Cult of the Lamb +271 Trainer

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Cult of the Lamb +271 Trainer

Post by Sinclair1 »

+271 cheats for game: Cult of the Lamb Last Updated: 18.01.2024

  • Activate Trainer
  • Get Player Controller Data
  • Base Address Edit
  • Game Over Edit
  • Force Dir Edit
  • Speed Edit
  • Spine Position Edit
  • Dodge Timer Edit
  • Dodge Speed Edit
  • Dodge Duration Edit
  • Hit Duration Edit
  • Hit Timer Edit
  • Conversion Timer Edit
  • Death Timer Edit
  • Respawn Timer Edit
  • Lunge Duration Edit
  • Lunge Timer Edit
  • Lunge Speed Edit
  • Carrying Body Edit
  • Show Run Smoke Edit
  • Run Speed Edit
  • Default Run Speed Edit
  • Untouchable Timer Edit
  • Invincible Timer Edit
  • Untouchable Timer Flash Edit
  • KnockBack Angle Edit
  • Knockback Velocity Edit
  • Knockback Gravity Edit
  • Foot Prints Edit
  • Foot Step Color Edit
  • Grapple Progress Edit
  • Elevator Progress Edit
  • Curret Elevator Z Edit
  • Elevator Position Edit
  • Target Position Edit
  • Spawn In Show HUD Edit
  • Lunge Dampener Edit
  • Seperation Radius Edit
  • Seperation Angle Edit
  • Get Player General Data
  • Base Address Edit
  • Allow Saving Edit
  • Pause Game Time Edit
  • Game Over Enabled Edit
  • Display Game Over Warning Edit
  • In Game Over Edit
  • Difficulty Chosen Edit
  • Player Deaths Edit
  • Player Deaths In A Row Edit
  • Dungeon Run Edit
  • Time In Game Edit
  • Kills In Game Edit
  • Chest Reward Count Edit
  • Base Goop Door Locked Edit
  • Player Kills On Run Edit
  • Given Follower Hearts Edit
  • Enabled Spells Edit
  • Enabled Healing Edit
  • Enabled Sword Edit
  • Bones Enabled Edit
  • XP Enabled Edit
  • First Recruit Edit
  • Missionaries Completed Edit
  • Player Fleece Edit
  • Can Read Minds Edit
  • Happiness Enabled Edit
  • Teachings Enabled Edit
  • Has Built Cooking Fire Edit
  • Performed Mushroom Ritual Edit
  • Built Mushroom Decoration Edit
  • Has Built Surveillance Edit
  • Can Build Shrine Edit
  • Woke Up Everyone Day Edit
  • Died Last Run Edit
  • Judgement Amount Edit
  • Hunger Bar Count Edit
  • Illness Bar Count Edit
  • Static Faith Edit
  • Cult Faith Edit
  • Last Brainwashed Edit
  • Last Holiday Declared Edit
  • Last Construction Edit
  • Last Enlightenment Edit
  • Last Halloween Edit
  • Last Archer Shot Edit
  • Shrine Level Edit
  • Current Location Edit
  • Shrine Door Edit
  • Boss Forest Edit
  • Forest Temple Door Edit
  • New Buildings Edit
  • Dungeon Boss Fight Edit
  • Temple Study XP Edit
  • Player Eaten Edit
  • Resurrection Type Edit
  • Ratau Killed Edit
  • Player Has Followers Edit
  • Fish Caught Total Edit
  • Ratoo Given Heart Edit
  • First Tarot Edit
  • Allow Building Edit
  • Cooked First Food Edit
  • Sherpa First Convo Edit
  • Forneus Lore Edit
  • Sozo Dead Edit
  • Old Follower Spoken Edit
  • First Monster Heart Edit
  • Bird Convo Edit
  • Unlocked Hub Shore Edit
  • Given Follower Gift Edit
  • Final Boss Slow Walk Edit
  • Had Necklace On Run Edit
  • Reveal Offering Chest Edit
  • Onboarded Homeless Edit
  • Onboarded Dead Follower Edit
  • Onboarded Building House Edit
  • Onboarded Cleaning Base Edit
  • Onboarded Old Follower Edit
  • Onboarded Sick Follower Edit
  • Onboarded Starving Follower Edit
  • Onboarded Dissenter Edit
  • Onboarded Raise Faith Edit
  • Onboarded Resource Yard Edit
  • Onboarded Crisis Of Faith Edit
  • Onboarded Halloween Edit
  • Onboarded Sermon Edit
  • Onboarded Build Farm Edit
  • Onboarded Refinery Edit
  • Onboarded Zombie Edit
  • Onboarded Loyalty Edit
  • Has Met Chef Shop Edit
  • Has Performed Ritual Edit
  • Given Loyalty Quest Day Edit
  • Meals Cooked Edit
  • Current Key Pieces Edit
  • Fox Meeting Edit
  • Lighthouse Fuel Edit
  • Lighthouse Lit Edit
  • Shore Fish Fished Edit
  • Ratau Found Skin Edit
  • Midas Found Skin Edit
  • Sozo Found Decoration Edit
  • Black Souls Enabled Edit
  • Placed Rubble Edit
  • Defeated Executioner Edit
  • World Map Current Selection Edit
  • Shown Knucklebone Tutorial Edit
  • Shop Keeper Chef State Edit
  • Shop Keeper Chef Enraged Day Edit
  • Beaten Death Cat Edit
  • Can Find Tarot Cards Edit
  • Luck Multiplier Edit
  • Enemy Health Multiplier Edit
  • Projectile Move Speed Multiplier Edit
  • Dodge Distance Multiplier Edit
  • Curse Fever Multiplier Edit
  • Spawn Poison On Attack Edit
  • Current Room Coordinates Edit
  • Resurrect Ritual Count Edit
  • Encountered Gamble Room Edit
  • Sword Level Edit
  • Dagger Level Edit
  • Axe Level Edit
  • Hammer Level Edit
  • Gauntlet Level Edit
  • Fireball Level Edit
  • Enemy Blast Level Edit
  • Mega Slash Level Edit
  • Projectile AOE Level Edit
  • Tentacles Level Edit
  • Vortex Level Edit
  • DLC Pre Purchase Edit
  • DLC Cultist Pack Edit
  • DLC Plush Bonus Edit
  • Death Cat Beaten Edit
  • Has Encountered Tarot Edit
  • Player Damage Dealt Edit
  • Chef Shop Double Prices Edit
  • Follower Shop Uses Edit
  • Sacrifices Completed Edit
  • Taken Boss Damage Edit
  • Poop Meals Created Edit
  • Prayed At Crown Shrine Edit
  • Date Last Screenshot Edit
  • Options Screen Shake Edit
  • Player Is A Spirit Edit
  • Bridge Fixed Edit
  • Building Tome Edit
  • Been To Dungeon Edit
  • Follower ID Edit
  • Objective Group ID Edit
  • Structure ID Edit
  • Simple Inventory Item Edit
  • Ingredients Capacity Level Edit
  • Food Capacity Level Edit
  • Current Weapon Edit
  • Current Weapon Level Edit
  • Forced Starting Weapon Edit
  • Current Curse Edit
  • Forced Starting Curse Edit
  • Last Golden Mission Day Edit
  • Mission Shrine Unlocked Edit
  • Last Day Used Bank Edit
  • Red Heart Shrine Level Edit
  • Shrine Heart Edit
  • Shrine Curses Edit
  • Shrine Voodo Edit
  • Shrine Astrology Edit
  • Souls Edit
  • Black Souls Edit
  • Follower Tokens Edit
  • Disciple XP Edit
  • Disciple Level Edit
  • Disciple Ability Points Edit
  • XP Edit
  • Level Edit
  • Ability Points Edit
  • Current Weapon Edit
  • Get Item Data
  • Base Address Edit
  • Type Edit
  • Quantity Edit
  • Quantity Reserved Edit
  • Get Follower Stats Data
  • Age Edit
  • Life Expectancy Edit
  • XP Level Edit
  • Follower Level Edit
  • Max HP Edit
  • HP Edit
  • Pray Progress Edit
  • Devotion Given Edit
  • Happiness Edit
  • Faith Edit
  • Fear Love Edit
  • Satiation Edit
  • Starvation Edit
  • Bathroom Fill Rate Edit
  • Reeducation Edit
  • Exhaustion Edit
  • Illness Edit
  • Rest Edit
  • Get Weapon Info
  • Weapon Damage Multiplier Edit
  • Critical Chance Edit
  • Range Multiplier Edit
  • Attack Rate Multiplier Edit
  • Movement Speed Multiplier Edit
  • XP Drop Multiplier Edit
  • Negate Damage Chance Edit
  • Heal Chance Edit
  • Heal Amount Edit
  • Poison Chance Edit
  • Get HP Data
  • God Mode
  • Instant Kill
  • Get More Items On Spending
  • Unlimited Devotion
  • Unlimited Faith
  • Unlimited Spell Gauge
  • No Roll Delay
  • Quick Chop Tree
  • Quick Mine Rubble
  • Quick Pick Berry
  • Unlimited Follower Hunger
  • Follower Never Get Tired
  • Follower Never Get Sick
  • Unlimited Follower Social
  • Unlimited Follower ReEducation
  • Force Pause
  • Speedhack
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Cult of the Lamb PLUS 271 Trainer

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Expert Cheater
Expert Cheater
Posts: 63
Joined: Thu Mar 02, 2017 11:17 pm
Reputation: 30

Re: Cult of the Lamb +271 Trainer

Post by FakeRex »

wow...has to be the most options in a trainer I have seen

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