OMGChrist wrote: ↑Tue May 07, 2024 10:48 pm
mov [rcx+0C],#7777 // penetration 1
mov [rcx+10],#7777 // penetration 2
mov [rcx+14],#7777 // penetration 3
mov [rcx+18],#7777 // penetration 4
movd xmm3,[rcx+04]
movd xmm1,[rcx+08]
cvtdq2ps xmm1,xmm1
cvtdq2ps xmm3,xmm3
mulss xmm3, dword ptr [dmg_multiplier]
mulss xmm1, dword ptr [admg_multiplier]
jmp dmg_return
Out of curiosity, what does "#7777" mean? Is it an ID for something? Or the value equaling 7,777 being applied to armor penetration? If I change that to "#10" or "#130" what is happening?
this just overwrites all 4 types of penetration on weapon that are whiteliested to get super damage.
7777 is just a fancy and very high number to ensure that penetration is guaranteed.
usally pen values are somewhere between 1-10.
iam not sure about pen 3 and 4 but this might be for some kind of special conditions.
because there are weapons that have pen 3 and 4 populated even some enemy attacks have them.
[Link] you can get a google spreadsheet with the default values of some weapons / enemy attacks
to answer your question about reducing the pen values.
if you set em down to like 10 you can pen most enemies but not the really big / tough ones
and you cannot pen robot fabricators anymore.
i would keep penetration high and instead change the damage multipliers if you want to play more legit.
this way you can still use standard weapons(AR23, redeemer) and make them usefull.
currently dmg multipliers are x20 what is good for instant kill anything but might be too high if you wanna play with friends.
Eneswar wrote: ↑Wed May 08, 2024 6:31 am
I just want to know if there is a way to get faster badges/levels that works?
use my CE table(in my signature) and use instant mission complete script together with instant shuttle (also part of AIO script with speedhack)
the fastest manual way to get medals and xp.