You might want to copy/paste the following guide to a text file for quick access while using the table.
Part 0: Backup your game saves
Your Nightmare Reaper save file location is in the install location followed by the subfolders:
"MyProject/Content/Settings". The file "SaveSlots.cfg" tracks your Topaz tree progress as well as each save slot's current name (which is based on progress in-game). "Settings_0.cfg" is your first save game's weapons, gold and jade progress, hospital items, and level selection. Back up all of the files that don't have "_back#.cfg" in their name to a new folder.
Part 1: Basics of Cheat Engine
"Script" entries are activated by clicking on them and pressing Spacebar or by ticking the checkbox next to them. Entries with addresses, value types, and values next to them are either disabled because the necessary in-game action hasn't been taken to complete the script's activation (more on that in Part 2), or they can be "frozen" by clicking on them and pressing Spacebar (which should only be done for those entries contained in "Progress & Rewards" --> "Pill Effects"), or they can be altered by clicking on them, pressing Enter, inputting a new value, and pressing Enter again to finalize. Frozen entries should be unfrozen before loading a different save to avoid freezing memory addresses that have been reallocated to other parts of the game's memory-stored processes.
Hotkeys can be changed for each entry by clicking on the entry and pressing Ctrl+H. Multiple hotkey entries can be assigned to the same cheat entry. When viewing the hotkey listing for a given cheat entry, you can right-click an entry and select "Delete" to remove it.
Part 2: The table
The table I've included has three main entries. These are "script" entries that modify the game's code loaded in memory to populate some registered symbol variables with important base addresses. I've assigned hotkeys numpad 1, 2, & 3 to each respectively.
Progress & Rewards (numpad 1): Activating this script opens a list of categories associated with your skill trees, pills, and level progress. None of these entries will be available until you go into the game (sleep in a bed so your weapons are visible) and jump. Once you've jumped, the table will have found its base address and all of those options will be made available to edit.
Weapon Modding (numpad 2): This script finds a base address for a single attack. Most weapons have both primary and alternate attacks, and you can only modify one attack type at a time. Fire the weapon in game after activating the script to populate the values. Use alt-fire if you want to modify stat values for the weapon's secondary attack.
A second script ("Get Addresses on Reload") is only for use with weapons that have more than two attacks. The primary fire for the Superposition Rifle for instance is impossible to find using the conventional method of firing the weapon, so a second save file needs to exist for you to activate this script, open the second file, and reload the original file to get the script to find the base address for the weapon (important if you want to change the weapon's type, levels completed, or damage multiplier).
Achievement Stat Values (numpad 3): Break a clutter object in-game after activating this script to get all of your stats regarding collecting achievements (such as powerups picked up).
Deactivating these scripts also disables the ability to modify the stats in the enclosed entries. It does not, however, revert any changes you've made.
Entries and groups labeled with an asterisk ("*") are tied to the save file and will be retained after restarting the game or changing saves (modifying them is basically permanent while all other entry changes are only temporary). "**Weapon Type" is labeled with a double asterisk because it does not change the weapon type until after the game's progress is saved and then reloaded. Weapon type will also not work unless it is tied to the weapon's primary attack. Pill effects are automatically recalculated based on current Topaz pills at the start of each level, so those entries need to be frozen to work (especially # of enemies and elite chance, because the enemies are spawned in as the level generates just after the pill effects are recalculated by the game's process).
Entries labeled with "Byte" are boolean, so set them to "1" to turn them on and "0" to disable them. Some 4 Bytes entries can be negative values, but if negative doesn't make intuitive sense, don't try it. "Float" entries can be both negative and non-whole values.
Part 3: Other hotkeys
Numpad 0 (Requires "Progress & Rewards" to be functioning): Basically God Mode. Damage is reduced by 100%, Elemental Resist is 100%, and Acid and Lava Immunity are enabled. You still take damage, but only from light attacks and only 1 point at a time.
Numpad Period (Requires a weapon attack to be registered): Massive damage increase. Homing is enabled, critical chance is 100%, and pierce chance is 100%. This means a single round can hit the same enemy several times, dealing critical damage each time. It's less effective with melee and missile weapons but extremely effective with shotguns and automatic weapons.
Numpad 4 (Requires "Progress & Rewards" to be functioning): A personal mix of skill tree upgrades:
* Triple jump enabled
* Walk speed + 60% (Only enabled after jumping and landing a couple of times)
* Triple speed invincible ghost air dash unlocked with no dash delay
* Standard grappling hook (if you don't have one already)
* Current and start life at 200, max life at 300
* Life pickup value +100%
* Fall damage -100% and self-splash damage -99%
* 50% elemental resist
* Current and start light ammo at 200, max at 300
* Current and start heavy ammo at 45, max at 60
* Current and start magic ammo at 120, max at 180
* Ammo pickup value +40%
* Kick damage multiplier 400% (1-hit secret walls), 4x rate and 2x distance
* Keep level 3 weapons, keep two weapons, and third weapon slot unlocked
* Ledge grab, red barrel kick throw, & reload holstered weapons enabled
* 3x headshot damage, 2x barrel damage, +100% oxygen, and -90% ammo respawn delay
* +50% powerup time, 5x critical damage multiplier, -8% reload time
Numpad 5 (Requires a weapon attack to be registered): Automatic and Rebounding bullets enabled, and 100% stun and leech chance. Turns any weapon into a legend.
Numpad 6 (Requires "Progress & Rewards" to be functioning): +200% weapon quality, +100% positive random events, -100% negative random events, +100% elite chance, +100% enemies. Great way to collect a ton of legendary weapons, and also a good time to be had.
Numpad 7 (Requires "Progress & Rewards" to be functioning): -50% damage taken, -20% enemy run speed, and -40% enemy attack speed. Easy mode, but it's good to have handy for New Game + 2 and up.
Part 4: Level warping
Level warping can be complicated, but it shouldn't take too long to learn. For episode 1 (levels 0-27), you just change the level number and go. If it's Nightmare Reaper Redux, you'll need to follow the list below and only use values that have asterisks in front of them to avoid getting stuck in an infinite loop.
Episode 2 has a hub level, but no level number assigned to it. To start in the hub, set the "Current Map 2" entry to 0. Use "Maps Completed 2" to gain access to the second and third parts of the hub. For instance, setting "1: Carnage Way," "2: Tower of Toil," and "3: Gardens of Woe" to "1" will unlock the first blue door. The "Maps Completed 2" settings also affect the events in the hospital. Use "Current Map 2" and "Parts Completed 2" to jump to any part of any map. The map numbers are listed under the "Maps Completed 2" group, and the parts completed can be 0 - 2 to jump to parts 1 - 3. The map names located in the list below contained in brackets are the parts that are used in Nightmare Reaper Redux, but you don't necessarily need to have those set correctly to progress through the game, you can pick your favorite and just play that. It is important, however, that you have the "Current Level" entry set correctly as well, so only use the values 29, 32, 35, 38, 41, 44, 47, 50, and 53 for Redux or for the hub in standard mode, and add 1 or 2 to that # when warping to a second or third part of a map in the standard game (not redux).
Episode 3 is more complicated still. It's similar to episode 2, but now there is a "Hub Levels Completed" entry. In Nightmare Reaper Redux, this jumps from 0 to 3, 6 or 9 each time a hub level is completed. In the standard mode, it increments each time a hub portion is finished. Also, the start point changes depending on which map was last played, so if hub completed is 1 or 2, then the start point (found under the group "Maps
Completed 3") should be set to 1 for the Fields of Death or 2 for Moon Terror. The second hub has start points 3 and 4, and the third hub has 5 and 6. To access Sorcerer's Mansion, the hub levels completed should be 3-5, and for Buried Ruins, it should be 6-8.
Level Numbers ( "*" is compatible for Nightmare Reaper Redux):
[Brackets indicate map template is used in Redux]
* 00: [Tutorial]
01: Hollow Stone Part 1
* 02: [Hollow Stone] Part 2
03: Hollow Stone Part 3
04: Spore Pit Part 1
05: Spore Pit Part 2
* 06: [Spore Pit] Part 3
* 07: [Immemorial Woods] Part 1
08: Immemorial Woods Part 2
09: Immemorial Woods Part 3
10: Forsaken Village Part 1
* 11: [Forsaken Village] Part 2
12: Forsaken Village Part 3
13: Sulfuric Mines Part 1
* 14: [Sulfuric Mines] Part 2
15: Sulfuric Mines Part 3
16: Disavowed Town Part 1
17: Disavowed Town Part 2
* 18: [Disavowed Town] Part 3
19: Putrid Sewers Part 1
* 20: [Putrid Sewers] Part 2
21: Putrid Sewers Part 3
22: Gloom Mansion Part 1
* 23: [Gloom Mansion] Part 2
24: Gloom Mansion Part 3
25: The Descent Part 1
26: The Descent Part 2
* 27: [The Descent] Part 3
* 28: [City Streets]
* 29: [Carnage Way] Part 1
30: Carnage Way Part 2
31: Carnage Way Part 3
* 32: Tower of Toil Part 1
33: Tower of Toil Part 2
34: [Tower of Toil] Part 3
* 35: Gardens of Woe Part 1
36: [Gardens of Woe] Part 2
37: Gardens of Woe Part 3
* 38: Murky Docks Part 1
39: [Murky Docks] Part 2
40: Murky Docks Part 3
* 41: [Vermilion Princess] Part 1
42: Vermilion Princess Part 2
43: Vermilion Princess Part 3
* 44: [Rust Works] Part 1
45: Rust Works Part 2
46: Rust Works Part 3
* 47: [Void Beneath] Part 1
48: Void Beneath Part 2
49: Void Beneath Part 3
* 50: Gibbs Medical Center Part 1
51: Gibbs Medical Center Part 2
52: [Gibbs Medical Center] Part 3
* 53: Boulder Penitentiary Part 1
54: Boulder Penitentiary Part 2
55: [Boulder Penitentiary] Part 3
* 56: [Wasteland] Part 1
* 57: [Fields of Death] Part 1
58: Fields of Death Part 2
59: Fields of Death Part 3
60: Wasteland Part 2
* 61: Moon Terror Part 1
62: Moon Terror Part 2
63: [Moon Terror] Part 3
64: Wasteland Part 3
* 65: [Sorcerer's Mansion] Part 1
* 66: The Empty Part 1
67: [The Empty] Part 2
68: The Empty Part 3
69: Sorcerer's Mansion Part 2
* 70: Crushing Depths Part 1
71: Crushing Depths Part 2
72: [Crushing Depths] Part 3
73: Sorcerer's Mansion Part 3
* 74: [Buried Ruins] Part 1
* 75: Blood and Brimstone Part 1
76: Blood and Brimstone Part 2
77: [Blood and Brimstone] Part 3
78: Buried Ruins Part 2
* 79: Flesh Pits Part 1
80: [Flesh Pits] Part 2
81: Flesh Pits Part 3
82: Buried Ruins Part 3
* 83: [Hospital] "Rest to enter New Game +"
NOTE: Warping back to the start of the game after unlocking Jade arenas, or unlocking Jade arenas before reaching that point in the game and then entering those arenas can cause a game crash. Enemies and bosses that are cued to spawn in before they have been "unlocked" in the game's progression will cause a fatal error.
Part 5: Weapon Modding
Changing the weapon type value won't take effect until after the game is saved and reloaded. It also requires that the address being altered matches the primary attack address. Below is a list of each weapon and its corresponding value as well as those weapons' default attack projectile type values (more details follow when discussing random projectiles):
Level 1 Weapons:
9mm Pistol
Weapon Type: 0
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 0
Alt Fire: 0
Weapon Type: 1
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: -1
Alt Fire: 354
Sawed Off
Weapon Type: 2
Projectile Type: 0
Weapon Type: 3
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 62
Alt Fire: 64
Weapon Type: 4
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 17
Alt Fire: -1
Auto Pistol
Weapon Type: 5
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 0
Alt Fire: 0
Pump Action Shotgun
Weapon Type: 6
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 0
Alt Fire: 0
Bolt Sniper Rifle
Weapon Type: 7
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 609
Alt Fire: 609
Fire Bolt Book
Weapon Type: 8
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 81
Alt Fire: 82
Ice Bolt Book
Weapon Type: 9
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 84
Alt Fire: 85
Spark Book
Weapon Type: 10
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 87
Alt Fire: 88
Gem Staff
Weapon Type: 11
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 94
Alt Fire: 94
Weapon Type: 12
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: -1
Alt Fire: -1
Grenade Launcher
Weapon Type: 13
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 99
Alt Fire: 100
Sticky Bomb
Weapon Type: 14
Projectile Type: 101
Poison Staff
Weapon Type: 15
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 103
Alt Fire: 104
Six Shooter
Weapon Type: 17
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 609
Alt Fire: 609
Trap Puzzle Box
Weapon Type: 37
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 593
Alt Fire: 594
Consecrated Whip
Weapon Type: 38
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: -1
Alt Fire: -1
Weapon Type: 39
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 598
Alt Fire: 598
Weapon Type: 40
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 600
Alt Fire: 601
Cryo Bolter
Weapon Type: 41
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 604
Alt Fire: 605
Blake Rock
Weapon Type: 58
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 1053
Alt Fire: 1053
Weapon Type: 59
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 1148
Alt Fire: 1149
Hornet Queen
Weapon Type: 60
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 1153
Alt Fire: 1154
Semi Auto Rifle
Weapon Type: 61
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 609
Alt Fire: -1
Power Boots
Weapon Type: 62
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 1158
Alt Fire: 1158
Peg Leg
Weapon Type: 81
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: -1
Alt Fire: -1
Weapon Type: 82
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 1430
Alt Fire: -1
Steel Axe
Weapon Type: 83
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: -1
Alt Fire: -1
Level 2 Weapons:
Weapon Type: 16
Projectile Type: 0
Weapon Type: 18
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 609
Alt Fire: 609
Semi Auto Shotgun
Weapon Type: 19
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 0
Alt Fire: 0
Silent SMG
Weapon Type: 20
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 0
Alt Fire: 0
Demolitionist Rifle
Weapon Type: 21
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 0
Alt Fire: 99
Heavy Sniper Rifle
Weapon Type: 22
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 609
Alt Fire: 609
Grenade Harpooner
Weapon Type: 23
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 362
Alt Fire: 362
Breach Launcher
Weapon Type: 24
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 365
Alt Fire: 365
Tri Grenade Launcher
Weapon Type: 25
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 99
Alt Fire 1: 100
Alt Fire 2: 372
Seeking Launcher
Weapon Type: 26
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 376
Alt Fire: 377
Weapon Type: 27
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: -1
Alt Fire: 621
Ghost Axes
Weapon Type: 28
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: -1
Alt Fire: 381
Fireball Book
Weapon Type: 29
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 384
Alt Fire: 385
Frost Book
Weapon Type: 30
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 390
Alt Fire: 392
Tempest Book
Weapon Type: 31
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 87
Alt Fire: 396
Chained Saw
Weapon Type: 32
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: -1
Alt Fire: 398
Necromantic Skull
Weapon Type: 34
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 579
Alt Fire: 506
Assault Rifle
Weapon Type: 35
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 609
Alt Fire: 609
Machine Gun
Weapon Type: 36
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 609
Alt Fire: 609
Sword and Shield
Weapon Type: 42
Projectile Type: -1
Weapon Type: 43
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 608
Alt Fire: 608
Martyr Staff
Weapon Type: 44
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 611
Alt Fire: 612
Thorn Parasite
Weapon Type: 63
Projectile Type: 1164
Auto Crossbow
Weapon Type: 64
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 1165
Alt Fire: 1165
Sawblade Launcher
Weapon Type: 65
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 1168
Alt Fire: -1
Superposition Rifle
Weapon Type: 66
Projectile Types (Randomized):
Single Shot: 718
Shotgun Spread: 1170
Recoiling Rapid Burst: 1170
Missile: 1171
Mega Missile: 1172
Bomb Rapid Burst: 1173
Circular Pattern: 1174
Railgun Bolt: 1175
Weapon Type: 67
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 0
Alt Fire: 0
Level 3 Weapons:
Quad Shotgun
Weapon Type: 45
Projectile Type: 0
Auto Shotgun
Weapon Type: 46
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 0
Alt Fire: 0
Heavy Minigun
Weapon Type: 47
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 609
Alt Fire: 609
Plasma Rifle
Weapon Type: 48
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 618
Alt Fire: 619
Plasma Great Sword
Weapon Type: 49
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: -1
Alt Fire: -1
Heavy Laser Rifle
Weapon Type: 50
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 624
Alt Fire: 623
Weapon Type: 51
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 625
Alt Fire: 626
Gravity Staff
Weapon Type: 52
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 631
Alt Fire: 632
Mini Nuke
Weapon Type: 53
Projectile Type: 635
Dual SMGs
Weapon Type: 54
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 0
Alt Fire: 641
Scrap Launcher
Weapon Type: 55
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 645
Alt Fire: 646
Pyxis of Souls
Weapon Type: 56
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 648
Alt Fire: 650
Black Hole Launcher
Weapon Type: 57
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 652
Alt Fire: 654
Post Driver
Weapon Type: 68
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 1189
Alt Fire: 1150
Pirate Cannon
Weapon Type: 69
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 1193
Alt Fire: 1194
Mega Chainsaw
Weapon Type: 70
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: -1
Alt Fire: -1
Mega Cannon
Weapon Type: 71
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 718
Alt Fire: 1195
Weapon Type: 72
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 609
Alt Fire: 609
Weapon Type: 73
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 1198
Alt Fire: 1198
Celestial Spear
Weapon Type: 74
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: -1
Alt Fire: 88
Infernal Rod
Weapon Type: 75
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 1201
Alt Fire: 1202
The Judge
Weapon Type: 76
Projectile Type:
Rapid Fire: 609
Armor Piercing: 609
Incendiary: 576
Explosive: 609
Homing: 609
Rebounding: 609
Smart Gun
Weapon Type: 77
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 1204
Alt Fire: 1206
Orbital Cannon
Weapon Type: 78
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 1211
Alt Fire: 1208
Chaos Staff
Weapon Type: 79
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 1214
Alt Fire: 1217
Micro Penetrator
Weapon Type: 80
Projectile Type: 1218
Level 99 -- Nightmare Reaper Powerup
Weapon Type: 33
Projectile Type:
Primary Fire: 422
Alt Fire: 423
The random projectile modifier holds the attack's projectile type value. Changing this value to something random will likely break the game, so it's advisable to stick to values that are included below in the list of random projectiles that can possibly be rerolled. This list should be exhaustive, but there's a small chance that there's one that I missed when collecting random projectile weapons over the last couple of weeks.
Projectile Types:
Small Arms:
0 Bullet
62 Arrow
81 Fireball
84 Icicle
85 Small Icicle
88 Lightning Ball
103 Acid Ball
354 Knife
390 Large Icicle
598 Nail
604 Cryo Bolt
609 Large Bullet
618 Plasma Rifle Shot
645 Scrap Launcher Shot
648 Ghost Skull
1148 Shuriken
1149 Spinning Shuriken
1153 Green Hornet
1165 Crossbow Bolt
1168 Sawblade
1170 Ghost Ball
1173 Sentinel Bomb
1174 Sentinel Shot
1189 Post Driver Rivet
1190 Rebar Bolt
1193 Cannonball
1194 Large Cannonball
1204 White Laser
1216 Ghost Diamond
1217 Chaos Staff Diamond
1513 Lava Bomb
1554 Pizza
1556 Bowling Ball
1557 Tennis Ball
1558 Smoke Ball
1559 Rubber Chicken
1560 Poop
1561 Toilet Paper
1562 Balloon
1563 Hot Pepper
1564 Red Paint
1565 Blue Paint
1566 Zombie Head
1568 Watermelon
1569 Star Wars Blaster Shot
17 Rocket
99 HE Grenade
100 Frag Grenade
104 Acid Blob
362 Grenade Harpoon
372 Sticky Grenade
376 Seeking Missile
377 Guided Missile
422 Nightmare Reaper Ball
600 Molotov
619 Plasma Bomb
646 Scrap Launcher Bomb
652 Black Hole
1154 Hornet Hive
1171 Sentinel Rocket
1218 Micro-Penetrator Missile
1555 Bomb w/ Skull
1567 Exploding Barrel
Howitzer & Chaos Staff:
625 Howitzer Shell
626 Howitzer Cluster Bomb
1172 Sentinel Missile
1214 Chaos Staff Missile
How to use this cheat table?
- Install Cheat Engine
- Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
- Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
- Keep the list.
- Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1