UPDATE 04.april.2024
table and method still works
(check my signature for guide and table)
showcase fast rescue mission + instant extraction timer:
fixed Las-5 weapon ID
added set health part for godmode
added instant extraction timer (check the video) // waiting 3 minutes for extraction was a pain on helldive...
cleaned up some code in script and sorted table
added all together script for advanced scripts
also cleaned/cut down my forumpost to make it better to read
Hey just want to start off with a big thanks for the damage script,
I was wondering if it would be possible to separate the damage values for primary weapons and Stratagem weapons like the Railgun, Arc Thrower or Quasar Canon ? I only ask as I have been editing the script a little so that primary weapons are a little more legit looking, basically double the default damage, however in doing this it severely reduces the damage of the stratagem weapons.
For example in your script you have the values at 7777 and I have reduced them to 400,40,100,100,100. This then makes the railgun need like 5 bullets just to kill a small enemy.
Thanks either way.
anyone know how to reset this back to default, I dont know what I did but when I open the CT that part is already filled before even starting the game and some scripts will not let me activate them. So any fix to reset that and make some of the scripts able to activate again would be appreciated.
Anyone got a script for quasar no cooldown and maybe instant charge? or legit inf ammo for pump shotguns they'd be willing to share?
I don't think its possible to have "No Cooldown" for the Quasar Cannon atm, it has an internal cooldown that so far as I've seen can't be bypassed but I do have an instant charge for it in my table created by a user named Destinate/SquadZLeader
{ Game : helldivers2.exe
Date : 2024-03-28
Author : Destinate
Instant Charge Quasar
aobscanmodule(QuasarInstantCharge,game.dll,F3 43 0F 10 8C 2E ? ? ? ? F3 41 0F 10 57) // should be unique
well It doesn't have no sway, no bullet spread, instant charge and no heat buildup for all laser weapons. That's all just those 4 options Nothing else I'm very sorry if i'm asking for too much from you
Sure thing! Ill add it!
Yooo can I maybe request a copy of that table?
Feel free to PM for the table. I prefer it that way anyways
Anyone who wants the table can message me for it.
Hi! thanks you so much for ur finding, do you have the full stratagem ID list?
The ID ranges from 1 to 96
For example,
500kg ID=1
Nuke ID =80
I found an editor that can be used by multiple people (only if the current Stratacmp column such as 500kg ID=1 is changed to 80 to become Nuke)
You sure that's the right code? When I added to the list when I hit Assign cheat to current table I couldn't tick the box
Edit: actually i just test it again in the same time with quick charge and aparently it just makes it look like there is no cooldown in the left corner where the weapon is charging, but the cooldown is still there
fixed G-6 Frag Grenade ID
added Instant Mission Complete
(Main Missions, Side Missions, BugHives / BotBases)
table + usage guide in signature
p.s. i wonder how many people wasted money on pay trainer / patreon so far.
maybe a bit less gatekeeping and commercialism would be nice...
p.p.s mission complete based on the map icon (blip) findings by gir489 but i debugged this and wrote the code myself.
fixed G-6 Frag Grenade ID
added Instant Mission Complete
(Main Missions, Side Missions, BugHives / BotBases)
table + usage guide in signature
p.s. i wonder how many people wasted money on pay trainer / patreon so far.
maybe a bit less gatekeeping and commercialism would be nice...
p.p.s mission complete based on the map icon (blip) findings by gir489 but i debugged this and wrote the code myself.
Hi ZoDDeL,
i took the liberty to edit the id of the weapons that were not good in your super damage script and i tested all of them
I put all the wepons in order exactly how they are in the game
i also want to mention that somewhere in the code is also included
idk exactly where, but i tested them and they also have super damage
and we will need also to find ID for
and R-36 ERUPOR
here is the correction of the script if you want to test it yourself and add it to your table Spoiler
aobscanmodule(superDMG,game.dll,66 0F 6E 59 04 66 0F 6E 49 08 0F 5B C9 0F 5B DB) // should be unique
// whitelisted weapons that get super damage
cmp [rcx+00],#48 //#46 // AR-23 Liberator / AR-22C Patriot / AR-48 Truth Whisperer / M-105 Stalwart
je super
cmp [rcx+00],#45 //#43 // AR-23P Liberator Penetrator
je super
cmp [rcx+00],#47 //#45 // AR-23C Liberator Concussive
je super
cmp [rcx+00],#25 //#23 // MP-98 Knight
je super
cmp [rcx+00],#33 //#31 // SMG-37 Defender
je super
cmp [rcx+00],#84 //#82 // SG-8 Punisher (9)
je super
cmp [rcx+00],#95 //#93 // SG-8S Slugger (1)
je super
cmp [rcx+00],#20 //#18 // SG-8P Punisher Plasma (1)
je super
cmp [rcx+00],#113 //#111 // ARC-12 Blitzer (5)
je super
cmp [rcx+00],#98 //#96 // SG-225 Breaker (11)
je super
cmp [rcx+00],#97 //#95 // SG-225SP Breaker Spray&Pray (16)
je super
cmp [rcx+00],#99 //#97 // SG-225BB Breaker Bugbiter (7)
je super
cmp [rcx+00],#100 //#98 // SG-225NS Breaker Nailspitter (11)
je super
cmp [rcx+00],#101 //#99 // SG-255IE Breaker Incendiary (12)
je super
cmp [rcx+00],#292 //#288 // LAS-5 Scythe
je super
cmp [rcx+00],#19 //#17 // LAS-16 Sickle
je super
cmp [rcx+00],#20 //#18 // PLAS-1 Scorcher
je super
cmp [rcx+00],#24 //#22 // P-2 Peacemaker / P-19 Redeemer
je super
cmp [rcx+00],#291 //#287 // LAS-7 Dagger
je super
cmp [rcx+00],#41 //#39 // P-4 Senator
je super
cmp [rcx+00],#123 // AC-8 Autocannon part 1
je super
cmp [rcx+00],#211 // AC-8 Autocannon part 2
je super
cmp [rcx+00],#117 //#115 // MG-206 Heavy Machine Gun
je super
cmp [rcx+00],#21 //#19 // RS-422 Railgun
je super
cmp [rcx+00],#296 //#292 // LAS-98 Laser Cannon
je super
cmp [rcx+00],#111 //#109 // ARC-03 Arc Thrower
je super
cmp [rcx+00],#10 //#9 // GL-21 part 1 Grenade Launcher
je super
cmp [rcx+00],#215 //#212 // GL-21 part 2 Grenade Launcher
je super
cmp [rcx+00],#62 //#60 // MG-43 Machine Gun/ EXO-45 Gatling
je super
cmp [rcx+00],#9 //#8 // FLAM-40 part 1 Flamethrower
je super
//cmp [rcx+00],#303 // FLAM-40 part 2 Flamethrower // shares ID with flame tornados
//je super
cmp [rcx+00],#132 // GR-8 part 1 Recoilless Rifle
je super
cmp [rcx+00],#220 // GR-8 part 2 Recoilless Rifle
je super
cmp [rcx+00],#118 // APW-1 Anti-Material Rifle
je super
cmp [rcx+00],#131 //#129 // EAT-17 part 1 Expendable Anti-Tank
je super
cmp [rcx+00],#184 //#182 // EAT-17 part 2 Expendable Anti-Tank
je super
cmp [rcx+00],#221 //#217 // EAT-17 part 3 Expendable Anti-Tank
je super
cmp [rcx+00],#222 //#218 // LAS-99 part 1 Quasar Cannon
je super
cmp [rcx+00],#223 // LAS-99 part 2 Quasar Cannon
je super
cmp [rcx+00],#143 //#141 // EXO-45 part 1 Patriot Exosuit
je super
cmp [rcx+00],#229 //#225 // EXO-45 part 2 Patriot Exosuit
je super
cmp [rcx+00],#145 // javelin rocket part 1
je super
cmp [rcx+00],#231 // javelin rocket part 2
je super
cmp [rcx+00],#125 // emancipator exo gun part 1
je super
cmp [rcx+00],#212 // emancipator exo gun part 2
je super
cmp [rcx+00],#126 // pelican weapon part 1
je super
cmp [rcx+00],#214 // pelican weapon part 2
je super
cmp [rcx+00],#89 // break action shotgun
je super
// these weapons stay default
cmp [rcx+00],#196 //#194 // G-6 Frag part 1
je superDMG_code
cmp [rcx+00],#107 // G-6 Frag part 2
je superDMG_code
cmp [rcx+00],#208 //#205 // G-12 High Explosive / G-16 Impact
je superDMG_code
cmp [rcx+00],#198 //#195 // G-10 Incendiary
je superDMG_code
cmp [rcx+00],#165 //#163 // G-23 Stun
je superDMG_code
cmp [rcx+00],#198 //#196 // G-123 Thermite
je superDMG_code
// not whitelisted attacks / enemy attacks
// if you dont like this just delete the next 7 lines below
cmp [rcx+04],#0
je superDMG_code
mov [rcx+04],#0 // weapon damage
mov [rcx+08],#0 // armor damage / limp damage?
mov [rcx+0C],#0 // penetration 1
mov [rcx+10],#0 // penetration 2
mov [rcx+14],#0 // penetration 3
// if you dont like this just delete the next 7 lines above
jmp superDMG_code