fixed for v1.05r1
32 bit table for ce 6.6+ using mono feature, the game seems still buggy may hang just by changing focus.
please update table to 106
I'm a long time user of CE but never actually did a table, how can I update your table to newer versions?
like, what usually changes? :S thanks in advance, table worked great in those versions
I'm having some huge trouble getting this stuff to work; on the most recent upload so kindly provided by Pongzilla the only option that seems functional is no resource loss. Regardless of whether I'm at the main menu, map choosing screen, or properly in game, clicking any other option just causes a few seconds of lag before highlighting the option, and not implementing it. The box never checks, menus never appear or expand (Not sure if there ARE any such in these further bits, just saying if they do exist I never see them).
I'm a super mega slow developer in a lot of this sort of game, which makes things rather frustrating; I barely ever have even the slightest stages of my worlds ultimate framework in progress (Maybe some farmland I know I'll maintain for the duration, MAYBE some semi-permanent roads) by the time an attack explodes that I just cannot handle, and of course there's no way to change difficulty after starting a game, so it's not like I can take the first 10-20 years in peaceful and THEN enable attacks.
The point being, I'd really really love to figure out what I'm stupiding so this table worked for me.
The point being, I'd really really love to figure out what I'm stupiding so this table worked for me.
i don't think this word exists. i scoured the world wide webs, nothing. maybe u mean obstructing? hindering? suspending? blocking? impeding? idk
you can use table from first post, op, option "peaceful is hard" once you spent your first 10-20 years in peaceful. and make sure you have the correct version.
+ 64 bit table for v1.06 & ce 6.7+
Content is similar
Tested a giant map +180x+180 = 200x200 in this version, seems ok.
To this point I've done a fair bit of experimentation; world sizes, and a "peaceful mode" from a diff table. My findings so far; world creation lag seems to increase 5 fold for every 50 or so additional tiles added to its buffer.
I got a bit overboard with sizes. I've managed to successfully create working maps as large as 950, but for some reason when you set it to 1k or above; no land forms, the entire map is pure ocean.
Is anyone still working on this game? or is anyone able to point me in the right direction to make a resource table for it. As when I tried to find wood or stone the values would not stay the same. Would revert back to the original values.
Is anyone still working on this game? or is anyone able to point me in the right direction to make a resource table for it. As when I tried to find wood or stone the values would not stay the same. Would revert back to the original values.
look for what's in the stockpiles, or what's in the houses, or what the workers are carrying, and be aware of how you modify it. just freezing values causes all workers to freeze and no production gets done, unless you have a cheat to instant build.
theres also another topic with another table out there, try that one. can't link right now, just search for kingdoms.