Guys, please stop begging for "personalized" help or offering money or asking for deleted tables.
I am sick of dealing with scam/fraud reports, you are literally asking to be scammed when you make offers like these.
If someone has a table, they will share in public. If someone doesn't want to share, they are either asking money for it or have nothing and just want to scam you.
If you continue this behavior and get scammed then don't get FRF staff involved.
Infinite Ammo
Infinite Grenades
Infinite Syringes
No Reload(does not work with autocannon, recoilless rifle, spear )
Unlimited Stamina
No Laser Cannon Overheat - The laser cannon does not overheat
Unlimited Mission Time - Unlimited mission time ( the author wrote that he fixed this function but is not 100 percent sure )
go to the GameGuard folder and find the GameGuard.des file and add the number GameGuard1.des to it and while the guart is loading at startup, it may start
Download Helldivers2.rar , move the exe to ...\Helldivers2\bin with replacement .
Infinite Ammo
Infinite Grenades
Infinite Syringes
No Reload(does not work with autocannon, recoilless rifle, spear )
Unlimited Stamina
No Laser Cannon Overheat - The laser cannon does not overheat
Unlimited Mission Time - Unlimited mission time ( the author wrote that he fixed this function but is not 100 percent sure )
go to the GameGuard folder and find the GameGuard.des file and add the number GameGuard1.des to it and while the guart is loading at startup, it may start
Download Helldivers2.rar , move the exe to ...\Helldivers2\bin with replacement .
Remove your delusions about rename the gameguard file.You don't need to do that.You just need to have the old exe file.
This misleads people and causes problems
Has anyone been able to change samples recently? When I try to scan for 4 byte, exact value with CE it just keeps crashing/closing while scanning. It's like it's getting overloaded with how much it has to scan. And Artmoney takes too long to scan that the game eventually detects it and closes and says that game guard has detected cheating
Replaced the exe, got the v4 table working and when launching into a mission it looks like everything but the mission timer works but after about 10-15 mins the game crashes and a pipe API error pops up. Am I missing something? CE is closed before launching into main menu as well [Link]
Last edited by mrbuckwheet on Sat Feb 24, 2024 6:10 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Infinite Ammo
Infinite Grenades
Infinite Syringes
No Reload(does not work with autocannon, recoilless rifle, spear )
Unlimited Stamina
No Laser Cannon Overheat - The laser cannon does not overheat
Unlimited Mission Time - Unlimited mission time ( the author wrote that he fixed this function but is not 100 percent sure )
go to the GameGuard folder and find the GameGuard.des file and add the number GameGuard1.des to it and while the guart is loading at startup, it may start
Download Helldivers2.rar , move the exe to ...\Helldivers2\bin with replacement .
well i couldnt find the stamina myself by using the sig in your thing this sig tho looks like is pointing to proper area
"F3 41 0F 11 08 8B 48 10 E8 01 F6 38 00" => "90 90 90 90 90 8B 48 10 E8 01 F6 38 00"
EDIT: weard shit this one doesnt work but your one works... strange buyt ida shows it differently for me...
and about detections its mostlikely they detecting the jmp routes in asm and claps you xD dont use jmp and override bytes directly
with time he overrides too much 4 bytes are enough but the game still will calculate the time server side tho...
Replaced the exe, got the v4 table working and when launching into a mission it looks like everything but the mission timer works but after about 10-15 mins the game crashes and a pipe API error pops up. Am I missing something? CE is closed before launching into main menu as well [Link]
nevermind, im dumb
Last edited by ikstarven on Sat Feb 24, 2024 6:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.