Secrets Of Grindea table by Igromanru

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Secrets Of Grindea table by Igromanru

Post by igromanru »

Here is my table for the game:

The table was made with the GOG version, but it should work for the Steam version as well.
It may take a bit until the script "Initialize table" is activated, please be patient.
Please report any problems you get.
If a script can't be activated, right-click on it and see what the error message at the top of the context menu says.

  • Scripts
    • Debug mode (Don't use in Arcade without AC bypass!)
    • Player
      • Damage Multipliers (scripts group)
      • Movement Speed Multiplier
      • No Clip (CTRL+N)
      • Take No Damage
      • Take No Shield Damage
      • No Energy Consumption
      • No Energy Blocks (from summons)
      • No Arrows Consumption
      • Bow Stretch Time
      • No Potion Cooldown
      • No Skill/Talent Points Consumption (on upgrade)
      • Infinite Money
      • Exp Multiplier
      • Item PickUp Radius
      • Dupe Item by dropping
      • Free Crafting
    • Enemies
      • One Hit Enemies
      • Always Drop All Possible Loot
      • Always Drop Cards (unique)
    • Environment
      • Destroyable Container Always Drop Loot (Boxes, Jars, Barrels)
    • Pet
      • Free Feeding (doesn't consume food when feeding)
      • Instant Catch Pet (skips the minigame)
    • Fishing
      • Instant Bite
      • Freeze Fish
      • Skip Fishing Minigame
    • Arcade Mode
      • AntiCheat Bypass (scripts series)
      • Challenges (scripts group dedicated to different challenges)
        • Base Challenge -> End Time (Works for most challanges with a timer)
        • Arbitrary Time Challenge (Math / Block / Destroy Rock Puzzles) -> Instant Win
        • Individual Arbitrary Time Challenge (Open Chests, Light Torches, Archery) -> Instant Win
        • Hit the Target / Archery Challenge
          • No Arrows Consumption
          • Can't Lose
          • Instant Win
        • Don't Get Hit Challenge -> Instant Win
        • Quiz Game Challenge -> Always Win
        • Perfect Guard Challenge -> Always Perfect Guard against Enemies
        • Chicken Chase Challenge -> Instant Win
        • Kill Statues At Same Time Challenge -> Instant Win
      • Infinite Arcade Gold
      • Infinite Essence
      • Disable Replay Recording
  • Pointers (Pointers are mainly for debug reasons and to play around)
    • Game1 Pointer
      • xLocalPlayer (PlayerView)
        • xEntity (PlayerEntity)
          • xBaseStats
        • xInventory
          • iMoney
          • iMaxPotions
How to use the table?
1. Start the game and load your save or start a new game
2. Start CE and open the table
3. Activate the first script with name "Secrets Of Grindea vXYZ - Table vXYZ" to initialize the table
It will attach Cheat Engine to the game automatically. Also the script needs few seconds to initialize .NET symbols
4. You can now activate scripts that you want, if some scripts won't activate, use right-click on them to see the error.
If you get errors, try to attach CE to the "Secrets Of Grindea.exe" yourself then repeat step 3.

If you have trouble activating the table, try following:
  • First: Try to attach CE manually to the game, then activate the initializer script
  • Second: If you still get .NET/dotNET errors, try to reinstall [Link] from the official site
  • Compact View Mode: After activating the initializer script a new option appears in CE's menu bar at the top. You can use the Compact View Mode to see more scripts at once.
  • You can use No Clip to easily solve puzzles. For the stone pushing puzzles, just make sure that you walk as near as possible to the stone that you want to push before disabling No Clip, then you should be able to push it.
  • You can assign hotkeys to each script. Right-click on the script and select "Set hotkeys", the rest should be self-explanatory.
  • If you're stuck with Math Puzzles, there is a [Link] by [Link].
Arcade Mode AntiCheat Info
The Arcade Mode has an "AntiCheat" system, this is how it works
General Information
During an Arcade Mode run the game collects MetaData. These MetaData are send to Leaderboard servers (Steam or GOG) after a "Game Over" or when you upload them by yourself.
MetaData contains:
- Score
- Floor progress
- Character's appearance (gender, skin color, poncho color, shirt color, pants color, hair color, shoe color, hairdo, hat, facegear)
- Catalysts
- Main Spell
- Secondary Spell
- Rounds Played
- Time Played
- Arrows Fired
- Arrows Picked up
- 2 flags for suspicious Stats (cheated stats flag)
- Enemies Killed
- Damage Taken
- Room S Ranks (How many rooms were completed with S rank)
- Floor S Ranks (How many Floors were completed with S rank)
- Score Triggers (How often the score were change through game's actions)
- Combined Stats
- Character Level
- Allocated Skillpoints through out the run (over 37 is a red flag)
- Curse and Treat Slow A
- Curse and Treat Slow B
- Curse and Treat Slow C
- Short seed of the first floor

Detection vectors
The game has two primary ways to "detect" cheaters.
1. Stats verification after Game Over.
The BaseStats class has multiple fields that hold "base" stats, like iBaseATK, iHP, iMaxHP etc., for each stat there are two additional fields, first extra field is the one that is used in an equation with the base stat to match the second additional field. (e.g. base stat + extra field 1 == extra field 2)
So what happens, people just search for values with CE, find the base stat, e.g. HP and change it. In this case the game will detect modification of base stats at the end of the game and flag your arcade run as suspicious. To avoid this detection you can just use my scripts for cheating, instead of modifying any values. Even if you don't modify any values directly, I still recommed to use bypasses scripts.

2. Score verification after Game Over
Same game for the Score detection. The game has a checksum (currently =score * 3) that gets updated each time the Score changes, if you change the actually score value without changing the checksum, your game will be flagged as suspicious.
However, the "Bypass Score Checksum Check" script solves the problem.

Potential server side MetaData detections
- Fired 20 more arrows than picked up (Use "Equate Fired and Collected Arrows" script or better all AC Bypass scripts)
- Allocated more than 37 skill points (found the number in correlation with cheater scoreboard)
- 0 or less damage taken (0 damage runs are legit, but be mindful about them)
- Time played relative to score / floor level etc.
- Score triggers (how often score were modified) (If you cheat the score value and die right away on the first floor, it will be obvious)
- Enemies killed relative to floor level, score etc..

Leaderboard Shadowbans
According to old official forums posts of the Dev, he can blacklist you from the scoreboard.
But overall, even if your account is not banned, the game won't show your Highscore to other players, if your MetaData contains one or two "suspicious" flags.

AntiCheat Bypass scripts
I've made a series of scripts that patch out client sided detection.
None of the scripts disturbs the flow of the game, therefore I highly recommend to use them while you're in Arcade Mode at all time.

Replay Recording
Replays can be flagged as "cheated", but as far I see they are saved only locally.
You can use "Disable CheatReplay flag" or Bypass Memory Check 1 and 2 scripts to prevent your replays to be flagged.
(I still recommend to simply use all AntiCheat bypass scripts)

As right now I don't have a server connected copy of the game, all the information above comes from analyzing the code.
The information can be slightly inaccurate. I personally have no experience with arcade highscore system nor can I proper test it.
You can DM me your discord name, if you want to help me to improve the table.
Chat / Console Commands
The game has commands that can be executed through the chat (press Enter).
Here is an "official" list of commands that can be used straight forward: [Link]
Some more can be found here: [Link]
Also there are commands that can only be used with "Debug mode", you need to activate the script before you can use them.
I've compiled a list of these commands below:
List of Chat Commands, that can be used after activating the "Debug mode"
godmode = enables god mode (Server only)
100pct = Completes all quests
sethp [hp value] = sets current HP (Server only)
setmaxhp [hp value] = sets Max HP (Server only)
setep [energy value] = Sets current Energy (Server only)
setmaxep [energy value] = Sets Max Energy (Server only)
exp = Give all players as much Exp as a lvl50 boss would be killed
arrows = Gives max amount of arrows
setbow [blow level] = Sets bow to specific level, can be between 1 and 6
respec / refund = Resets characters stats like skills and talents
repet / resetpet = Resets pets stats
noclip = toggles game's native No Clip
addrandombadge (Arcade mode) = Gives you a random badge
addbadge / ab [badge name] = Gives you a badge based in it's name
noessence = set essences to 0 (Arcade mode)
maxessence = set essences to 999 (Arcade mode)
essence = Adds 20 to essence (Arcade mode)
goldessence = Adds 20 to Golden Essence (Arcade mode)
wdown [position] [height] = Creates a wall at given position
addgold [gold amount] = Add gold
setgold [gold amount] = Set gold amount
setlevel [level] = Set player level
equip = Gives a bunch of equipment (maybe I'll make a list later)
equipp = (yes with 2 pp) Sets level to 20 gives a banch of equipment and skills. (It's a debug function for the dev)
killme = kill the player
killall = kill all players
dcspawn = Spawn a damage test dummy
dc3spawn = Spawn 3 damage test dummies
tp [x] [y] = Teleport to specific coordinates
atk [value] = Set base attack damage
matk [value] = Set base magic attack
aspd [value] = Set attack speed
def [value] = Set Defence value
cspd [value] = Set Cast Speed
crit [value] = Set Crit Chance Bonus
betman = Sets current bet to "No Damage Clear" (Arcade mode)
nurse = Sets RoomWithoutNurse to 10000 (no idea what it means) (Arcade mode)
bagman [param1] [param2] = (No idea what it does) (Arcade mode)
debug / debugflag [flag name] = Toggles a specific debug flag
score [value] = Add to current Arcade mode score
save = Save current character to file 100
load = Load character from file 100
goboss = Sets current floor to the boss room (Arcade mode)
gochestisland = Sets current level to 11th floor (Host only) (Arcade mode)
gochallenge / gc = Sets current floor to challenge room (not sure) (Host only) (Arcade mode)
goevent = Sets current floor to the event room (Host only) (Arcade mode)
goshop = Sets current floor to the shop room (Host only) (Arcade mode)
nextfloor = Transfers to the next level (Arcade mode)
_rollitem = Get a random item (Arcade mode)
gofloor / gf [floor number] = Transfers to selected floor number (Arcade mode)
reseedfloor [floor] [seed] = Changes the seed of the current floor (Arcade mode)
crystal = Activates Timeshift Crystal (Arcade mode)
restartfloor = Time Crystal Effect (Arcade mode)
dojo [challenge type] = Enter Dojo challenge (Types: 0 = None, 1 = UltraBasic, 2 = PillarMountains, 3 = DoubleBee, 4 = Evergrind, 5 = Halloween, 6 = Jacks, 7 = FlyingFortress, 8 = Seasonne, 9 = Marino, 10 = SmashieBashie, 11 = SeasonChange, 12 = MtBloom, 13 = TaiMing) (Arcade mode)
_floor [number] = Sets character floor progress (Arcade mode)
forcesave = Creates snapshot/save of the current run (Arcade mode)
dropgear = Drop 10 random items (Arcade mode)
opensesame / op = Open floor's door (Arcade mode)
halloready = Give 8 lvl up bonuses, 6 Talent Points, 1 Skill point, Iron Sword, Iron Shield, Strawboater Hat, Blindfold and set current floot to level 2 (Arcade mode)
rl / rl2 = Make char OP. HP and Max HP = 100000, Ep and Max Ep = 100000, ATK = 500 + 150 * current floor number, same for MATK, 50 Skill points each (!!Records Cheats!!) (Arcade mode)
recordstart = Start replay recording (Arcade mode)
endreplay = End replay recording (Arcade mode)
Table Changelog

Table update 05.12.2024 (Table v1.11.1, Game v1.03c):
- Fix Movement Speed Multiplier script
- Fix Destroyable Container Always Drop Loot script
- Fix Disable Replay Recording script
Table update 21.04.2024 (Table v1.11, Game v1.01a):
- Add Always Drop All Possible Loot script (Enemies)
- Add Destroyable Container Always Drop Loot script
Table update 20.04.2024 (Table v1.10.1, Game v1.01a):
- Add better check if the process is already open
- Add version check
Table update 14.04.2024 (Table v1.10, Game v1.01a):
- Add Hit the Target -> No Arrows Consumption script
- Add Hit the Target ->Instant Win script
- Add Quiz Game Challenge -> Always Win script
- Add Individual Arbitrary Time Challenge -> Instant Win script
- Add Hit the Target -> Can't Lose script
- Add Don't Get Hit Challenge -> Instant Win script
- Add Perfect Guard Challenge -> Always Perfect Guard against enemies script
- Add Chicken Chase Challenge -> Instant Win script
- Add Arbitrary Time Challenge -> Instant Win script
- Add Kill Statues At Same Time Challenge -> Instant Win script
Table update 13.04.2024 (Table v1.9, Game v1.01a):
- Add Base Challenge Hacks script
- Add Don't Get Hit Challenge -> Instant Win script
Table update 06.04.2024 (Table v1.8, Game v1.01a):
- Add Equate Fired and Collected Arrows (AC Bypass) script
- Add Physical Damage Multiplier script
- Add Wand Projectile Multiplier script
- Add Fire Damage Multiplier script
- Add Ice Damage Multiplier script
- Add Earth Damage Multiplier script
- Add Wind Damage Multiplier script
- Add Bow Stretch Time script
- Add Chicken Chase - Always Win script
Table update 29.03.2024 (Table v1.7, Game v1.01a):
- Add Infinite Arcade Gold script
- Add Infinite Essence script
- Add Freeze Dojo Challenge Timer script
- Add Freeze Dojo Challenge Defeat Counter script
Table update 29.03.2024 (Table v1.6.1, Game v1.01a):
- Add a way to disable the Debug mode
- Fix Instant Catch Pet address
Table update 28.03.2024 (Table v1.6, Game v1.01a):
- Add Enable Debug mode script
- Add a series of AntiCheat Bypass scripts
- Add Disable Replay Recording script
- Add Hotkey CTRL+N to toggle No Clip script
Table update 28.03.2024 (Table v1.5, Game v1.01a):
- Add Take No Shield Damage script
- Fix No Skill/Talent Points Consumption script
- Use function addresses from .Net interface instead of reloading dotNet symbols
Table update 25.03.2024 (Table v1.4, Game v1.01a):
- Add Free Crafting script
- Add Instant Catch Pet script
Table update 24.03.2024 (Table v1.3, Game v1.01a):
- Rework/Fix Skip Fishing Minigame script
- Add No Clip script
- Add No Energy Blocks script
Table update 23.03.2024 (Table v1.2, Game v1.01a):
- Add Item PickUp Radius script
- Add Pet Free Feeding script
- Add Fishing Instant Bite script
- Add Fishing Freeze Fish script
- Add Skip Fishing Minigame script
Table update 23.03.2024 (Table v1.1, Game v1.01a):
- Add Movement Speed Multiplier script
- Add table version to keep a better track of table updates
Table update 23.03.2024 (v1.01a):
- Improve No Arrows Consumption AOB
- Improve Dupe Item by dropping AOB
Table update 23.03.2024 (v1.00b):
- Initial release

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
Secrets Of Grindea.CT
Table v1.11.1, Game v1.03c
(264.58 KiB) Downloaded 246 times
Secrets Of Grindea.CT
Table v1.11, Game v1.01a
(264.49 KiB) Downloaded 1007 times
Secrets Of Grindea.CT
Table v1.10.1, Game v1.01a
(257.9 KiB) Downloaded 87 times
Secrets Of Grindea.CT
Table v1.10, Game v1.01a
(256.41 KiB) Downloaded 125 times
Secrets Of Grindea.CT
Table v1.9, Game v1.01a
(238.97 KiB) Downloaded 94 times
Last edited by igromanru on Thu Dec 05, 2024 4:49 pm, edited 50 times in total.

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Re: Secrets Of Grindea table by Igromanru

Post by xduduhao »


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Re: Secrets Of Grindea table by Igromanru

Post by Blackthorn11 »

Wanted to confirm (since the original shadow ban response came from me) That the shadow ban in arcade mode is real. I actually tested again on a fresh steam account for giggles and was shadow banned again so don't do like I did LOL. Also Nice table!

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Re: Secrets Of Grindea table by Igromanru

Post by igromanru »

Blackthorn11 wrote:
Thu Mar 28, 2024 9:31 pm
Wanted to confirm (since the original shadow ban response came from me) That the shadow ban in arcade mode is real. I actually tested again on a fresh steam account for giggles and was shadow banned again so don't do like I did LOL. Also Nice table!
Can you please provide me with more information? What exactly does the shadowban do and what exactly have you done?
Have you tried out my AntiCheat Bypass scripts?
From what I've seen in the game code, the game pulls highscore entries from the server, then filter out flagged scores, unless you have the "debug mode" on. This way the Dev can see cheated highscores as well.
It might work from Steam to GOG a bit different, I've to look into the code again.

EDIT: I guess "banning" is possible. No idea what they can do with this information on the server, but there is a "bIsConfirmedCheater" field that comes from the server.

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Re: Secrets Of Grindea table by Igromanru

Post by Blackthorn11 »

igromanru wrote:
Thu Mar 28, 2024 10:37 pm
Blackthorn11 wrote:
Thu Mar 28, 2024 9:31 pm
Wanted to confirm (since the original shadow ban response came from me) That the shadow ban in arcade mode is real. I actually tested again on a fresh steam account for giggles and was shadow banned again so don't do like I did LOL. Also Nice table!
Can you please provide me with more information? What exactly does the shadowban do and what exactly have you done?
Have you tried out my AntiCheat Bypass scripts?
From what I've seen in the game code, the game pulls highscore entries from the server, then filter out flagged scores, unless you have the "debug mode" on. This way the Dev can see cheated highscores as well.
It might work from Steam to GOG a bit different, I've to look into the code again.

EDIT: I guess "banning" is possible. No idea what they can do with this information on the server, but there is a "bIsConfirmedCheater" field that comes from the server.
This was from the developer himself in 2015 since then I know they changed a few things but basically you just get set on a separate leaderboard with other cheaters here is the comment from the dev. [Link]

It's been quite a few years I don't remember what cheats I used I just know my score was so much higher than the 1st place legit players and within a few hours it was removed and I noticed on my next attempt i was on a scoreboard with other cheaters ( blacklist)

Nope haven't tried your AntiCheat bypass I'm not even sure your script was around in 2019 the first time I got banned. Also this was all steam. Sorry don't have much more info then that but it's been a long time.

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Re: Secrets Of Grindea table by Igromanru

Post by igromanru »

Blackthorn11 wrote:
Thu Mar 28, 2024 11:11 pm
This was from the developer himself in 2015 since then I know they changed a few things but basically you just get set on a separate leaderboard with other cheaters here is the comment from the dev. [Link]
The developer is not very specific how exactly it works. I guess he has overall the power to blacklist people by their SteamID.
The only way to know for sure if you can actually see cheated scores is by enabling the debug mode and visit the leaderboard.
From my current knowledge of the code, like I said before, cheated entries are filtered locally, so the developer can see all entries with his "debug in release" build. My script can enable the same feature, but I've a "free" version of the game and I'm not planning to buy the game right now.
But obviously it doesn't exclude a server-sided shadowban system.
Blackthorn11 wrote:
Thu Mar 28, 2024 11:11 pm
Nope haven't tried your AntiCheat bypass I'm not even sure your script was around in 2019 the first time I got banned. Also this was all steam. Sorry don't have much more info then that but it's been a long time.
You wrote that you tested with a new account, so I thought you had tested it recently.
Blackthorn11 wrote:
Thu Mar 28, 2024 9:31 pm
... I actually tested again on a fresh steam account for giggles and was shadow banned again so don't do like I did LOL. ...

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Re: Secrets Of Grindea table by Igromanru

Post by Blackthorn11 »

igromanru wrote:
Fri Mar 29, 2024 12:53 am
You wrote that you tested with a new account, so I thought you had tested it recently.
Nah I meant a year or 2 afterwards thinking maybe it was just a beta thing. But yeah not 100% how it works i just know you get removed from leaderboard and stuck with a bunch of other blacklisted people of some sort. But honestly the arcade mode is a small portion of the game imo.

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Re: Secrets Of Grindea table by Igromanru

Post by igromanru »

Blackthorn11 wrote:
Fri Mar 29, 2024 4:19 am
igromanru wrote:
Fri Mar 29, 2024 12:53 am
You wrote that you tested with a new account, so I thought you had tested it recently.
Nah I meant a year or 2 afterwards thinking maybe it was just a beta thing. But yeah not 100% how it works i just know you get removed from leaderboard and stuck with a bunch of other blacklisted people of some sort. But honestly the arcade mode is a small portion of the game imo.
Would you mind to fire up your shadowbanned account and test few things out?
For starters, I would like to know if you can see the online Highscore at all. Then I would like to know what you can see with the "Debug mode" enabled.
Also maybe by now your ban was lifted, since the game was officially released, there is a chance that the Dev removed old blacklist.
If you're gonna to cheat, I recommend to use scripts only and always use AntiCheat Bypass scripts, they can't harm.

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Re: Secrets Of Grindea table by Igromanru

Post by Blackthorn11 »

igromanru wrote:
Fri Mar 29, 2024 8:14 am
Blackthorn11 wrote:
Fri Mar 29, 2024 4:19 am
igromanru wrote:
Fri Mar 29, 2024 12:53 am
You wrote that you tested with a new account, so I thought you had tested it recently.
Nah I meant a year or 2 afterwards thinking maybe it was just a beta thing. But yeah not 100% how it works i just know you get removed from leaderboard and stuck with a bunch of other blacklisted people of some sort. But honestly the arcade mode is a small portion of the game imo.
Would you mind to fire up your shadowbanned account and test few things out?
For starters, I would like to know if you can see the online Highscore at all. Then I would like to know what you can see with the "Debug mode" enabled.
Also maybe by now your ban was lifted, since the game was officially released, there is a chance that the Dev removed old blacklist.
If you're gonna to cheat, I recommend to use scripts only and always use AntiCheat Bypass scripts, they can't harm.
Sure let me hop on steam and install and get back to you. Is the Anticheat bypass built into your current table or is it separate?

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Re: Secrets Of Grindea table by Igromanru

Post by igromanru »

We have moved the discussion into DMs.
I'll update the thread with important info if we discover something new.

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Re: Secrets Of Grindea table by Igromanru

Post by lazymonkey »

Just wanted to say thanks for creating this table. For me personally, you changed this game from something I really disliked into something I really enjoy playing.

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Re: Secrets Of Grindea table by Igromanru

Post by igromanru »

lazymonkey wrote:
Sat Mar 30, 2024 11:29 am
Just wanted to say thanks for creating this table. For me personally, you changed this game from something I really disliked into something I really enjoy playing.
You're welcome, if you like it, please press the "like" button on the top right border of the post to rate it positive.

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Re: Secrets Of Grindea table by Igromanru

Post by Josh »

igromanru wrote:
Sat Mar 23, 2024 12:56 pm
Here is my table for the game:

The table was made with the GOG version, but it should work for the Steam version as well.
It may take a bit until the script "Initialize table" is activated, please be patient.
Please report any problems you get.
If a script can't be activated, right-click on it and see what the error message at the top of the context menu says.

  • Scripts
    • Debug mode (Don't use in Arcade without AC bypass!)
    • Player
      • Movement Speed Multiplier
      • No Clip (CTRL+N)
      • Take No Damage
      • Take No Shield Damage
      • No Energy Consumption
      • No Energy Blocks (from summons)
      • No Arrows Consumption
      • No Potion Cooldown
      • No Skill/Talent Points Consumption (on upgrade)
      • Infinite Money
      • Exp Multiplier
      • Item PickUp Radius
      • Dupe Item by dropping
      • Free Crafting
    • Enemies
      • One Hit Enemies
      • Always Drop Cards (unique)
    • Pet
      • Free Feeding (doesn't consume food when feeding)
      • Instant Catch Pet (skips the minigame)
    • Fishing
      • Instant Bite
      • Freeze Fish
      • Skip Fishing Minigame
    • Arcade Mode
      • AntiCheat Bypass (scripts series)
      • Infinite Arcade Gold NEW
      • Infinite Essence NEW
      • Disable Replay Recording
  • Pointers (Pointers are mainly for debug reasons and to play around)
    • Game1 Pointer
      • xLocalPlayer (PlayerView)
        • xEntity (PlayerEntity)
          • xBaseStats
        • xInventory
          • iMoney
          • iMaxPotions
How to use the table?
1. Start the game and load your save or start a new game
2. Start CE and open the table
3. Activate the first script with name "Secrets Of Grindea vXYZ - Table vXYZ" to initialize the table
It will attach Cheat Engine to the game automatically. Also the script needs few seconds to initialize .NET symbols
4. You can now activate scripts that you want, if some scripts won't activate, try to repeat the 3rd step

  • You can use No Clip to easily solve puzzles. For the stone pushing puzzles, just make sure that you walk as near as possible to the stone that you want to push before disabling No Clip, then you should be able to push it.
  • You can assign hotkeys to each script. Right-click on the script and select "Set hotkeys", the rest should be self-explanatory.
  • If you're stuck with Math Puzzles, there is a [Link] by [Link].
Arcade Mode AntiCheat Info
The Arcade Mode has an "AntiCheat" system, this is how it works
General Information
During an Arcade Mode run the game collects MetaData. These MetaData are send to Leaderboard servers (Steam or GOG) after a "Game Over" or when you upload them by yourself.
MetaData contains:
- Score
- Floor progress
- Character's appearance (gender, skin color, poncho color, shirt color, pants color, hair color, shoe color, hairdo, hat, facegear)
- Catalysts
- Main Spell
- Secondary Spell
- Rounds Played
- Time Played
- Arrows Fired
- Arrows Picked up
- 2 flags for suspicious Stats (cheated stats flag)
- Enemies Killed
- Damage Taken
- Room S Ranks (How many rooms were completed with S rank)
- Floor S Ranks (How many Floors were completed with S rank)
- Score Triggers (How often the score were change through game's actions)
- Combined Stats
- Character Level
- Allocated Skillpoints through out the run (over 37 is a red flag)
- Curse and Treat Slow A
- Curse and Treat Slow B
- Curse and Treat Slow C
- Short seed of the first floor

Detection vectors
The game has two primary ways to "detect" cheaters.
1. Stats verification after Game Over.
The BaseStats class has multiple fields that hold "base" stats, like iBaseATK, iHP, iMaxHP etc., for each stat there are two additional fields, first extra field is the one that is used in an equation with the base stat to match the second additional field. (e.g. base stat + extra field 1 == extra field 2)
So what happens, people just search for values with CE, find the base stat, e.g. HP and change it. In this case the game will detect modification of base stats at the end of the game and flag your arcade run as suspicious. To avoid this detection you can just use my scripts for cheating, instead of modifying any values. Even if you don't modify any values directly, I still recommed to use bypasses scripts.

2. Score verification after Game Over
Same game for the Score detection. The game has a checksum (currently =score * 3) that gets updated each time the Score changes, if you change the actually score value without changing the checksum, your game will be flagged as suspicious.
However, the "Bypass Score Checksum Check" script solves the problem.

Potential server side MetaData detections
- Fired 20 more arrows than picked up (Use "Equate Fired and Collected Arrows" script or better all AC Bypass scripts)
- Allocated more than 37 skill points (found the number in correlation with cheater scoreboard)
- 0 or less damage taken (0 damage runs are legit, but be mindful about them)
- Time played relative to score / floor level etc.
- Score triggers (how often score were modified) (If you cheat the score value and die right away on the first floor, it will be obvious)
- Enemies killed relative to floor level, score etc..

Leaderboard Shadowbans
According to old official forums posts of the Dev, he can blacklist you from the scoreboard.
But overall, even if your account is not banned, the game won't show your Highscore to other players, if your MetaData contains one or two "suspicious" flags.

AntiCheat Bypass scripts
I've made a series of scripts that patch out client sided detection.
None of the scripts has disturbs the flow of the game, therefore I highly recommend to use them while you're in Arcade Mode at all time.

Replay Recording
Replays can be flagged as "cheated", but as far I see they are saved only locally.
You can use "Disable CheatReplay flag" or Bypass Memory Check 1 and 2 scripts to prevent your replays to be flagged.
(I still recommend to simply use all AntiCheat bypass scripts)

As right now I don't have a server connected copy of the game, all the information above comes from analyzing the code.
The information can be slightly inaccurate. I personally have no experience with arcade highscore system nor can I proper test it.
You can DM me your discord name, if you want to help me to improve the table.
Chat / Console Commands
The game has commands that can be executed through the chat (press Enter).
Here is an "official" list of commands that can be used straight forward: [Link]
Some more can be found here: [Link]
Also there are commands that can only be used with "Debug mode", you need to activate the script before you can use them.
I've compiled a list of these commands below:
List of Chat Commands, that can be used after activating the "Debug mode"
godmode = enables god mode (Server only)
100pct = Completes all quests
sethp [hp value] = sets current HP (Server only)
setmaxhp [hp value] = sets Max HP (Server only)
setep [energy value] = Sets current Energy (Server only)
setmaxep [energy value] = Sets Max Energy (Server only)
exp = Give all players as much Exp as a lvl50 boss would be killed
arrows = Gives max amount of arrows
setbow [blow level] = Sets bow to specific level, can be between 1 and 6
respec / refund = Resets characters stats like skills and talents
repet / resetpet = Resets pets stats
addrandombadge (Arcade mode)
addbadge / ab [badge name]
noessence = set essences to 0 (Arcade mode)
maxessence = set essences to 999 (Arcade mode)
essence = Adds 20 to essence (Arcade mode)
goldessence = Adds 20 to Golden Essence (Arcade mode)
wdown [position] [height] = Creates a wall at given position
addgold [gold amount] = Add gold
setgold [gold amount] = Set gold amount
setlevel [level] = Set player level
equip = Gives a bunch of equipment (maybe I'll make a list later)
equipp = (yes with 2 pp) Sets level to 20 gives a banch of equipment and skills. (It's a debug function for the dev)
killme = kill the player
killall = kill all players
dcspawn = Spawn a damage test dummy
dc3spawn = Spawn 3 damage test dummies
tp [x] [y] = Teleport to specific coordinates
atk [value] = Set base attack damage
matk [value] = Set base magic attack
aspd [value] = Set attack speed
def [value] = Set Defence value
cspd [value] = Set Cast Speed
crit [value] = Set Crit Chance Bonus
betman = Sets current bet to "No Damange Clear" (Arcade mode)
nurse = Sets RoomWithoutNurse to 10000 (no idea what it means) (Arcade mode)
bagman [param1] [param2] = (No idea what it does) (Arcade mode)
score [value] = Add to current Arcade mode score
save = Save current character to file 100
load = Load character from file 100
goboss = Sets current floor to the boss room (Arcade mode)
gochestisland = Sets current level to 11th floor (Host only) (Arcade mode)
gochallenge / gc = Sets current floor to challenge room (not sure) (Host only) (Arcade mode)
goevent = Sets current floor to the event room (Host only) (Arcade mode)
goshop = Sets current floor to the shop room (Host only) (Arcade mode)
nextfloor = Transfers to the next level (Arcade mode)
_rollitem = Get a random item (Arcade mode)
gofloor / gf [floor number] = Transfers to selected floor number (Arcade mode)
reseedfloor [floor] [seed] = Changes the seed of the current floor (Arcade mode)
crystal = Activates Timeshift Crystal (Arcade mode)
restartfloor = Time Crystal Effect (Arcade mode)
dojo [challenge type] = Enter Dojo challenge (Types: 0 = None, 1 = UltraBasic, 2 = PillarMountains, 3 = DoubleBee, 4 = Evergrind, 5 = Halloween, 6 = Jacks, 7 = FlyingFortress, 8 = Seasonne, 9 = Marino, 10 = SmashieBashie, 11 = SeasonChange, 12 = MtBloom, 13 = TaiMing) (Arcade mode)
_floor [number] = Sets character floor progress (Arcade mode)
forcesave = Creates snapshot/save of the current run (Arcade mode)
dropgear = Drop 10 random items (Arcade mode)
opensesame / op = Open floor's door (Arcade mode)
halloready = Give 8 lvl up bonuses, 6 Talent Points, 1 Skill point, Iron Sword, Iron Shield, Strawboater Hat, Blindfold and set current floot to level 2 (Arcade mode)
rl / rl2 = Make char OP. HP and Max HP = 100000, Ep and Max Ep = 100000, ATK = 500 + 150 * current floor number, same for MATK, 50 Skill points each (!!Records Cheats!!) (Arcade mode)
recordstart = Start replay recording (Arcade mode)
endreplay = End replay recording (Arcade mode)
Table Changelog

Table update 29.03.2024 (Table v1.7, Game v1.01a):
- Add Infinite Arcade Gold script
- Add Infinite Essence script
- Add Freeze Dojo Challenge Timer script
- Add Freeze Dojo Challenge Defeat Counter script
Table update 29.03.2024 (Table v1.6.1, Game v1.01a):
- Add a way to disable the Debug mode
- Fix Instant Catch Pet address
Table update 28.03.2024 (Table v1.6, Game v1.01a):
- Add Enable Debug mode script
- Add a series of AntiCheat Bypass scripts
- Add Disable Replay Recording script
- Add Hotkey CTRL+N to toggle No Clip script
Table update 28.03.2024 (Table v1.5, Game v1.01a):
- Add Take No Shield Damage script
- Fix No Skill/Talent Points Consumption script
- Use function addresses from .Net interface instead of reloading dotNet symbols
Table update 25.03.2024 (Table v1.4, Game v1.01a):
- Add Free Crafting script
- Add Instant Catch Pet script
Table update 24.03.2024 (Table v1.3, Game v1.01a):
- Rework/Fix Skip Fishing Minigame script
- Add No Clip script
- Add No Energy Blocks script
Table update 23.03.2024 (Table v1.2, Game v1.01a):
- Add Item PickUp Radius script
- Add Pet Free Feeding script
- Add Fishing Instant Bite script
- Add Fishing Freeze Fish script
- Add Skip Fishing Minigame script
Table update 23.03.2024 (Table v1.1, Game v1.01a):
- Add Movement Speed Multiplier script
- Add table version to keep a better track of table updates
Table update 23.03.2024 (v1.01a):
- Improve No Arrows Consumption AOB
- Improve Dupe Item by dropping AOB
Table update 23.03.2024 (v1.00b):
- Initial release
Hi i could not get table to work. i have latest gog version and ce7.5 however after i attach the process and load table i click the box "secrets of grindea v101a - table v1.7 which then pops up error saying Inject Error : 80070002 then pops up with Error .Net Interface couldn't be loaded. no idea whats wrong

Many thanks

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Re: Secrets Of Grindea table by Igromanru

Post by igromanru »

Josh wrote:
Sat Mar 30, 2024 10:29 pm
Hi i could not get table to work. i have latest gog version and ce7.5 however after i attach the process and load table i click the box "secrets of grindea v101a - table v1.7 which then pops up error saying Inject Error : 80070002 then pops up with Error .Net Interface couldn't be loaded. no idea whats wrong

Many thanks
Hi, are you executing Cheat Engine as administrator?

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Re: Secrets Of Grindea table by Igromanru

Post by Josh »

igromanru wrote:
Sun Mar 31, 2024 7:59 am
Josh wrote:
Sat Mar 30, 2024 10:29 pm
Hi i could not get table to work. i have latest gog version and ce7.5 however after i attach the process and load table i click the box "secrets of grindea v101a - table v1.7 which then pops up error saying Inject Error : 80070002 then pops up with Error .Net Interface couldn't be loaded. no idea whats wrong

Many thanks
Hi, are you executing Cheat Engine as administrator?
Thank you for a reply. yes i run cheat engine as admin.
Steps i take is
1. run game
2. start cheat engine as admin
3 load cheat table which auto attaches game process
4. tick the top box named secrets of grindea xxx- table vxxx which then pops up the error message.

i do have microsoft xna installed

Edit: This is the error when i right click the top table option
<<Lua Error in the script at line 7:[string "local syntaxcheck,memrec=... ..."]:9: Error: .NET Interace couldn't be loaded!Attach CE to the game process and try again.>>

CE is attached to the game process.

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