@LIOBOSS is it possible to create some pointers for the stats themselves? So we can respec on the fly? Or it has the same level/XP rule (when it's max it won't work anymore)?
@LIOBOSS is it possible to create some pointers for the stats themselves? So we can respec on the fly? Or it has the same level/XP rule (when it's max it won't work anymore)?
i did'nt try TBH.......allthis stuff takes time....i'm not as skilled as many on this board and then... kinda slow.
@LIOBOSS is it possible to create some pointers for the stats themselves? So we can respec on the fly? Or it has the same level/XP rule (when it's max it won't work anymore)?
You can do an AoB search for your stats, it's in a consecutive array of 4-bytes going in order:
+0: Health
+4: Stamina
+8: Strength
+C: Dexterity
+10: Faith
+14: Intelligence
+18: Equip Load
+1C: Focus
+20: Unspent stat points?
Usually get a bunch of results like searching for anything else in this game, but it's usually the first few.
For all who play in this game i also make small table, it contains hero health, camera distance, movement speed and fall damage height. Scripts which force camera look in wish direction can happens they works wrong, it simple fix, for this need change values in these scripts after mov [rbx+04] on same numders but instead + paste -, and instead - paste +. I make these scripts for almost first person mode, when all camera zooms = 1.0. If change MaxFallingSpeed on 0 and StartFallingMinHeight on 255, then are possible walk in air without getting falling animation. For avoiding damage after falling just change values FallDamageStartHeight and FallKillHeight on 255. Also now you can do "jumps", thanks user Quepasa for finding coordinates player, because similar i be not soon guess that it was as 2 Bytes. For jump in air press "SpaceBar". I still not found true velocity player ... , therefore infinite jumps work by reason increasing vertical coordinate
Just saw that if you go to C:\Users\Mang\AppData\LocalLow\Moon Studios\NoRestForTheWicked\DataStore
And play with the character files, you can actually duplicate items and anything needed for the grind of the realm.
So here is my character with 10 stacks of experience potion and some things on him to grind 2 levels of realm contruction + my realm with other things. To copy and paste in the folder above, then go into the files and change this line:
"accountId":"76561198095905802" by the account number you will find in the same folder (you have a file named Account_76561198095905802 where 76561198095905802 is your number)