(I was able to purchase the battlepass with this)
Tell me if it works for you too...
If there's is anything you'd like for me to try figure out just leave a message
Currently working on bypassing the payment system for irl money... Battle pass was bought so getting somewhere
For Battlepass without buying using real money
Gems are Server sided in shop even when you change the price it will return the server price... get gem from event (Roulette> the hack is already posted ***dont abuse it)
bro can u give me video if u can else give me screenshots that i can use only that code and get rewards, also tell me how i remove this code and make my game normal because this thing applied all the time ( please tell me just little req )
I try again with another account and keep a low profile while cheating and hadn't been ban so I here how to cheat for anyone want to try. Remember not to go overboard and get too strong too fast to keep your account healthy
First you'll need dnSpy. You can find it on github.
Open Adult_wars_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll with dnSpy.
For free gacha
Go to NewAssets.Scripts.DataClasses -> BankSummonLot -> Price.
Right click on "if (this.FreeBuyTimesLeft > 0)" And choose Edit IL Instruction.
Click on ldc.i4.0(3rd one) and change it to ldc.i4.s.
Write -100 on the input box next to it.
Click OK
File -> Save All
[Link] [Link]
For Instant crate opening
Go to NewAssets.Scripts.DataClasses -> ChestData -> GetOpenTime.
Right click on "return this._openTime * modifier" And choose Edit IL Instruction.
Click on ldarg.1 and change to ldc.r4.
Click OK
File -> Save All
This is Godlike been 2 days now no ban i just used 2-3 times per day. But found a lot more things in there that becomes free when i poke around feel scary as im using main account.
How long did you last ? Still on going?
What else did u find? I tried but usually leads to config error or nth changes lol
idk and i dont know how to explain it better than just keep your power to your current rank that make sense... example my rank now is 9K power the max ill go is about 10-15% above that and keep playing and losing a lot and use the resources i have as much as normal... uninstall and reinstall game to let the program do its checks etc...
This is Godlike been 2 days now no ban i just used 2-3 times per day. But found a lot more things in there that becomes free when i poke around feel scary as im using main account.
How long did you last ? Still on going?
What else did u find? I tried but usually leads to config error or nth changes lol
i want to replicate your style bro just tell me which code u used and how much money u added with this codes like u used free cards method also u used this gems method means "1000000 u add and -10000" will gems" this last method i think dangerous ?
Guys, the safest method in my opinion would to be able to redeem the rewards from the epic quests ...
if there a line to modify in the ^AssemblySharp DLL^ to be able to replay the epic quests so as to obtain the gems legitimately.
Guys, the safest method in my opinion would to be able to redeem the rewards from the epic quests ...
if there a line to modify in the ^AssemblySharp DLL^ to be able to replay the epic quests so as to obtain the gems legitimately.
the safest is to stop while ur ahead open new account and try bunch of stufgf when it pass 24 hour mark open new one and try more... unless ur cheating to be #1 ... then hmmmm ur not going to have ur way