The current script for adjusting stack sizes isn't working. When it's activated and you drag more to the original sized stack, the amount doesn't increase and the dragged item just disappears. Any idea how to fix this?
I was messign around with the item changer, and now the items are broken, they cannot be deleted and causes my game to crash if I try to mess with them =(
Today i was messing around with the crafted wards and shields and making ones with the item changer
Basily you have the Item pointer in a 4 byte value and the amount aftyer that in a 4 byte value
the 4 bytes after that determine the in this case wards / shields stats herunder a list of the bytes used for what stat on in this case spectral wards
XX XX XX XX = ItemID Bytes
NN NN NN NN = Amount
XX XX XX XX NN NN NN NN 9C 1B 02 00 = 3 block and 13 parry power lvl 5
XX XX XX XX NN NN NN NN 74 1B 02 00 = 3 block and 36 parry power lvl 14
XX XX XX XX NN NN NN NN 7C 1B 02 00 = 6 block and 43 parry power lvl 16
XX XX XX XX NN NN NN NN 7D 1B 02 00 = 8 block and 60 parry power lvl 20
XX XX XX XX NN NN NN NN AC 1B 02 00 = 9 block and 75 parry power lvl 23
XX XX XX XX NN NN NN NN CF 1B 02 00 = 9 block and 75 parry power lvl 23
Edit; I added the hash as a +8 on the pItem Pointer so we can easily check this hash, it only ever existant on shields and weapons not on armors of any kind.
Edit; it seems like a wierd identifier cause if i copy the hash over from 1 item to the next its gets teh same stat but if i then upgrade 1 weapon i upgrade both so this hash seems like a link to the actual stats
Thanks for the info, with your info, the problem with the stats should be solved completely, changing these "informations" to 00 00 will force the game to 'reroll' the level and stats so you can freely spawn weapons without any issue.
Thanks for the info, with your info, the problem with the stats should be solved completely, changing these "informations" to 00 00 will force the game to 'reroll' the level and stats so you can freely spawn weapons without any issue.
thank i liked your naming scheme of it
I Added a Dropdown to force a Stat reset, saves me mistyping 4x 0
I was thinking, what if during setting item hash we not write the item hash alone
so we dont
"3D 15 3F 1B" as to "replace" the item but instead we do "3D 15 3F 1B 01 00 00 00 00 00" for Gear items specific, Since it wil always be 1 per slot it doent mattter that we overwrite whatever quantity it was to 1 but we are emediatly forcing the 00 00 as stat pointer, and hereby forcing the game to generate / assign new correct ones.
Just tested above situation, it Works like a charm so we can have a One Click solution for creating working gear with this.
Basicly i added a New entry with the Full 10 bytes as AOB entry using the pItem pointer +0, Grabbed a random item moved it around swapped the AOB to "3D 15 3F 1B 01 00 00 00 00 00" A.k.a the Forsaken bow with QTY of 1 and the force stat reset.. moved it to another slot ingame to update and BOOOM a working forsaken bow with stats etc
Now all we need is to compile a list of weapon Entries from the current Change item thing and add "01 00 00 00 00 00" to that and make a "Change to weapon" option ... Good times
;EDIT3: Mindblown
Right Click "Change Item" and change script, Scroll to bottom and find the line that says "writeInteger(Item+8,1)" its actively setting the 1 at this time ( donno why or who came up with it ), if you change that to "writeInteger(Item+8,0)" BOOM instantly working gear creation .. but wait how what .. WHY, so all the time the fix was as easy as literally changing a single number in the script.... i would have expected alot... but never this
If i understood correctly, you're trying to change the whole AoB, from what i could see, only two parts are responsible for stats and stuff, that includes the amount of upgrade 'slots', rarity and effects, you can duplicate the exact informations to another weapon, for example, get a 105 DMG Mace and paste the same DMG value to a Dagger, but be careful, doing this will break stuff, it's interesting but, be careful.
So, you don't need to copy and paste the whole AoB, just a small part.
In this case, my Daggers has the same DMG value of a Mace, very cool stuff. And yes, the changes are permanent.
Deleting the original weapon you're 'cloning' stats will remove the stats from all your weapons you copied the informations, so like i said, be extremely careful.
The Number is just a pointer towards the stats that are somwhere in memory.
And yes you can assign the same pointer to multiple items, Fun fact if you do that and you upgrade 1 weapon you upgrade them both, since you are effectively upgrading the Stat that they are both pointing toward.
anyway, now we just need to find a way to interpretate the pointer towards these stats so we can mod it just like the table from "Atamg" does but then without the need to "upgrade" it
Atleast we can now easily generate new working stats from scratch and work from there by simply changing
Since then we force the value to 0 and thereby forcing new stats.
As said all we need at this point is a way to get to the actual stats in memory by interpretating that pointer