knight's try - Need Help

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knight's try - Need Help

Post by waxmax »

I'm new to cheat engine. I've been trying to make a fly hack for knight's try a unity game but I wasn't able to freeze the specific value I was looking for. I did use mono to find the fields and the methods but now I'm even more confuse. Help would nice.

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Re: knight's try - Need Help

Post by VampTY »

Since you could have posted this on the right section and adding the right options when asking, i won't paste you stuff unless you'll do that... :P the right way.Anyway, i was in the Christmas spirit :lol:, you can download the uploaded archive by me, also no worries, no porn included, is just some weird video with me showing the option that i think you might want! :P

The uploaded file won't be for long, same goes for the table (not into the archive). :)

INFO: i don't own the game, i did it on some non-steam version, added a lot to it, though i think i'll leave perhaps 5-6 options :lol: and also those names for those files are from my scripts, won't share them as well, private thingy. :ph34r:


If the link will be banned :lol: just drop me a PM, so you'll download that crap video i made!

EDIT: Cheat Engine 7.5 is required to use this table finished and looks like:


PS: Yon can gift me the key for this game through PM if these options need to be updated or paste me the Non-Steam version you own, i won't buy the game, or give me the key for another game, since it's the season though :lol: ! :wub:

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