[REQUEST] Pacific Drive

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Re: [REQUEST] Pacific Drive

Post by acecel »

snz wrote:
Sat Feb 24, 2024 11:13 pm
Dashwood wrote:
Sat Feb 24, 2024 7:25 pm

Guess this code didn't work and the post taken down.
Was prompting with partial AOB errors.

Apparently it's been stumping alot of makers here.
Some other scan value, maybe this works for you. Anyway, The code youre looking for is two stack frames up from the point that accesses the total amount of items of a type when crafting the number of times the item is required to craft.
E.g. craft a gear and look for the code that accesses the total amount of scrap 3 times, then go up the call stack from there and remove the call entirely and set al to 0.
If you're removing the call too high up the craft will work but yield no result, if it's too deep inside all item removal will stop working and weird stuff happens (entities with same references but different locations etc.). That's why @acecel code is crashing most likely as it is called every time a item is removed from a container, not only while crafting.

Code: Select all


aobscanmodule(INJECTnouse2,PenDriverPro-Win64-Shipping.exe, 66 66 66 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 8B 16 44 8B C7 ) // should be unique

  xor eax, eax


  db E8 92 ED 01 00


In confirm that your script is working perfectly fine for me, thanks a lot for making a working version of the script i tried to make :mrgreen: 

Now we only miss a way to use items consumable like paint/stickers and all usable tools but unlimited, i tried to do it but was not able to find any value so far, does anyone found a way to do it ?
I speak mostly about items that can't be crafted so it's annoying to use them at the beginning as you may need them later and never drop them ever again.

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Re: [REQUEST] Pacific Drive

Post by DrStalker »

@acecel (and anyone else wanting to avoid lots of energy collection run) energy in the research machine is a 4 byte integer that is 100 times the amount of kLim. So if you have 2.4 kLim of stable energy, search for 240.

I've not tested to see if this also applies to energy stored in the car, but the amount of kLim is shown on lower right of the arc system's screen. I think that is a combined value of all energy types, but I assume the individual energy types would be tracked separately.

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Re: [REQUEST] Pacific Drive

Post by DrStalker »

snz wrote:
Sat Feb 24, 2024 11:13 pm

Some other scan value, maybe this works for you. Anyway, The code youre looking for is two stack frames up from the point that accesses the total amount of items of a type when crafting the number of times the item is required to craft.
E.g. craft a gear and look for the code that accesses the total amount of scrap 3 times, then go up the call stack from there and remove the call entirely and set al to 0.
If you're removing the call too high up the craft will work but yield no result, if it's too deep inside all item removal will stop working and weird stuff happens (entities with same references but different locations etc.). That's why @acecel code is crashing most likely as it is called every time a item is removed from a container, not only while crafting.

<code for free crafting here>
This works for me in 1.1.3, but it's fussy and crashes sometimes especially when disabling the script. Best results results without crashing seem to be:
1) remove crafting materials from backpack
2) Save game
3) open craft bench
4) craft items for free
5) exit craft bench
6) disable script
7) save game to a different slot
8) load game

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Re: [REQUEST] Pacific Drive

Post by whymustyoumove »

DrStalker wrote:
Sun Feb 25, 2024 2:11 am
@acecel (and anyone else wanting to avoid lots of energy collection run) energy in the research machine is a 4 byte integer that is 100 times the amount of kLim. So if you have 2.4 kLim of stable energy, search for 240.

I've not tested to see if this also applies to energy stored in the car, but the amount of kLim is shown on lower right of the arc system's screen. I think that is a combined value of all energy types, but I assume the individual energy types would be tracked separately.

I must be too stupid for this. Been trying nonstop, Scan type 4 Byte. Second scan finds nothing, searching for decreased value finds a ton but nothing around the expected value.

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Re: [REQUEST] Pacific Drive

Post by DrStalker »

whymustyoumove wrote:
Sun Feb 25, 2024 7:22 am
DrStalker wrote:
Sun Feb 25, 2024 2:11 am
@acecel (and anyone else wanting to avoid lots of energy collection run) energy in the research machine is a 4 byte integer that is 100 times the amount of kLim. So if you have 2.4 kLim of stable energy, search for 240.

I must be too stupid for this. Been trying nonstop, Scan type 4 Byte. Second scan finds nothing, searching for decreased value finds a ton but nothing around the expected value.
I've never have issues doing exact scans.

Start with 2.4 kLim - search for 240.

Research something, you have 1.8 kLim left - search for 180.

Research something, you have 0.5kLlim - search for 50.

Each energy type is separate (stable, unstable and corrupt)

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Re: [REQUEST] Pacific Drive

Post by olifr »

@snz: Wow cool work! Works Great.

Oh you were faster. I found this one out this morning ;) Anyway... A question:
Did you find out how many bytes are in between of the values? stable <=> unstable <=>corrupt
So if "Stable" can be found at "1DE9719A7E8" the unstable is at "1DE9719Axxx" somewhere...

Usually its around the same amount so if you dont have any "unstable" or "corrupt" you can find the value by counting.
Sadly I spend to much time to search and so I am not that far in the game 🙈

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Re: [REQUEST] Pacific Drive

Post by Herethos »

Pacific Drive 1.1.3 CL26121
This should not subtract any stable energy when unlocking research, can anyone test if it works with unstable and corrupted too, I'm just like an hour into the game.

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<CheatTable CheatEngineTableVersion="45">
      <Description>"Stable Energy"</Description>
      <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
      <AssemblerScript>{ Game   : PenDriverPro-Win64-Shipping.exe
  Date   : 2024-02-25
  Author : Herethos

  This script does blah blah blah

//code from here to '[DISABLE]' will be used to enable the cheat

aobscanmodule(StableEnergy,PenDriverPro-Win64-Shipping.exe,48 89 01 48 8B 44 24 50 48 83) // should be unique



//  mov [rcx],rax
  mov rax,[rsp+50]
  jmp return

  jmp newmem
  nop 3

//code from here till the end of the code will be used to disable the cheat
  db 48 89 01 48 8B 44 24 50


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: PenDriverPro-Win64-Shipping.exe+ECDAA9

PenDriverPro-Win64-Shipping.exe+ECDA7A: 48 8B C8           - mov rcx,rax
PenDriverPro-Win64-Shipping.exe+ECDA7D: E8 5E C6 FE FF     - call PenDriverPro-Win64-Shipping.exe+EBA0E0
PenDriverPro-Win64-Shipping.exe+ECDA82: 48 89 44 24 28     - mov [rsp+28],rax
PenDriverPro-Win64-Shipping.exe+ECDA87: F3 0F 10 44 24 60  - movss xmm0,[rsp+60]
PenDriverPro-Win64-Shipping.exe+ECDA8D: E8 AE 82 00 00     - call PenDriverPro-Win64-Shipping.exe+ED5D40
PenDriverPro-Win64-Shipping.exe+ECDA92: 48 89 44 24 38     - mov [rsp+38],rax
PenDriverPro-Win64-Shipping.exe+ECDA97: 48 8B 44 24 28     - mov rax,[rsp+28]
PenDriverPro-Win64-Shipping.exe+ECDA9C: 48 8B 00           - mov rax,[rax]
PenDriverPro-Win64-Shipping.exe+ECDA9F: 48 03 44 24 38     - add rax,[rsp+38]
PenDriverPro-Win64-Shipping.exe+ECDAA4: 48 8B 4C 24 28     - mov rcx,[rsp+28]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
PenDriverPro-Win64-Shipping.exe+ECDAA9: 48 89 01           - mov [rcx],rax
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
PenDriverPro-Win64-Shipping.exe+ECDAAC: 48 8B 44 24 50     - mov rax,[rsp+50]
PenDriverPro-Win64-Shipping.exe+ECDAB1: 48 83 C0 18        - add rax,18
PenDriverPro-Win64-Shipping.exe+ECDAB5: F3 0F 10 54 24 60  - movss xmm2,[rsp+60]
PenDriverPro-Win64-Shipping.exe+ECDABB: 48 8B 54 24 58     - mov rdx,[rsp+58]
PenDriverPro-Win64-Shipping.exe+ECDAC0: 48 8B C8           - mov rcx,rax
PenDriverPro-Win64-Shipping.exe+ECDAC3: E8 48 9E FF FF     - call PenDriverPro-Win64-Shipping.exe+EC7910
PenDriverPro-Win64-Shipping.exe+ECDAC8: 48 83 C4 48        - add rsp,48
PenDriverPro-Win64-Shipping.exe+ECDACC: C3                 - ret 
PenDriverPro-Win64-Shipping.exe+ECDACD: CC                 - int 3 
PenDriverPro-Win64-Shipping.exe+ECDACE: CC                 - int 3 
      <Description>Stable Energy :mov [rcx],rax</Description>

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Re: [REQUEST] Pacific Drive

Post by Gumides »

whymustyoumove wrote:
Sun Feb 25, 2024 7:22 am
DrStalker wrote:
Sun Feb 25, 2024 2:11 am
@acecel (and anyone else wanting to avoid lots of energy collection run) energy in the research machine is a 4 byte integer that is 100 times the amount of kLim. So if you have 2.4 kLim of stable energy, search for 240.

I've not tested to see if this also applies to energy stored in the car, but the amount of kLim is shown on lower right of the arc system's screen. I think that is a combined value of all energy types, but I assume the individual energy types would be tracked separately.

I must be too stupid for this. Been trying nonstop, Scan type 4 Byte. Second scan finds nothing, searching for decreased value finds a ton but nothing around the expected value.
i've found it through float actually .. worked like a charm.

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Re: [REQUEST] Pacific Drive

Post by olifr »

The Spacing (in Hex) between "Stable" and "Unstable" is 18.
F.i. if your "Stable" Pointer is 2648ADFDDE8 Stable the "Unstable" will be 2648ADFDE00.
Corrupt should be another 18 higher, but i am not that far in the story.
And i think you have to be far enough in the story. And to have everything from the beginning would also make no sense.

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Re: [REQUEST] Pacific Drive

Post by DrStalker »

The values are not always 0x18 bytes apart; I just checked and right now I have


So if you find one value you can look nearby and expect to find the others, but without a guaranteed offset. It looks like the data in that area is patterned int/float/double/int/float/double/int/float/double with most being set to 0, presumably some sort of datastructure that can store a variable as int, float or double without needing to shuffle memory around.

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Re: [REQUEST] Pacific Drive

Post by rapforcrap »

If you go to settings and turn on that option that allows you to come back to base without losing any items you can dupe any items.


1. Make sure setting is on (Failed Run Penalty = Keep Items)
2. Load up car storage with items you want to dupe.
3. Pick close map spot to drive to.
4. Abandon run when you arrive.
5. Go back to garage with all your items and unload
6. Go back to the SAME location you abandoned your run. You will see your old car there with all the storage boxes on the racks.
7. The storage boxes on your old car will be empty. But if you break them you get your duped items
8. Gather arc energy and extract normally

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Re: [REQUEST] Pacific Drive

Post by yeastmobile »

rapforcrap wrote:
Tue Feb 27, 2024 8:56 am
If you go to settings and turn on that option that allows you to come back to base without losing any items you can dupe any items.


1. Make sure setting is on (Failed Run Penalty = Keep Items)
2. Load up car storage with items you want to dupe.
3. Pick close map spot to drive to.
4. Abandon run when you arrive.
5. Go back to garage with all your items and unload
6. Go back to the SAME location you abandoned your run. You will see your old car there with all the storage boxes on the racks.
7. The storage boxes on your old car will be empty. But if you break them you get your duped items
8. Gather arc energy and extract normally
I can confirm this is not reproduce able on the 1.1.3 patch.

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Re: [REQUEST] Pacific Drive

Post by darktimka »

Ok. work with Durability of tools.
1. Craft brand new tool.
2. Look in inventory at you new tool - look at Durability.
3. First Search that durability in engine (4 bytes, no Fast scan)
4. back to the game, use tool (u see durability bar decrease) - next search with decreased value
5. repeat use tool and search decreased value until u be sure this is your tool.
6. change durability number to "-1"
7. back to game use tool once more (u will see durability bar will become empty, but tool will not be destroyed) - now its infinite tool (it save/load safe)
8. THAT NOT WORK WITH FLASHLIGHT (durability will be infinite, but light cant be turned on)
Last edited by darktimka on Wed Feb 28, 2024 9:16 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [REQUEST] Pacific Drive

Post by olifr »

@DrStalker: You are right. "Unstable" to "Corrupt" is 36 instead of 18. I used my pointer to create the "corrupt Energy" Pointer and finally i got into the dark zone and after i got back the Pointer worked already.

Anyway....Does a higher number help?
Well it reduced the visits and tours a bit... But not much, because you very often have a needed second condition. Like a scan of something.
No after i was in the dark zone it is kind of boring to drive 4-5 maps through to get what? Just another little piece or element?
It feels like dragging out the end unnecessary. Or get longer play times?!? I think a better way would be if we could teleport diretly into a zone or area were we already were.

By the way a always working way to solve a map very quicky is to stop the car at the beginning and use the health pointer and than use speed hack 2x, 3x, 4x and get everything done very quicky. I think after the next bigger update i might quit playing. Because without the help of the Cheats here it´s just burining time for anyone who wants just to play the story.

Thanks anyone for helping 😘

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Re: [REQUEST] Pacific Drive

Post by yeastmobile »

olifr wrote:
Tue Feb 27, 2024 9:39 pm
@DrStalker: You are right. "Unstable" to "Corrupt" is 36 instead of 18. I used my pointer to create the "corrupt Energy" Pointer and finally i got into the dark zone and after i got back the Pointer worked already.

By the way a always working way to solve a map very quicky is to stop the car at the beginning and use the health pointer and than use speed hack 2x, 3x, 4x and get everything done very quicky.
Can you post the updated code? Or how would I use the health pointer and speed hack? I put the script into cheat engine but all I got was "Stable Energy" script to turn on and off.

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