Game Hack for Wildmender (Steam Pirated Version)
This hack is specifically created for the Steam pirated version of Wildmender. It modifies the game's Assembly.dll, making it different (195f client) from the original game file. No injection is necessary for this hack.
Installation Instructions
The installation is straightforward:
Locate your game's Managed Folder. The path is usually: Wildmender\Wildmender_win64_Data\Managed.
Simply drag and drop the provided file into this folder.
This hack enables the Developer Debug CheatModule, originally inaccessible in the game. Please note:
Use at Your Own Risk: I am not responsible for any issues or loss of save data that may arise from using this hack.
No Updates Provided: As I do not own the official version of the game, I will not be updating this hack. (Though I wouldn't mind updating it if someone generously provides me with the game ).
Main Features:
The hack unlocks all features available in the CheatModule, including:
In-Game Chat Commands: Access various functions through the in-game chat.
Quality of Life Functions: Enhanced sorting functions within the game.
Command Lists:
- Type "/" to display a list of commands on the left side of your screen. You can filter this list by typing additional strings.
Use "/list" to see as many commands as possible, outputted to your chat display.
The "~" key opens debug stats.
How to Enter Commands
For example, to use the EasyStart command:
Type "/EasyStart 4" (without quotes).
This command grants you high-end materials, endgame items, perks, etc.
Quick nice Commands
/Create - Create Any item if you know the name
/Acquire - item name and quanitity Core logic for acquiring items.
/EasyStart 1-4 - End Game Items and Gear
/GodMode - Give you all memories for some reason
/Immortal - makes you immortal
/freecraft - craft for free
/RevealMap - show entire map
/SetAllMemoryShardCountTo(int targetCount): Sets memory shard count.
All 170+ Commands
Code: Select all
Acquire( string int string) : string
AddMalice( float) : string
AddSecret( string int) : string
AdvanceQuest( int) : string
AdvanceQuest( string int) : string
AdvanceQuestInternal( int int int) : string
AnimateAllProps( string string float) : string
AnimateTrailerWraiths( float) : string
AnotherSave : IEnumerator
Awake : void
BreakTutorial : string
CancelSave : IEnumerator
ChangeBiome( string float) : string
ChangeCultivar( string) : string
ChangePlant( string) : string
ClearJournalEntries : string
ClearMarks : string
ClearQuickItem : string
ClearTutorial( bool) : string
CollectGarbage : string
CompleteObjective( int) : string
CompleteQuest( string) : string
CompleteQuestChain( string) : string
CorruptionUpdate( int) : string
Craft( string) : string
Create( string) : string
DamageStructures( float float) : string
DebugMeshRam : string
DebugTextureRam : string
DebugWater( bool) : string
DelayCheat( string float) : IEnumerator
Deplete : string
Die( bool) : string
DisableQuestSpawners( bool) : string
DisableSaving( string) : string
DoInvoke( string) : string
DropQuestItems : string
DropRock : string
DustStorm : string
EasyStart( int) : string
Emote( string) : string
EnableActionBar( bool) : string
EnableNetworkEntities : string
EnableTutorial( bool) : string
ExhaustForage( float float) : string
Fillbag( string) : string
FillBottle( float float bool) : string
Fps : string
FreeCameraParameters : string
FreeCraft( bool) : string
Get( string int string) : string
GetAllCheatCodes : IEnumerable<string>
GetBiome : string
GetCultivars( string int) : string
Give( string int string) : string
Godmode : string
GoHome : string
GoToGate( string) : string
GrowthTest( float float) : string
Halloween : string
HarvestAll( float) : string
Host : string
Immortal( bool) : string
Invoke( string Action<string>) : bool
InvokeMethod(string object[]) : string
KeepKicking( float) : IEnumerator
KickMyself( float) : string
KickWhileDown( float) : string
KillWraiths( float) : string
LoadHotkeys : void
LogSplats : string
MapHotkey(string KeyCode) : void
Mark( string int) : string
MatureAll( float) : string
MiracleGro( float) : string
ModifyClimbSpeed( float) : string
ModifyGroundSpeed( float) : string
Move( float float float) : string
OnCustomEvent(int MuseEvent bool) : void
OnDestroy : void
OpenAllQuests : string
OpenAndCompleteQuestChain( string) : string
OpenGates : string
OpenQuest( string) : string
OpenWaitCompleteChain( string) : IEnumerator
Outfit( string) : string
PinQuest( string) : string
Plant( string) : string
PlayCutscene( string) : string
RandomSow( string int float float float float) : string
RebuildNavmesh : string
Refresh : string
RefreshAll( float) : string
RefreshOther : string
Relocate( float float float) : string
RemoveHotkey(string) : bool
RemoveMemoryShards : string
RemoveQuest( string) : string
ResetMemoryLocks : string
RevealMap : string
Revive : string
ReviveAll( float) : string
ReviveZone( string) : string
Rotate( float float float) : string
Save : string
SaveAndCancel : string
SaveAndCopy( string) : string
SaveHotkeys : void
SaveTwice : string
ScaleUI( int) : string
Script( string) : string
SeedBag( int int) : string
SelectEntity : WorldEntityBehaviour
SendTestPacket( int int) : string
SerializeChunk( int int) : string
SetAllMemoryShardCountTo(int) : void
SetClock( string) : string
SetCustomDifficulty( string float) : string
SetDate( int string) : string
SetDifficulty( string) : string
SetEssence( float) : string
SetExtraEncounterPower( float) : string
SetFloat( string float) : string
SetFood( float) : string
SetFreeCameraDollySpeed( float) : string
SetFreeCameraSpeed( float) : string
SetFreeCameraTurnSpeed( float) : string
SetFreeCameraZoomSpeed( float) : string
SetHealth( float) : string
SetMalice( float) : string
SetTimescale( float) : string
SetToxins( float) : string
SetWater( float) : string
SetWeather( string) : string
SevereDustStorm : string
ShowQuests( bool) : string
ShowReminder( string) : string
SortPlayerInventory : string
Sow( string int float) : string
SpawnBigWaterWraithAttack( string) : string
SpawnDustDevil( float) : string
SpawnTower : string
SpawnTreeSnake : string
SpawnTumbleweed( float) : string
SpawnWaterWraith( string) : string
SpawnWaterWraithAttack( string) : string
SpawnWraithAttack : string
SpawnWraithBoss : string
SpawnWraithHarrier( string) : string
SpawnWraithLeader( string) : string
SpawnWraithLeaderAttack( string) : string
SpawnWraithStalker : string
SpawnWraithStalkerAttack( string) : string
SpawnWraithWanderers : string
SpawnWraithWeaver( string) : string
Spectate : string
StormWarning : string
TakeDamage( float) : string
Teleport( float float float) : string
TeleportMapLoc( float float) : string
TestBar( string float) : string
TestFinalCredit : string
TestGear : string
TestSelfExamine : string
ToggleEnemyName : string
ToggleFreeWater : string
ToggleMapLoc : string
TogglePlayerStatus : string
ToggleSpectatorAvatar : string
ToggleSprings : string
Toxin( float) : string
TriggerNearestStarfall : string
TryGetHotkey(string out KeyCode) : bool
TryParsePlantName(string out PlantSpecies out PlantCultivar) : bool
UnlockJournal : string
UnlockMemoryPerk( string) : string
UnlockMemoryPerks( bool) : string
UnlockProgressionPerks( int) : string
Unseal( string) : string
Update : void
UpdateModifier( string float) : string
UploadLog : string
WaterConfig( string float) : string
Virus Scan: [Link]
Msg to mods: I didn't know where to make this thread sorry.