Naheulbeuk's Dungeon Master

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Naheulbeuk's Dungeon Master

Post by Csimbi »

Here's a table I made for this game. Main menu says 1.6.8242.27255

The script included provides:
- Resource Pointers; Gold and Reputation
- Move Speed Mod; scales movement speed of everyone (friendlies and foes alike).
- Salary Mod; scales the amount of salaries paid to your minions
- Dismiss Cost Mod; scales the amount of fee paid to your minions when you dismiss them
- Build Time Mod; scales the amount of time it takes for builders to pull up structures
- Destroy Time Mod; scales the amount of time it takes for builders to pull down structures
- Clean Duration Mod; scales the amount of time it takes for cleaner to clean a cell
- Friendly Damage Mod; scales the amount of damage your units deal. Beware of traps, the angry demon and summoned demons because they'll kill your troops real quick.
- Adventurer Damage Mod; scales the amount of damage adventurers deal.
- Mission Grade Mod; scales the power of your troops going on a mission (raid). Very strong teams will cause overflow and the 100% disappears - so remove some candidates until you see the 100% is displayed correctly before clicking start.
- Instant Missions; when enabled, missions are completed instantly.
- Mission Reroll Cost Mod; scales the amount of gold you need to pay to reroll the missions on the map.
- Resource Production Mod; scales the amount of resources added on production.
- Prison Fear Threshold Mod; scales the fear threshold of prisoners. The smaller the number, the faster they die in prison (unless of course you free them before that happens).

I am done with game, no updates are planned as I refunded the game - nice game, but expected more to be honest.
Great for unlock junkies, I suppose - but I ain't one, so the whole campaign felt like a tutorial.
A tutorial which you can only play the way it was designed.
The bugs and other limitations did not help the case of this game, either.
I started with v1.5 and when the 1.6 update dropped, I had to start all over again - so I am pretty sure things will break in the next patch due to the heavy optimization attempts in the code.

Enjoy while it lasts!

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
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