yeah i figured out that The buy equipment works. i just found that if i bought too many items, some would disappear, but that might be the game itself that is the problem and not the cheats, and yeah i believe Item Cooldown was working, i just was not very sure, and thanks a million for updating this, i still believe this is the best set of trainer cheats for this game on the net, at least that i can find, thank you very much .
yeah i figured out that The buy equipment works. i just found that if i bought too many items, some would disappear, but that might be the game itself that is the problem and not the cheats, and yeah i believe Item Cooldown was working, i just was not very sure, and thanks a million for updating this, i still believe this is the best set of trainer cheats for this game on the net, at least that i can find, thank you very much .
Is everything else working for you? Did you test out the Instant Boarding Actions option (pillage and advance)?
sorry, but i haven't been able to test everything yet, i had a major operating system failure, that's why i did not reply to your posts as quick as i would have, am still reinstalling all my games and software, and have yet to install Gemini, but i plan to soon.
Would it be possible to add a Infinite or huge number cheat for the capital ship limit, just curious, as that is a cheat i have always wanted the most, as many others can be added with mods but the capital ship limit is apparently hard coded, and cannot be modded in, so i would need a trainer or cheat table to achieve that one.
edit: am still far behind getting my computer up to standard yet, so i may need a few mores days or even a week before am back to testing, but am looking forward to using your table and trying out the Instant Boarding Actions option, am a big cheat fan and am excited to get back to using your table, and i was enjoying it until my stupid computer failed on me, however i need to rest before continuing to restore my computer setup, due to health problems i need to take regular mental rests.
Would it be possible to add a Infinite or huge number cheat for the capital ship limit, just curious, as that is a cheat i have always wanted the most, as many others can be added with mods but the capital ship limit is apparently hard coded, and cannot be modded in, so i would need a trainer or cheat table to achieve that one.
Actually it can be modded by making the game think that all the capital ships are cruisers (which is what I used to do) but that's a lazy/messy hack.
Starpoint Gemini Warlords CODEX 1.400.0v2
Added: Unlimited Super Capital Ships (Build as many as you want)
yeah you are right, i was actually wrong to state that it could not be modded in, especially since i knew about that mod hack, however as you said its a messy hack and i was worried it would affect the way the AI Reacted to the threat levels and even affect how the ships functioned, needless to say i did not like the idea of doing that mod as it seemed very messy to me too, so i excluded it as a way to mod out the capital ship limit, hence why i stated their was no way to mod it out, its more of a trick than a mod anyway, besides that, thanks a million for adding that cheat, i really do appreciate your hard work, as mentioned early in this thread by someone else, i know you do this for free and in your free time and have a life to lead, so it means a lot to me that you took time out to add that cheat, thanks again .
i cannot enable No Range Limit on Ability Use, just like before your update, and my hull took damage at one point, and am wondering if infinite hull is working properly or not. everything else so far is working.
edit: i think Instant Sublight Speed Decrease/Decelerate (don't have to wait to slow down from Very Fast sublight) is crashing the game. Instant/Faster Acceleration (including Sublight Acceleration) and Instant Sublight (no counter) seem to be working though.
double edit: i got Instant Sublight Speed Decrease/Decelerate (don't have to wait to slow down from Very Fast sublight) working, but i seem to suffer from random crashes, but i think it only happens when am using certain speed based cheats.
i believe I've isolated the problem with the crashing, strangely it seems to have something to do with the paint mode/job, after the crash my paint work was erased and i noticed that and thought it was weird, now I've stopped painting my ship and the crashes have so far stopped, so now am using Instant Sublight Speed Decrease/Decelerate just fine for now, and I've have not had another hull incident, so i may have screwed up and not turned it on in time at one point, however No Range Limit on Ability Use is definitely not working, so as far as i can tell its just No Range Limit on Ability Use, that is not working now.
Yea the paint job stuff is weird. Hell I did not even know you could paint your ship. Yea just skip the painting. I don't know what the deal is with the No Range Limit on Ability Use as when I search for the AOB it always turns up and there is only one result. You can try something. Do a new scan, select Array of Byte (make sure Hex is chaeckeD). Now under Meomory Scan Options make sure Writable, Copy on Write, and Executable are filled in not a check mark but a little black square. No copy this and scan for this:
46 88 AC 3B * * * * 48 8D 55 80 48 8B CF
Should be one result found. Right click on it in the found addresses list and select "Disassemble this memory region." Now, right click, select copy to clipboard and choose Bytes+Opcodes and paste it here for me. This is what I get:
StarpointGeminiWarlords.exe+D7904 - 46 88 AC 3B 10467700 - mov [rbx+r15+00774610],r13l
i got this one, StarpointGeminiWarlords.exe+D7784 - 46 88 AC 3B 309C7600 - mov [rbx+r15+00769C30],r13l, hope this information is useful.
Also a quick question are you using Vanilla Steam or Codex? So I made an alternate and used your address there (mov [rbx+r15+00769C30],r13l)instead of the one I get.
1.400.0v3 ->>Added Alternate No Range Limit on Ability Use option: to 1.400.0 Codex/Steam (hotfix)
Added Alternate No Range Limit on Ability Use option for those of you who cannot activate the No Rang Limit on Ability use option I had one there. Just the normal or the alternate- whichever works for you.
That alternate one should definitely work. Try it out.
am using the good old games version, aka the DRM-Free version.
edit: codex often uses the gog version as the basis for his releases, so the codec version could actually be the gog version, gog is the second most successful digital distribution platform for pc, mac and linux after steam, its growing super fast and may one day eclipse steam, so many cheat makers are now supporting it, e.g. fearlessrevolution sometimes makes gog specific trainers.
No, the codex version is the steam one. That is probably why the slight difference in the address of that option. May even be the reason why crash due to ship paint. Fortunately both versions are similar enough so the options work on both. Did that alternate option work?
haven't checked yet, still reinstalling since the computer failure, so quite busy, i actually installed Gemini ahead of schedule in order to get back to testing sooner, and what i meant was that codex may have been using the gog version, not that he was using the gog version, obviously as you said, he is using the steam version in this case, it was simply a suggestion and a heads up for future tables as it could be useful information, its just he often sometimes does depending on the game, but the gog version has the steam API DLL Files I've noticed, i am guessing for compatibility or in case the game needs to use a steam call, without having to compile 2 builds of the game or something along those lines, i know that the modmanager that comes with the game can still upload to steam workshop, so it may be for that purpose.
edit: any word from Schnitzelmaker yet?,
am going to obtain the codex version to see if the crashing stops, although it will probably take time as i said am still reinstalling everything.
random crashing persists, even with the codex version, i discovered my GOG version excluded the hotfix and that may have been responsible for the issues with the No Range Limit on Ability Use, however the crashing is obviously something else, i could not obtain the 1.400.4 hotfix version from GOG that codex uses, because version 1.410 just came out and they only let you download the latest version, and i could not find another source other than GOG themselves for that version which they've replaced with the latest version, that's the latest news for now. so far all cheats seem to be working, other than the crashing its okay and am not sure if it has anything to do with the cheats. I've not updated to version 1.410 yet, in order to preserve the cheat compatibility.