.

I strongly recommend going through the Cheat Engine tutorial though.

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Re: basic script tutorials?

Post by Mordok »

thanks, that was really helpful and I as able to find some other tutorials from there. im still hitting a wall where im trying to find a value which is a float, I can find it, then I use pointer scan to work down to find the pointer, which I can get it to like 10 or so options. all of which point to the value (stamina for example) and allow me to change the value. sometimes those pointers remain the correct pointers through game restarts, and sometimes not. they also stop working on death. I can't seem to figure out how to dig deeper and find a better pointer with a float.

heres an example of one of the what writes to this address windows. im not sure what xmm5 is, but in this one should I be searching for the RAX address to dig deeper or the R14. I tried both but don't seem to get anything useful so not sure where im going wrong.

The cheat engine tutorial doesn't seem to have an example where i'm getting so many addresses to search through without being able to get to the base address.

13F0368F20E - F3 0F5A C0 - cvtss2sd xmm0,xmm0
13F0368F212 - F2 0F5A E8 - cvtsd2ss xmm5,xmm0
13F0368F216 - F3 41 0F11 AE 50070000 - movss [r14+00000750],xmm5 <<
13F0368F21F - 48 8B 86 10010000 - mov rax,[rsi+00000110]
13F0368F226 - 48 8B C8 - mov rcx,rax


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Re: basic script tutorials?

Post by Mordok »

I was able to use AOB injection to find the pointer when I use stamina, and did the same for finding items when I click on them. I guess this is the way to go most times when you cant easily find a base pointer like in the tutorial? or when addresses seem to always change with new instances.

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Re: basic script tutorials?

Post by Rienfleche »

how about mono data collector code?
for unity games

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Re: basic script tutorials?

Post by Mordok »

im not sure ill look into what that is. I ran into the same problem with AOB injection, eventually the injection address changed I guess and it stopped working =\ so back to not having a good enough pointer maybe I dont know.

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