good day. I don't know how my draft got posted, but it did. I have released a temporary table for now. I'm working on the money dupe and player attack still.
good day. I don't know how my draft got posted, but it did. I have released a temporary table for now. I'm working on the money dupe and player attack still.
What does the Magic Purse and Auto Assemble cheat do?
good day. I don't know how my draft got posted, but it did. I have released a temporary table for now. I'm working on the money dupe and player attack still.
Haven't been able to enjoy the game since the Dmg Multi stopped working... which lined up at the exact same time the devs crippled Player Attack builds with a massive nerf, exasperating the loss of the cheat even more so.
Sure, could just mod the game, but the dynamic adjustment of balancing the damage at anytime to what you wanted and felt comfortable with was such an amazing option. The alternative to retiring the game is to stick to indefinitely, which pretty much rules out multiplayer itself. Le sigh.
Haven't played Palworld since the dmg cheat stopped working
If I could get the dupe glitch to reliably work that would be awesome, but it seems it doesn't work on most servers (PalGuard).
If this is fixed, somebody please let me know and I will try it and report back!
Any current Palworld tables that have working Pal Editors for IVs and passive traits? The one I used to use a couple months ago won't even load that part of the table any more when I try clicking on the checkmark. Any of the current ones I try just change the traits to their filenames and they don't actually apply.