Anno 2205 Console Command

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Expert Cheater
Expert Cheater
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Anno 2205 Console Command

Post by JJHACKER »

ANNO 2205 Console Enabler

This mod binds the in game console to the (left)Shift + F4 key.

Install: (Backup Please!)
Extract (data19.rda,file.db) in Anno 2205\maindata folder And Replace them.

Use:[Left]Shift + F4
While in game.

This mod is created and tested on:
Anno 2205 - 1.8.3741.13270 (Uplay edition)

To close the console press:
[Left]Shift + F4



Example Command:
console.cheat("Left Ctrl + Space", "console.toggleVisibility()");
console.cheat("Left Ctrl + Left Alt + G", "simulation.cheatAllResources(True)")
console.cheat("Left Shift + Left Ctrl + Left Alt + G", "simulation.cheatAllResources(False)")
console.cheat("Left Ctrl + Left Alt + B", "game.activateCheat(system.Cheat.NO_BUILDCOSTS, True)")
console.cheat("Left Shift + Left Ctrl + Left Alt + B", "game.activateCheat(system.Cheat.NO_BUILDCOSTS, False)")
console.cheat("Left Ctrl + Left Alt + C", "simulation.cheatCredits(True)")
console.cheat("Left Shift + Left Ctrl + Left Alt + C", "simulation.cheatCredits(False)")
console.cheat("Left Shift + Left Alt + C", "simulation.addCredits(-1000)")
console.cheat("Left Ctrl + Left Shift + F", "simulation.cheatFillResidences()")
console.cheat("Left Shift + Left Alt + D", "session.enableAllConstructionAreas()")
console.cheat("Left Ctrl + I", "game.openDebugInfoPage()")
console.cheat("Left Ctrl + Left Shift + I", "render.toggleGameInfoOutput()")
console.cheat("Right Ctrl + Right Shift + F12", "debug.recompileUI()")
# upgrade cheats
console.cheat("Left Ctrl + U", "session.upgradeSelectedForced(0)");
console.cheat("Left Shift + Left Alt + U", "session.upgradeSelectedForced(1)");
# cheat unlock all
console.cheat("Left Alt + U", "game.activateCheat(system.Cheat.UNLOCK_ALL, True)")
# cheat to ignore streat connections
console.cheat("Left Ctrl + Left Alt + Left Shift + S", "game.activateCheat(system.Cheat.IGNORE_STREET_CONNECTIONS, True)")
# unlock voting and docks
console.cheat("Left Ctrl + Left Alt + U", "game.unlock(2001626);game.unlock(2001785)")
#console.cheat("Left Ctrl + Left Shift + S", "game.activateCheat(system.Cheat.TIME_OFFSET, True);game.activateCheat(system.Cheat.SPEEDUP, True);")
console.cheat("Left Shift + 9", "game.increaseSpeed()")
console.cheat("Left Shift + 0", "game.decreaseSpeed()")
console.cheat("Left Alt + T", "session.daytime = session.daytime + 0.05")
console.cheat("Left Ctrl + Left Alt + T", "session.daytime = session.daytime + 0.3")
console.cheat("Left Ctrl + L", "game.toggleLensFlarePostEffect()")
console.cheat("Left Ctrl + Left Shift + O", "game.reconnectToolOne()")
console.cheat("Left Shift + Left Ctrl + B", "session.toggleBuildableArea()")
# exit game
console.cheat("Left Alt + F4", "game.exit()")
console.cheat("Left Alt + Left Ctrl + Left Shift + F5", "game.exit()") # DEBUG
# popup tests
console.cheat("Left Ctrl + Left Shift + 1", "session.showPopup(1)")
console.cheat("Left Ctrl + Left Shift + 2", "session.showPopup(2)")
# Copy and Paste
console.cheat("Left Ctrl + C", "ui.copy()")
console.cheat("Left Ctrl + V", "ui.paste()")
console.cheat("Left Alt + C", "ui.copyBuildStringToClipboard()")
# Camera Sequence Start
#console.cheat ("END", "session.stopSequence()")
console.cheat("Left Ctrl + Left Shift + K", "session.startSequence(0)");
console.cheat("Left Ctrl + Left Alt + Keypad 1", "session.switchCameraControl(system.SessionCameraControl.GAME)")
console.cheat("Left Ctrl + Left Alt + Keypad 2", "session.switchCameraControl(system.SessionCameraControl.FPS)")
# Notifications
console.cheat("Left Shift + 1", "ui.showSideNotification(0, 102490, 1000154, 0)")
console.cheat("Left Shift + 2", "ui.showSideNotification(1, 1, 1000154, 2001021)")
console.cheat("Left Shift + 3", "ui.showSideNotification(2, 1, 1000154, 1)")
console.cheat("Left Shift + 4", "ui.showMainNotification(100174, 100173, 0)")
console.cheat("Left Shift + 5", "ui.showMainNotification(100174, 100173, 100174)")
console.cheat("Left Shift + 7", "ui.showSideNotification(100173, 100173, 100368, 0)");
#console.cheat("Left Shift + 2", "ui.showSideNotification(100174, 100172, \"Karlheinz\", 10000, 100174)")
#console.cheat("Left Shift + 3", "ui.showSideNotification(100173, 0, \"Karlheinz\", 0, 0)")
#console.cheat("Left Shift + 5", "ui.showCharacterNotification(1, 0, 0)")
#console.cheat("Left Shift + 1", "ui.showSideNotification(100172, 100172, 100368, 0, 0)");
#console.cheat("Left Shift + 2", "ui.showSideNotification(100174, 100172, 100368, 10000, 100174)");
# enable fog of discovery
console.cheat("Left Ctrl + Left Alt + F", "session.toggleDiscoveredGrid()");
# OnScreenText
console.cheat("Left Alt + F9", "ui.showDebugOnScreenText()")
# show debug OnScreen Text finished
console.cheat("Left Ctrl + Left Shift + Left Alt + F10", "ui.showDebugOnScreenConstruction()");
# Light Setting
console.cheat("Left Alt + L", "game.toggleLightBoundToCamera()")
# 2.5D Test
console.cheat("Left Ctrl + T", "ui.set25DVisible(True)")
console.cheat("Left Ctrl + Left Shift + T", "ui.set25DVisible(False)")
# Cancel Movie
console.cheat("Left Alt + F7", "ui.abortMovie()")
# Post Effects
console.cheat("Left Ctrl + Keypad 1", "render.setPostEffectDOF(not render.isPostEffectDOFEnabled())")
# Upgrade test
console.cheat("Left Ctrl + 0", "session.getSelectedFactory().addUpgrade(6000001)")
console.cheat("Left Ctrl + 9", "session.getSelectedFactory().removeUpgrade(6000001)")
# console.cheat("Left Ctrl + 8", "session.getSelectedFactory().buildModule(6000002)")
console.cheat("Left Ctrl + 8", "session.getSelectedFactory().buildModule(0)")
# spawn collectable
console.cheat("Left Ctrl + Left Alt + F1", "game.spawnCollectable()")
# change current player
console.cheat("P + 1", "session.setPlayerAsCurrent(1)")
console.cheat("P + 2", "session.setPlayerAsCurrent(2)")
# draw PathPlanner debug stuff
console.cheat("Left Alt + Keypad 0", "session.drawPathplannerLayer(0)")
console.cheat("Left Alt + Keypad 1", "session.drawPathplannerLayer(1)")
console.cheat("Left Alt + Keypad 2", "session.drawPathplannerLayer(2)")
console.cheat("Left Alt + Keypad 3", "session.drawPathplannerLayer(3)")
console.cheat("Left Alt + Keypad 4", "session.drawPathplannerLayer(4)")
console.cheat("Left Alt + Keypad 5", "session.drawPathplannerLayer(5)")
console.cheat("Left Alt + Keypad 6", "session.drawPathplannerLayer(6)")
console.cheat("Left Alt + Keypad 7", "session.drawPathplannerLayer(7)")
console.cheat("Left Alt + Keypad 8", "session.drawPathplannerLayer(8)")
console.cheat("Left Alt + Keypad 9", "session.drawPathplannerLayer(-1)")
console.cheat("Left Alt + Keypad -" , "session.toggleAIDebug()");
# spawn Ship owned by current player at mouse position
# Other GUIDs: TestAttacker = 1000443; Repair Kit = 1001324; Stun Kit = 1002149, Wall = 1001659, kamikazeman = 1002362; Tower = 1001647; Catamaranje = 1000431;
# Spaceport = 1001232; Support Kit = 1001515; NUKE = 1001488; Big Seamine = 1001655; TestSpawnee = 1002228, Enemy = 1001643, Honigbiene = 1003692; Hummel = 1003693;
# Santa Pickup = 1003715; Horse Herd = 1003226;
console.cheat("INSERT", "session.spawnDebugGameObject(1000443)")
console.cheat("Left Alt + INSERT", "session.spawnDebugGameObject(1003226)")
console.cheat("Left Alt + Left Shift + INSERT", "session.spawnDebugGameObject(1003693)")
# show selection info
console.cheat("Left Ctrl + Left Shift + Keypad -", "render.toggleGameInfoOutput()\nrender.setDebugOutputMode('SelectionManager')")
#day / night mode
console.cheat("Left Shift + Left Alt + F10", "session.daytime = 12");
console.cheat("Left Shift + Left Alt + F11", "session.daytime = 0");

console.cheat("Left Alt + V", "session.showVignette(\"data/graphics/ui/vignette/vignette.png\", 1, 1000)");
console.cheat("Left Alt + B", "session.fadeVignette(0, 1000)");
console.cheat("F10", "ui.playIntroSequence()");
console.cheat("Left Shift + P", "game.toggleDevPause()");
console.cheat("Left Ctrl + R", "game.toggleFrameCaptureMode()");
# cheats
console.cheat("Left Shift + Left Alt + 0", "session.loadSession(5100003)");
console.cheat("Left Shift + Left Alt + 1", "session.loadSession(5100002)");
console.cheat("Left Shift + Left Alt + 2", "session.loadSession(5100007)");
console.cheat("Left Shift + Left Alt + C", "simulation.addCredits(-1000)");
console.cheat("Left Ctrl + Left Alt + G", "simulation.cheatAllResources(True)");
console.cheat("Left Shift + Left Ctrl + Left Alt + G", "simulation.cheatAllResources(False)");
console.cheat("Left Ctrl + Left Alt + B", "game.activateCheat(system.Cheat.NO_BUILDCOSTS, True)");
console.cheat("Left Shift + Left Ctrl + Left Alt + B", "game.activateCheat(system.Cheat.NO_BUILDCOSTS, False)");
console.cheat("Left Ctrl + Left Alt + C", "simulation.cheatCredits(True)");
console.cheat("Left Shift + Left Ctrl + Left Alt + C", "simulation.cheatCredits(False)");
console.cheat("Left Alt + F11", "game.cheatSpecialActionCharge(system.SpecialActionType.NUKE)");
console.cheat("Left Alt + F12", "game.cheatManaCharge()");
#console.cheat("Left Ctrl + Left Shift + S", "game.activateCheat(system.Cheat.TIME_OFFSET, True); game.activateCheat(system.Cheat.SPEEDUP, True);");
console.cheat("Left Shift + 9", "game.increaseSpeed()");
console.cheat("Left Shift + 0", "game.decreaseSpeed()");
# debug
console.cheat("Left Shift + Left Ctrl + P", "session.spawnMinimapPing()");
console.cheat("Left Ctrl + K", "");
console.cheat("Left Shift + I", "game.toggleRenderEngineStatistics()");
console.cheat("Left Shift + Q", "game.toggleRenderEngineDepthPrePass()");
console.cheat("Left Shift + L", "game.toggleLevelOfDetailColor()");
console.cheat("Left Ctrl + M", "game.toggleMipMapVisualization()");
console.cheat("Left Ctrl + N", "game.captureRenderEngineStatistics()");
console.cheat("Left Shift + Left Ctrl + B", "session.toggleBuildableArea()");
console.cheat("Left Ctrl + E", "simulation.debugOutput()");
# change current player
console.cheat("Left Ctrl + Left Alt + Left Shift + 1", "session.changeOwningPlayerSelected(1)");
console.cheat("Left Ctrl + Left Alt + Left Shift + 2", "session.changeOwningPlayerSelected(2)");
# change Owner of selected Game Object
console.cheat("Left Ctrl + Left Alt + 1", "session.setPlayerAsCurrent(1)");
console.cheat("Left Ctrl + Left Alt + 2", "session.setPlayerAsCurrent(2)");
# spawn collector vehicle at mouse position
console.cheat("Left Alt + F1", "session.spawnDebugGameObject(1001388)");
# spawn gatherer vehicle at mouse position
console.cheat("Left Alt + F2", "session.spawnDebugGameObject(1000437)");
# spawn collectable at mouse position
console.cheat("Left Alt + F3", "session.spawnDebugGameObject(1001544)");
# kill current gameobject
console.cheat("Left Alt + F5", "session.killGameObject()");
# fire projectile from mousePos to selected Target
console.cheat("Left Alt + F6", "session.fireProjectile()");
console.cheat("Left Alt + F8", "session.fireExplodingProjectile()");
#spawn debug nuke collectable
console.cheat("Left Alt + F10", "session.spawnNukeCollectable()");
# reload session
console.cheat("Left Ctrl + Left Alt + R", "session.reloadSession()");
# Set EventSessionState to won or lost
console.cheat("Left Ctrl + Left Alt + 3", "session.setEventSessionState(True)");
console.cheat("Left Ctrl + Left Alt + 4", "session.setEventSessionState(False)");
# select all event vehicles
console.cheat("Left Ctrl + A", "session.selectAllVehicles()");
# Add Rare Materials
console.cheat("Left Ctrl + Left Shift + 6", "simulation.addMetaProduct(2001399,100)");
console.cheat("Left Ctrl + Left Shift + 7", "simulation.addMetaProduct(6000480,100)");
console.cheat("Left Ctrl + Left Shift + 8", "simulation.addMetaProduct(6000482,100)");
console.cheat("Left Ctrl + Left Shift + 9", "simulation.addMetaProduct(6000484,100)");
# Add/Remove credits/workforce/energy balance
console.cheat("Left Ctrl + Left Alt + 6", "simulation.addMagicOutput(-1,2001001,1.66666)");
console.cheat("Left Ctrl + Left Alt + Left Shift + 6", "simulation.addMagicOutput(-1,2001001,-1.66666)");
console.cheat("Left Ctrl + Left Alt + 7", "simulation.addMagicOutput(-1,2001046,100)");
console.cheat("Left Ctrl + Left Alt + Left Shift + 7", "simulation.addMagicOutput(-1,2001046,-100)");
console.cheat("Left Ctrl + Left Alt + 8", "simulation.addMagicOutput(-1,2001326,100)");
console.cheat("Left Ctrl + Left Alt + Left Shift + 8", "simulation.addMagicOutput(-1,2001326,-100)");
# Change corporation difficulty
console.cheat("Left Alt + Q", "game.setCorporationDifficulty(0)"); # easy
console.cheat("Left Alt + W", "game.setCorporationDifficulty(1)"); # medium
console.cheat("Left Alt + E", "game.setCorporationDifficulty(2)"); # hard
# add military points
console.cheat("Left Shift + Left Alt + R", "game.addMilitaryPoints(99)");
console.cheat("Left Shift + Left Alt + E", "session.loadSession(5100007)");
# Voting
console.cheat("Left Ctrl + Left Shift + V", "game.startVoting(120)"); #period ends in 2min
# Newsticker
console.cheat("Right Ctrl + N", "net.forceUpdateService(\"getPriceStats\")");
# Open selected object inside bob
console.cheat("Left Ctrl + O", "session.openSelectedObject()");
# spawn random meteor
console.cheat("Left Ctrl + Left Alt + M", "game.spawnMeteor()");
# solve quest
console.cheat("Left Ctrl + Q", "quests.reachSelectedQuest()");
#E3 Demo Rocket Start Movie
console.cheat("Left Shift + F11", "ui.playMovie(9900055)");
#toggle between storm and default weather state
console.cheat("Left Alt + S", "session.toggleWeatherState()");
#debug stuff for camera fx
console.cheat("Left Ctrl + Left Alt + S", "game.rotateCameraAroundObject(session.getNearestLabelAtCameraPos(\"stabilizer_01_h\", \"stabilizer_02_h\"), 1, True)");
console.cheat("Left Ctrl + Left Alt + Left Shift + S", "game.rotateCameraAroundObjectWithDuration(\"stabilizer_01_e\", 1, 2, False)");
console.cheat("LEFT Ctrl + Left Alt + D", "debug.forceAddOwnership(2187)");
console.cheat("LEFT Ctrl + Left Alt + Left Shift + D", "debug.forceRemoveOwnership(2187)");

Expert Cheater
Expert Cheater
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Re: Anno 2205 Console Command

Post by unREAL »

Hey man, just wanna say thanks, I loved Anno ( the old ones with the level editor )
So I might will look into the new one, the console cheats sounds fun!

great work!

Do you know by any chance if this is also possible for Anno 1800?

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