Update 20:Added addresses under Elizabeth Request for the Episode Aigis flags. Also added items in the dropdown/quick edit for the Eposide Aigis Elizabeth Fusion Series requests.
Not everything has been tested since I don't have any original save file to test the Elizabeth's Requests flags and fortune teller stuff.
Note 4: Not all the Social Link special fusions will be available until Igor unlocks more Special Fusions.
Note 3: Using Theurgy skills/spells as regular personas skills can freeze the game.
Note 2: If you freeze the date/time and try to advance Romanceable Social Links to the end, there is a change that you will not get the lv 10 key item.
Note: Turns out the game crashes if the Next EXP value gets too big, anything over 999,999 xp will crash the game. Be careful with changing LVLs without changing EXP values. In the same way do not go over 9,999,999 money.
Update 19:Added addresses for Episode Aigis Equipment
Update 18: Added separate addresses for Aigis (Episode Aigis).
Update 17:Updated Pointers and addresses for Episode Aigis update.
Update16: Updated the pointer address for Patch 1.04
Update15: Updated the pointer address for recent update as of Mar 30, 2024
Update14: Added Playtime address and more Social Link flags.
Update 13:Added Bonus HP/SP to each character under stats (Thanks to windgale for the clue). Also added a Difficulty selector
Update 12: Added Theurgy address to the table and also added separate section for HP/SP/Theurgy
Update 11: added number of shadows killed and number of treasure chests opened for Elizabeth's request. Also sorted the skill list by Battle/Passive / Fuka's/Theurgy
Update 10: Added Elizabeth's Fusion series Personas to the quick edit dropdown options.
Update 9:Cleaned up the lists for Personas and Skills, so that they are now in alphabetical order. Also added 2 lines in the quick edit portion of the compendium to quickly fill out the Regular/DLC Personas.
Update 8: Filled out the Quick Entry dropdown with default data for the rest of the personas. This information is from the fusion calculator website, so I can't guarantee that it is 100% correct.
Added the information to the inventory section that was provided by DaVinci030
Update 7: Fixed the registration data for Personas that are in the quick input dropdown list. This is due to the registration address line have a new values for Personas that generate an item when leveling up. Not having it there will crash the game.
Update 6: Added the default information for all the Personas I can access/find without actually making any story progress (Still haven't made it past April 23th).
Update 5: updated the inventory section with more item names for each address still missing the equipment and costume sections.
Added addresses for Social Link levels and points. This is is a best guess for the order as I have not put in the effort yet to find the flags to make the social links show up in the list, but it should be correct.
Update 4: Added all the names to their valid Compendium address location.
Update 3: Fixed the addresses for Protag Persona 11 & 12 .
Added a WIP Compendium list. This still needs more time for me to work on and has the chance to crash the game/corrupt the save if you don't know what you are doing.
Update 2: Fleshed out the skill dropdown more and also added the address for inventory items that I have been able to find that are non dummy or guesses.
Unfortunately I only have access to the first 3 characters, so the weapon/armor/shoes/accessories/costume section will not be fully filled out until I advance enough in the game to get access to the rest of the party.
Update 1:Updated the table with information from arof
Also filled out the skill dropdown list.
Here is what I have for now for the Steam version. A lot of stuff got moved around thanks to the inclusion of new items/persona/skills and the removal of some as well.