I'm currently playing
The following works for no skill cooldown for individual unit abilities + battle/call-in abilities (right side of screen)
RelicCoH3.exe+1C8FAD3 -> change "dec eax" to "xor eax,eax"
Code: Select all
RelicCoH3.exe+1C8FAAD: E9 3E FF FF FF - jmp RelicCoH3.exe+1C8F9F0
RelicCoH3.exe+1C8FAB2: 4C 8B 8C 24 98 00 00 00 - mov r9,[rsp+00000098]
RelicCoH3.exe+1C8FABA: 41 B8 4C 00 00 00 - mov r8d,0000004C
RelicCoH3.exe+1C8FAC0: 80 7F 11 00 - cmp byte ptr [rdi+11],00
RelicCoH3.exe+1C8FAC4: 74 14 - je RelicCoH3.exe+1C8FADA
RelicCoH3.exe+1C8FAC6: 80 7F 12 00 - cmp byte ptr [rdi+12],00
RelicCoH3.exe+1C8FACA: 74 0E - je RelicCoH3.exe+1C8FADA
RelicCoH3.exe+1C8FACC: 8B 47 04 - mov eax,[rdi+04]
RelicCoH3.exe+1C8FACF: 85 C0 - test eax,eax
RelicCoH3.exe+1C8FAD1: 7E 10 - jle RelicCoH3.exe+1C8FAE3
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
RelicCoH3.exe+1C8FAD3: FF C8 - dec eax <----------change to xor eax,eax
// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------
RelicCoH3.exe+1C8FAD5: 89 47 04 - mov [rdi+04],eax
RelicCoH3.exe+1C8FAD8: EB 07 - jmp RelicCoH3.exe+1C8FAE1
RelicCoH3.exe+1C8FADA: 8B 47 04 - mov eax,[rdi+04]
RelicCoH3.exe+1C8FADD: C6 47 11 01 - mov byte ptr [rdi+11],01
RelicCoH3.exe+1C8FAE1: 85 C0 - test eax,eax
RelicCoH3.exe+1C8FAE3: 75 C4 - jne RelicCoH3.exe+1C8FAA9
RelicCoH3.exe+1C8FAE5: 4D 85 C9 - test r9,r9
RelicCoH3.exe+1C8FAE8: 74 10 - je RelicCoH3.exe+1C8FAFA
RelicCoH3.exe+1C8FAEA: 49 8B D1 - mov rdx,r9
RelicCoH3.exe+1C8FAED: 48 8B CF - mov rcx,rdi
For company's infinite skill points(Italy campaign) , still works after defending Salerno
RelicCoH3.exe+26F5062: change "subss xmm0,[rcx+rax+04]" to "addss xmm0,[rcx+rax+04]"
Code: Select all
RelicCoH3.exe+26F502E: 4D 8D 0C 91 - lea r9,[r9+rdx*4]
RelicCoH3.exe+26F5032: 0F 1F 40 00 - nop dword ptr [rax+00]
RelicCoH3.exe+26F5036: 66 66 0F 1F 84 00 00 00 00 00 - nop word ptr [rax+rax+00000000]
RelicCoH3.exe+26F5040: F3 0F 10 40 FC - movss xmm0,[rax-04]
RelicCoH3.exe+26F5045: F3 0F 5C 44 01 FC - subss xmm0,[rcx+rax-04]
RelicCoH3.exe+26F504B: F3 0F 10 08 - movss xmm1,[rax]
RelicCoH3.exe+26F504F: F3 0F 11 40 FC - movss [rax-04],xmm0
RelicCoH3.exe+26F5054: F3 0F 5C 0C 01 - subss xmm1,[rcx+rax]
RelicCoH3.exe+26F5059: F3 0F 10 40 04 - movss xmm0,[rax+04]
RelicCoH3.exe+26F505E: F3 0F 11 08 - movss [rax],xmm1
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
RelicCoH3.exe+26F5062: F3 0F 5C 44 01 04 - subss xmm0,[rcx+rax+04] <--------chg subss to addss
// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------
RelicCoH3.exe+26F5068: F3 0F 10 48 08 - movss xmm1,[rax+08]
RelicCoH3.exe+26F506D: F3 0F 11 40 04 - movss [rax+04],xmm0
RelicCoH3.exe+26F5072: F3 0F 5C 4C 01 08 - subss xmm1,[rcx+rax+08]
RelicCoH3.exe+26F5078: F3 0F 11 48 08 - movss [rax+08],xmm1
RelicCoH3.exe+26F507D: 48 83 C0 10 - add rax,10
RelicCoH3.exe+26F5081: 48 83 EA 01 - sub rdx,01
RelicCoH3.exe+26F5085: 75 B9 - jne RelicCoH3.exe+26F5040
RelicCoH3.exe+26F5087: 4D 3B C8 - cmp r9,r8
RelicCoH3.exe+26F508A: 73 21 - jae RelicCoH3.exe+26F50AD
RelicCoH3.exe+26F508C: 48 2B FB - sub rdi,rbx