Ravenloft Stone Prophet 1.10 (GOG)

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Ravenloft Stone Prophet 1.10 (GOG)

Post by gibberishh »

Comprehensive cheats for Ravenloft: Stone Prophet 1.10 (GOG Created and tested on DosBox 0.74-3 on Windows 7 (I use a later version of DosBox than the one distributed by GOG). It should work with most versions of DosBox. If it doesn't, please let me know along with your version number. This is based off my cheats for Menzoberranzan and Ravenloft: Strahd's Possession.

You can edit everything related to your party except quests and maps -- stats, HP, hydration, spells, abilities, magical buffs, afflictions, race, class, xp, levels, face, age, equipment, inventory. You can even export/import characters into your party!

How to use:
  • Run the game in DosBox and open the table. It will automatically connect to the game.
  • Start or load a game and then you should be able to see the names and stats of each character. These are NOT available while in Character Creation mode, only after a game itself has been loaded.
  • Note that when starting a new game, your 2 initial characters are placed in Slots 2 and 3, NOT Slot 1.
  • Throughout the table, -1 usually means that stat is not available. So for a single-class character, Class 2/3 Level and XP will show as -1 (and Class will show as None). Or most values will show as -1 if nobody has joined yet in a particular slot.
  • Editing stats, attributes, equipment and inventory of your characters is pretty straightforward. Just change the value or select the appropriate choice from the dropdown. (Remember that Desert Trolls only get 8 inventory slots. Also remember to respect the game's internal caps.)
  • Spell Books: If you want a non-casting character to have a spellbook icon above their portrait, select any spellbook from this list. Then you can access spells and abilities that you cheat on to the character.
  • Spells and Abilities:
    • This is an exhaustive list of every spell and ability I could find. Each is represented by 2 HEX values. The value on the left is how many of that spell you have left to cast and the value on the right represents how many you have memorized/prayed for. FF means that you do not have access to the spell/ability. Any other value (0-9, A-E) will represent the number of casts/memorizations.
    • It is always best to enter the same number: 11, 22, etc.
    • This is not restricted by max allowed, and every spell can go up to 14 casts (EE) per rest. Of course, if you set all spells to EE, you will have a huge confusing list of spells to cast in the spell choice window.
    • You can expand individual Mage/Priest levels to set values for specific spells, or set the value at any branch level of the tree. E.g., double-click the empty value next to Mage L1 and enter 11. Now you will have access to (and 1 cast of) all Level 1 Mage spells. Or double-click the empty value next to Spells & Abilities, enter 11, and you will have 1 cast of every single spell/ability in the game.
    • Tip: Set spells to 11, then freeze those values so that you will never run out of those spells. To quickly un/freeze spells at all levels for all characters, use Alt+S.
    • If you cheat more than Max Allowed spells on to a character, the +/- buttons on the Pray/Memorize screens may stop working until you set enough spells to 00.
    • Remember that you need to activate some (any) spellbook to be able to cast spells/abilities at all. For arcane spells, you cannot be wearing any body armor either.
  • Afflictions: You can expand Afflictions to see the list of afflictions I've found, but this should not be necessary at all. Whenever you need to remove afflictions from a character, set this value to 0. Note that if nobody is present in that slot, this value will be 128 and changing it will cause the game to crash. Alt+A will clear afflictions from all party members for whom the value is not 128 or higher.
  • Buffs: You can expand the buffs list and select individual buffs for each character, or double-click the value next to Buffs and activate the ones that I think will be useful (Alt+X).
    • If you prefer, activate the buffs you want for a particular character, then note the 16-digit number somewhere. You can paste that number into the value every time you want the same buffs.
  • Face: Faces are handled differently for male and female characters. For female characters you can enter any number from -72 to 47 (negative numbers will be male faces) and for males you can enter any number from 0 to 119 (last 48 are female faces). Entering any other value will result in an error message in the game and the game will freeze.
  • You can export characters to a file along with all their items, status effects, etc. Open Export/Import Characters from the Edit menu (Ctrl+E), select a Slot and click Export to save the character to a file. I don't know what happens to items within a container (e.g., sack, chest, etc.) that the character is carrying.
  • Similarly, click Import to load a previously saved character into the chosen slot. Note: this will not check if the file contents are valid. If you import a malformed file, you will end up corrupting your character (though you can still load a previous save if you have one). Only characters exported using this table can be imported. Also, I don't know what happens if you add an NPC to the party who is supposed to meet you only later.
  • This can be used, e.g., to start a game with 4 PCs instead of having to work with weak NPCs. Start two different games and export PCs from one game to the other and you will have 4 characters right at the start.
Alt+R: Restore full HP (from Max HP) and Hydration (set to 50).
Alt+A: Remove all Afflictions.
Alt+S: Freeze/Unfreeze all Spell/Ability slots. Remember to Unfreeze spells before scribing new ones! Or before your clerics level up and get access to new spells.
Alt+G: Freeze and Allow Increase of HP and Hydration (Godmode).
Alt+N: This will bump up your XP to whatever you need to reach the next level -10 points. Your next kill or achievement should take you to the next level. For multiclass, it will bump up values to the lowest amount required -10.
Alt+X: Activate all buffs that I think may be useful.
Shift+Alt+X: Remove all buffs.
Alt+Left Arrow: Collapse all Slot trees.
Ctrl+E: Open Export/Import form.

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
Ravenloft Stone Prophet 1.10 (GOG).ct
Signed cheat table. Run game in DosBox before opening.
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Re: Ravenloft Stone Prophet 1.10 (GOG)

Post by gibberishh »

Change: Godmode (Alt+G) will now also freeze Afflictions, so that you cannot be poisoned, held, etc.

Minor update: You can now select character portraits from a list of images instead of having to try out different numbers. Hit Ctrl+P while in the cheat table or click Edit > Select Portrait.

Big update: Added Location. You can now directly teleport your party to coordinates X and Y. Useful if you already know where on the current map you want to jump to. All maps start from 0,0 at the top-left corner (including the border wall).
  • Note: Although I have provided a list of maps in the table which shows which map you are currently on, DO NOT change this. You cannot teleport across maps. Changing this will screw up your game and you will have to reload a previous save.
Major update: You can use IKJL to move through maps while in stepping mode: forward, back, left, right. You will walk through walls, enemies, furniture, everything -- even doors/stairs. This does not trigger game events (such as 'go outside building'); you need to use the game's movement keys/mouse to do that. Very useful to run across a map through locked doors to a set of stairs, and then use the game keys for the last step into the stairs.
  • Enemies will notice and attack you.
  • WASD would have been better for this, but I use those for actual movement in the game. That's why I went with IJKL.
  • The keys will work ONLY if you are in stepping mode in the game AND facing one of the cardinal directions (which the game forces on you when you switch to stepping mode).
  • Be careful: If you remain in stepping mode, the keys will trigger no matter what you are doing -- even actions such as typing a game save title.
  • Note: This will literally let you walk everywhere within the map, even in spaces you are not meant to. I have restricted movement to within map bounds (which are not always "within walls") but I had to find and type each map's limits manually. Let's hope I haven't made a mistake in entering the numbers.
  • Unlike its siblings, if you walk to unintended areas, Stone Prophet 1) Sometimes crashes when try to load a save and 2) Sometimes it doesn't let you walk (legitimately) through doors to a different map. Sometimes everything works just fine. It seems to behave itself as long as you stay within the map's physical walls, but I cannot be sure of this. Save your game before you use this movement.
Major but less useful update: Added a form with grids of all maps. You can click on any square to jump to it. Additionally, I've highlighted locations that I believe are important; those that would need jumping to. Use Ctrl+J to open the map or click Edit > Jump Across Map.
  • I call them maps but they are not really maps. You are only shown a grid of all reachable areas... if you want to jump somewhere other than the marked locations, you have to guesstimate where you are jumping to.
  • Warning: The first time a map is loaded, it is extremely slow. Most maps load in several seconds, but very large maps can take a few minutes!
  • On large maps, the table will appear to hang and will even show Not Responding when you try to click it. You may be tempted to kill it. If you give it enough time though, the map will show and the table will start working fine again.
  • Again, with large maps, CE will hog a lot of resources while generating them.
  • I expect most people to find the IKJL cheat to be far more useful than the Jump Across Map cheat.
  • Warning: The Desert of Har'akir map is super large and took around 20 minutes to load on my PC! It is much better to cheat teleporter keys into your party's inventory and use those to jump around the desert.
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Re: Ravenloft Stone Prophet 1.10 (GOG)

Post by gibberishh »

Are you tired of choosing between Fireball and Haste? Or are you frustrated by having to wait several seconds before casting your second fireball?
Do we have a deal for you!

Today only, one time deal, free free free, curated especially for you:
Alt+C will freeze all cooldowns (attack and spellcasting) to 0, which means you can attack continuously or spam whatever spells you wish. Note: Spell cooldowns will be set to 0 and frozen, but attack cooldowns will only be frozen. So use the hotkey when nobody is in the middle of attacking or cooldown.

Update: Apologies, some of the spell pointers were wrong. I must have messed something up in copy-paste. I think I've fixed it now. Quite surprised that nobody reported the error :( If there are other mistakes in the table, please let me know!
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Re: Ravenloft Stone Prophet 1.10 (GOG)

Post by gibberishh »

Trivial, almost useless update: Added 'type' for each character; whether they are PC or NPC.

Major change: Now you can bump up the xp of one character at a time using Alt+1, Alt+2, Alt+3 or Alt+4 for those respective slots. Alt+N to raise xp of all characters at once has been removed.

Also, there is a bug in the game which prevents classes from going beyond level 19. Changed the code to limit raising of XP to level 19 for each class, and fixed a bug where if one class in a multiclass was already at level 19, it could prevent increasing xp of other classes.

Addition: Alt+H will freeze hydration; in case you don't want to use godmode but only want to stop getting thirsty.
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Re: Ravenloft Stone Prophet 1.10 (GOG)

Post by gibberishh »

Critical Addition: 1.10 seems to have a bug where the endgame video doesn't play in many situations. It results in a blank screen for me if I try to use the scroll at any point after Min Deir leaves the party. This has been mentioned [Link] along with a potential fix.

Added this fix to the table; before using the scroll of return, change the value of End Video Fix to Audio or Subtitles and the endgame cinematics will play correctly. Thus, you don't need to patch any files or mess manually with any game code. Unfortunately, there seems to be no way to enable subtitles along with audio (this is how it is implemented in the game, it has nothing to do with the fix).

Note: even without this fix, the video does play correctly if you don't have any sound DLLs loaded OR if you turn off sounds (not music) in game options. With the former, you will see subtitles. With the latter, you will neither see subtitles nor hear the audio.
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Re: Ravenloft Stone Prophet 1.10 (GOG)

Post by gibberishh »

Insignificant additions: Added Hour, allowing you to change the time (0-23).
Also added Attacking Hand: this denotes the hand which will attack when clicking directly on a hostile creature. 0-7 denote each hand from left-right in a full party. Not sure what this will be useful for. In theory, one could freeze this value to a thief's hand, and also freeze buffs to include backstab; then every hit on creatures would be a backstab.

Useful Addition: You can now select all the wishes of the Statue of Fortune without even speaking to it. Note that if you want this to count towards your final judgment score, the Statue of Fortune value must be 'Granted Wish' and all three values under it must be 'No'. Until then, you can enjoy poison and fire immunity. The 'thirst control' wish doesn't seem to do anything for me; even without cheating, my hydration levels regularly go down -- either this is bugged or the wish only slows water depletion.
Note: you only need to activate the wishes themselves; no need to set the top wish to 'Granted' to enjoy the immunities.

Major change: Completely rewrote the code for displaying maps (Edit > Jump Across Map). All maps (including Desert of Har'akir) should now load within a couple of seconds or even instantly. Also added a marker to denote your current location.
Known issue: because of this change, markers sometimes disappear. If this happens, resize the form or alt-tab and back.

Eventually I hope to find pointers for everything that affects your final judgment score... maybe one day.
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Re: Ravenloft Stone Prophet 1.10 (GOG)

Post by gibberishh »

Added Judgments and Judgment Score to the table. A minimum score of 5 is required to be judged good. You can get a maximum score of 10, but entering a higher number also works.

Note that even though I have listed individual judgments, only 5+ Judgment Score is required for you to pass -- you could skip all actions, set the score to 5 or higher, and the game will let you continue. The individual judgments are used if you ask the guardian what you did wrong (with a score of 1-4); she will then list all your good and bad actions (anything marked 'Yes') one by one. From what I can make out, there are only two 'bad' actions: wishing for anything other than the beggar, and taking the sack from the half-buried villager but not turning it in to his wife. These bad actions do not lower your overall score though -- there seems to be no negative scoring, only positive scoring for good actions.

Killing Senmet without Gloriantha does nothing to the judgment score. With Gloriantha you get +2. For all other good actions you get +1.

There are some extra 'actions' that were triggered on my way to completing the judgments; these do not count towards either your score or the guardian's dialogue. However, I have left them in the table because they are related to the good/bad actions.

Also, I discovered that if you never speak to the beggar in Muhar, the Statue of Fortune doesn't even offer to help him. In this case, the wish is replaced by one where you can get some decent +4 armor, +2 helm, and a +3 weapon.
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