Hi, I'm new to this forum. The attachment is my contribution. Feel free to use it and further improve; if you do, please do credit me x). This is v1 and the table is mainly composed of what I found convenient/necessary + what others needed according to replies in this thread.
Features: (In text in case someone searches on forum)
Skills no consume hp/sp cost
Items no consume
Enemy Auto Full Analysis
Party Edit Anytime in Tartarus
Auto Recover No Cost
Theurgy MAX
EXP multiplier
Unlock all DLC persona comp/fusion
Battle (Team/Enemy ->Lv/Hp/sp/theurgy/status ailments/exp/buffs/skills (read only for enemy)/stats)
Credits to wepon1984 for their CT which helped me.
Not everything is thoroughly tested, there might be bugs. I'm still in June, I intend to add more as I progress.
Let me know if you like it or hate it