added a new guide + download for a free GG bypass / remover
replaced broken scripts/ code gir489 already fixed.
validated all scripts by checking opcodes
(this doesnt mean everything totally works!)
replaced weapon ID's by the updated ones from gir489
because iam lazy / no reason todo same work twice
added disable code on a few scripts
(more come in next table update)
added a toggle for damage script
( unknown ID = enemy / default)
this is just a quick work in progress / beta table update
there could be stuff not fully workin but at least speedhack and dmg mod works.
also planned to add disable code for all scripts as we are now in bypass requirered land.
and i will add more toggles / user options similar to the "unknown ID = enemy / default" one
so people dont have to open scripts and search stuff / get confused
wohoo 200 pages of HD2 posts
i will look more into it later.