[Request] Lust Goddess [Steam]

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Re: [Request] Lust Goddess [Steam]

Post by draca7600 »

45hgv43whgf wrote:
Mon Jun 17, 2024 6:12 am
draca7600 wrote:
Mon Jun 17, 2024 5:13 am
Cheers and thanks for the reply. Is there anything that can be done about the event? Or is it permanently Regina event?
not sure what you mean, i dont think i can even replicate the issue.
Certain characters like Lorraine are unobtainable (at least for me), even progressing the league thing doesn't unlock her. I'm fairly new to this game, so I don't know if I'm missing something here.

Edit: Also, I got banned haha. The game is still working on 2.0.5, it's only when I revert to 2.0.7 it says I've been marked as cheater

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Re: [Request] Lust Goddess [Steam]

Post by sakurano1 »

This game is nothing just try new 18+ games with batter graphics like :

What a legend( eye satisfying graphics ) , Treasure of Nadia ( best adult scenes ) , milfycity, summertime saga, dating my daughter, Sunshine Love, The Genesis Order (continue story of treasure of nadia ) ,

i played all games i mention and that games are free, also that has storyline crazy so don't depend on one game

lust goddess game is if u pay game will progress unless u will be stuck at one point
this game has unique bot system for example :

i made 2 account in steam i played so much then give names that no one can give in this game so i am fighting with other plyers and suddenly in next fight my other account is my opponent i checked profile and that is my same account

so they are using your account without any permission

if u are auto attacking also manual attacking both situation if game wants to give u Win then u will win if u have 200 health and opponent has 20 then you will die idk why this is happening your League will no go higher without adding real money

try new game this game is nothing now 👉👉 ( just check lust goddess review section on steam if u want to know more ) this game is full of .......

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Re: [Request] Lust Goddess [Steam]

Post by Naveen2910 »

Hello, can anyone make the same mods for mighty party, it has almost same code and without il2cpp.

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Re: [Request] Lust Goddess [Steam]

Post by 45hgv43whgf »

Naveen2910 wrote:
Mon Jun 17, 2024 8:10 am
Hello, can anyone make the same mods for mighty party, it has almost same code and without il2cpp.
Last edited by 45hgv43whgf on Tue Jun 18, 2024 12:33 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: [Request] Lust Goddess [Steam]

Post by lindasi »

I have watched and re-read all of your comments. It seems that if you want to cheated, you have to go back to the old version, v2.0.5, but when you go back to v2.0.7 or the new version, you will be banned because you cheated in the previous version.This is really high risk. But why be shy, just play.

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Re: [Request] Lust Goddess [Steam]

Post by 45hgv43whgf »

lindasi wrote:
Mon Jun 17, 2024 5:22 pm
I have watched and re-read all of your comments. It seems that if you want to cheated, you have to go back to the old version, v2.0.5, but when you go back to v2.0.7 or the new version, you will be banned because you cheated in the previous version.This is really high risk. But why be shy, just play.
you dont just get banned for using 2.0.5 with cheats, atleast not yet, but you do get banned when the AntiCheat sees highly illogical numbers on your Account, you cheat your way through any event ranking with other players and get reported, either be it 2.0.5 or 2.0.7
draca7600 wrote:
Mon Jun 17, 2024 7:27 am
45hgv43whgf wrote:
Mon Jun 17, 2024 6:12 am
draca7600 wrote:
Mon Jun 17, 2024 5:13 am
Cheers and thanks for the reply. Is there anything that can be done about the event? Or is it permanently Regina event?
not sure what you mean, i dont think i can even replicate the issue.
Certain characters like Lorraine are unobtainable (at least for me), even progressing the league thing doesn't unlock her. I'm fairly new to this game, so I don't know if I'm missing something here.

Edit: Also, I got banned haha. The game is still working on 2.0.5, it's only when I revert to 2.0.7 it says I've been marked as cheater
you may have used the unban version included in multi v9 so you didnt noticed when you got banned on the 2.0.5 version

as for Lorraine, i think some are event based and these events are not just unlocked only to certain times.

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Re: [Request] Lust Goddess [Steam]

Post by 45hgv43whgf »

some Instructions and Cheats are outdated, check here for the newest viewtopic.php?f=23&t=29735&p=358411

updated Instructions and Video

How to use Charles to use older game version:

tested & working as of right now

it looks complicated but it really isnt, to go along with the Instructions, i also made a Video:


Follow Instructions carefully step by step!

old game version 2.0.5 > [Link]
cheats for 2.0.5 in the second spoiler, you dont need them now, setup Charles and Game first.


1. Get Charles [Link]
2. Install Charles
3. Open Charles
4. Help >>> Register
Registered Name: [Link]
License Key: 48891cf209c6d32bf4
(unregistered Charles only runs 30 Days and closes every 30 minutes)



1. Help >>> SSL Proxying >>> Install Charles Root Certificate ([Link])
2. Install Certificate ([Link])
3. Local Machine, Next ([Link]) (Note: Current User might work too)
4. Place all certificates in the following store, Browse ([Link])
5. Trusted Root Certification Authorities, OK, Next ([Link])
6. Finish ([Link])



Proxy >>> SSL Proxying Settings ([Link])

1. Enable SSL Proxying ([Link])

On the left(Include) press Add
Host: chickgoddess.com
Port: 443
Press Ok.

On the left(Include) press Add
Host: ga.chickgoddess.com
Port: 443
Press Ok.

only these two named are important


4.1 STEP

Tools >>> Rewrite

1. Press Add and then press on the newly added option ([Link])
mine is named "All" but yours might be a different name

"Rewrite Settings" has 2 "windows" to add things, for the top one, press Add and fill out both things and add them.

Protocol: https
Host: chickgoddess.com
Path: *

Protocol: https
Host: ga.chickgoddess.com
Path: *


4.2 STEP

Now lets set first rule in Tools >>> Rewrite, Enable Rewrite first, now the "window" at the bottom press Add, click it and fill out both things and add them.

Type: Modify Header

Name: PNK-Version
Value: 2.0.5

Name: PNK-Version
Value: 2.0.7
Replace first


4.3 STEP

Tools >>> Rewrite

Now lets set second rule

Type: Body

click Regex for Value in Match
Value: \"login_hash_salt\":\"(.*)\",\"build_hash\":\"(.*)\",

Value: \"login_hash_salt": "YOURLOGINHASH", "build_hash": "YOURBUILDHASH",
Replace first

Note: These placeholders for your login hash and build hash are fine for now, you replace them in the next steps with your actual ID's.


Now you have set up Charles.

To get your own login hash and build id you need to read it through Charles with the newest version of the game(login hash AND build hash are always different on each game start!)


Make sure to go to Tools >>> Rewrite and DISABLE Rewrite for now! (otherwise you wont be able to load the game correctly)

The first symbol under File on the top left is for cleaning up logged things, you can do that before you start logging things. The second symbol is for recording which has to be enabled, the third symbol is for SSL Proxying which also has to be enabled.

1. Start Lust Goddess with the newest version wait till its loaded in fully.
2. Check Charles for the Structure on the left named ga.chickgoddess.com, not chickgoddess.com and click it ([Link])
3. double click get_parent_profile_id ([Link])
4. you might be on the overview tab when looking at the right side, click the Contents tab to see the values you need:

{"login_hash_salt": "********************************************", "build_hash": "********************************************","steam_ticket":"*************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************"} (censored the actual ID's here, you should see yours)

if you see theses values, copy them and close your game. If you only see weird code with white unidentifiable symbols you might have forgotten to enable SSL Proxying or not have correctly installed the certificate.([Link])

DO NOT PUT YOUR steam_ticket IN THE REWRITE, ONLY YOUR login_hash_salt AND build_hash !

Go back into Tools >>> Rewrite and modify your login hash and your build hash into the Replace Value (double click your Body rule)

make sure to paste your hashes correctly without removing anything necessary or missing anything



Make sure to go to Tools >>> Rewrite and ENABLE Rewrite now! (otherwise you wont be able to load the game correctly)

Delete your game files manually and place the old version game files in, start your Game.

If you have done everything correctly, it will load your Game correctly. (If not, Game Update? hashes expired? Everything set correctly?)

Extra Info

these login and build hashes might expire sometime, so you might have to get them again if its not working anymore, if there is a game update you also need to change the version number in the Match Value inside Rewrite

it might be safer to acquire new hashes from time to time considering the original game also switches hashes on each game start

aslong as you have Charles open, you can open and close your game and switch cheatfiles at will
you might want to save your session in Charles ([Link])

If you still do not get it you are missing something. If you are 100% sure you set up Charles correctly, uninstall the Root Certificate at almost the same location you installed it, then close charles and uninstall it, for example with revo uninstaller, clean all left over files, restart PC and try again at Step 1, some people have mentioned bugs with the program.
I myself only encountered bugs when i imported someone else's settings file(settings file is different from session file), it wouldn't let me update it and always send the login hash from the imported file and not my own one i replaced. You can see this by enabling debug log in rewrite, try and check logs what Charles is actually sending back. If its not your set hashes, its bugged.

If you want to go back to normal version without cheats, simply placing the newest game files might not work! Remove any instance of Charles or close it down. Delete your whole game folder manually and verify files with steam, this will let you back onto the newest version without errors.

Which Cheats are included and what are they doing? + Experimental AntiCheat Bypass Download at the bottom..READ

will update versions of cheats from time to time if i find improvements or add new cheats

unlock all Chat dialogues permanently = permanently unlocks all chat dialogues to get all Dialogues, Scenes and Images, might download a small patch on first start, might have other unlock behavior.
Extra Info = If you first use it, it will unlock all chat dialogues from all 10 characters. If you click through all chat dialogues you will get a mission to continue the chat, you cant fulfill the mission because you dont own them. However if you restart your game with the same cheat, all missions are finished and you can continue with all chats and all missions will be completed continuously with the cheat.
If you remove this cheat make sure to also remove com.panoramik.als.dll and replace it with the original file!
Link = [Link]

bypass real money purchase v2 = all $ made purchases just succeed and limited purchases can sometimes be bought multiple times.
Link = [Link]

skip all tutorials = will skip all New Game Tutorials to the point where you choose your name.
Link = [Link]

instant chest opener = will set the maximum wait time for chests to 1 second.
Link = [Link]

complete roadmap missions = Go to the next Roadmap Event mission, click Go, go back and claim reward. repeat as you like.
Link = [Link]

temporary UNBAN v4 = only changes errors into a no error state which makes your banned account usable again. This will not unban your account, only hide the errors that prevent a banned account from playing. (might still have unwanted side effects such as not saving certain progress or only saving it locally, do not open daily/weekly/epic task window, progress could be reset after game updates or other things)
Link = [Link]

Price -1000 Shop and Event v2 = Shop, Event Store, Alliance Store and possibly some other prices are set to -1000
Link = [Link]

Price -1 Shop and Event v2 = Shop, Event Store, Alliance Store and possibly some other prices are set to -1
Link = [Link]

Roulette somewhat free = always being able to spin the roulette, will consume Credits if you have Credits but will also work without Credits.
Link = [Link]

Gacha Pulls Free = being able to pull Rare, Epic or Legendary without any costs.(depending on what you have unlocked)
Link = [Link]

multi v9 alternative Price = contains same as multi v9 but Price -1000 for Shop and Event v2 is swapped with Price -1 for Shop and Event v2
Link = [Link]

multi v9 = contains: bypass real money purchase v2, skip all tutorials, instant chest opener, complete roadmap missions, temporary UNBAN v4, Price -1000 for Shop and Event v2, Roulette somewhat free, Gacha Pulls Free.
Link = [Link]

I've decided to not include the semi deactivation of the local anticheat, 1. i do not know if its more risky or less risky with it 2. once you remove mod files and play normal the anticheat will still pick up on odd numbers on your account. for example with disabled anticheat you get 100.000 Gems, remove mods and now the anticheat is active, whenever you update the value of your gems by either collecting or spending gems, the anticheat will pick up on your odd amount of gems and auto mark you as cheater. same goes for everything else that produces numbers that the anticheat checks for very odd numbers.

however if for some reason you want to try out the disabled AntiCheat files = [Link]
just use these 3 files, the other ACTk.Runtime.dll found with all the cheatfiles does not bypass the AntiCheat, it only bypasses the file integrity check. This new one does...or atleast trys both. only working with the 2.0.5 version.
use these 3 files with your modded Assembly-CSharp.dll or the original Assembly-CSharp.dll

rough overview of the changes within the AntiCheat:

ACTkDetectorBase (usage:? AntiCheat related and modified to always return no cheat detected)
ObscuredCheatingDetection (usage: number related AntiCheat, modified to always return no cheat detected)
DeviceIdHolder (usage: returns your device ID, modified to ALWAYS return a random device ID)
HashGeneratorResult (usage: returns file and build hashes, modified to always return a successful check)
InjectionDetector (usage: detects injections into the game, modified to always return no cheat detected)
SpeedHackDetector (usage: probably Obsolete by default, still modified to always return no cheat detected)
SpeedHackProofTime (usage: probably Obsolete by default, still modified to use Unity time instead of real time)
TimeCheatingDetector (usage: probably Obsolete by default, still modified to use Unity time instead of real time)
WallHackDetector (usage: probably Obsolete by default, still modified to always return no cheat detected)

as said this only works when using it and there is no guarantee that these changes dont trigger another response and that there are no other hidden AntiCheat techniques. from testing i can only say it seems to work.
Last edited by 45hgv43whgf on Tue Jun 18, 2024 9:56 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: [Request] Lust Goddess [Steam]

Post by tmisa845 »

file unknown help

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Re: [Request] Lust Goddess [Steam]

Post by Naveen2910 »

lindasi wrote:
Mon Jun 17, 2024 5:22 pm
I have watched and re-read all of your comments. It seems that if you want to cheated, you have to go back to the old version, v2.0.5, but when you go back to v2.0.7 or the new version, you will be banned because you cheated in the previous version.This is really high risk. But why be shy, just play.
I am using it on banned account to get those juicy alliance medals for completion of event chapters.
I tried it on main account to get some coins, a free legend spin and some gems to have around 6k through events value chage not money buying, but there is premium pass which I purchased before update🤫 and is still surviving.
Last edited by Naveen2910 on Tue Jun 18, 2024 3:39 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [Request] Lust Goddess [Steam]

Post by sockuser »

Now all we need is how to unlock all Legend Mercs, I saw a lot players w/ League 15-17 but has Salma (which need GM league to unlock).

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Re: [Request] Lust Goddess [Steam]

Post by 45hgv43whgf »

still looking into mercs or league code but havent found this yet, latest i found while looking, was the unlocking of all chats but who knows..

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Re: [Request] Lust Goddess [Steam]

Post by sockuser »

45hgv43whgf wrote:
Tue Jun 18, 2024 3:04 am
still looking into mercs or league code but havent found this yet, latest i found while looking, was the unlocking of all chats but who knows..
Maybe you can change the way of looking. I notice that in Monthly Bundles, they sell new Mercs and it's random, has High League card (my clone has Kitty which unlock at League 3). So if you can make that bundle always purchase-able, I think we can unlock all Legend in this f*king greedy game.

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Re: [Request] Lust Goddess [Steam]

Post by Naveen2910 »

sockuser wrote:
Tue Jun 18, 2024 2:58 am
Now all we need is how to unlock all Legend Mercs, I saw a lot players w/ League 15-17 but has Salma (which need GM league to unlock).
Any merc can be unlocked in through events and everyone unlocks her first you know why
sockuser wrote:
Tue Jun 18, 2024 3:17 am
45hgv43whgf wrote:
Tue Jun 18, 2024 3:04 am
still looking into mercs or league code but havent found this yet, latest i found while looking, was the unlocking of all chats but who knows..
Maybe you can change the way of looking. I notice that in Monthly Bundles, they sell new Mercs and it's random, has High League card (my clone has Kitty which unlock at League 3). So if you can make that bundle always purchase-able, I think we can unlock all Legend in this f*king greedy game.
That is a good suggestion and can lead to merc code/IDs or it can be server sided as the bundle disappear after all purchases.

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Re: [Request] Lust Goddess [Steam]

Post by 45hgv43whgf »

sockuser wrote:
Tue Jun 18, 2024 3:17 am
Maybe you can change the way of looking. I notice that in Monthly Bundles, they sell new Mercs and it's random, has High League card (my clone has Kitty which unlock at League 3). So if you can make that bundle always purchase-able, I think we can unlock all Legend in this f*king greedy game.
good idea, i just did that and the counter for limited packs doesnt count anymore, the big downside to that is that you always get the same mercs, looks like the mercs you get are chosen before you even buy it and are not random.

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Re: [Request] Lust Goddess [Steam]

Post by sockuser »

It's so pity. Well, so we'll need to wait the month end to buy new Mercs. Maybe you can try to make the bundle think the new month has come, so new card will come too, lol.

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