Why cheat engine contains malware and viruses?

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Why cheat engine contains malware and viruses?

Post by reefmaster »

Cheat Engine comes bundled with very nasty software and you have Dark Byte the author of cheat engine telling people to get on with the program and disable their antivirus or compile CE themselves but then discourages them IT WOULD LACK the signed drivers/debuggers. He also has a paid version which is clean.

I am sorry what? This is highly unethical and immoral of Dark Byte. If Dark Byte himself would not install those malware on his PC then why would he spread it to millions and we know very few would be able to decline it. But DECLINING these offers doesn't matter, I once fell victim to these nasties despite declining and had to reformat my PC because the browser extensions and apps wouldn't go away no matter what I did. Now I pay money and get the paid version of cheat engine because I can't risk having malware again.

Dark Byte can simply choose to not include malware in installer?. But the opposite goes on, where he ensures that people do end up installing it. That's how he makes money when people install malware. You can't run the installer if the internet is disabled. If you somehow manage to do that then Dark Byte will corrupt cheat engine and troll your PC (check the topic on ce forums).

I know this is for making money but he is making money through Patreon, advertisements and he can sell cheat engine like ArtMoney does.

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Re: Why cheat engine contains malware and viruses?

Post by Paul44 »

^ I recently had to reinstall v7.4: you can [Decline] having this stuff installed (AVG antivirus, if i recall well); and yep, I do not want any of that stuff either. AND: I'm 100% sure it does NOT install anything else since I use Revo Uninstaller to verify "proper" installation (for all my installations, not just CE btw).
You mention having declined, and still get that stuff. If that is the case, you should report this @CEF (not here) as that should not happen... It might well be possible that they made some "packing/installer" mistake then...

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Re: Why cheat engine contains malware and viruses?

Post by reefmaster »

Paul44 wrote:
Sat Nov 18, 2023 3:10 pm
^ I recently had to reinstall v7.4: you can [Decline] having this stuff installed (AVG antivirus, if i recall well); and yep, I do not want any of that stuff either. AND: I'm 100% sure it does NOT install anything else since I use Revo Uninstaller to verify "proper" installation (for all my installations, not just CE btw).
You mention having declined, and still get that stuff. If that is the case, you should report this @CEF (not here) as that should not happen... It might well be possible that they made some "packing/installer" mistake then...
This happened couple years ago, I am sure it doesn't happen often.

I will check out Revo uninstaller

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