[REQ] RoboCop: Rogue City

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[REQ] RoboCop: Rogue City

Post by Yevon »

Game Name: RoboCop: Rogue City
Game Engine: Unreal Engine 5
Game Version:
Options Required: No Reload, God Mode, EXP Multiplier
Steam Website:
Other Info: Game is now on pre-release for those who pre-ordered, official release 2 Nov, 2023

Table done thanks to:
lmrlmax: viewtopic.php?p=321843#p321843
Last edited by Yevon on Sun Nov 05, 2023 8:02 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [REQ] RoboCop: Rogue City

Post by lmrlmax »

Here is my table, hope it work for you guys.
- Ammo Script can make your character can't swap weapon, so careful using that
If you want to use unlimited ammo you can visit this thread: Trainer and it have more feature.
Version 1
For Game Version / 00.014.032
+ Ammo
+ Health
+ 1 Hit kill
+ Exp
+ Level Up Point
+ Unlimited Slow Time
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Re: [REQ] RoboCop: Rogue City

Post by Yevon »

lmrlmax wrote:
Wed Nov 01, 2023 12:22 pm
Here is my table, hope it work for you guys.
So far what I have tried it works. Thanks for the table!

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Re: [REQ] RoboCop: Rogue City

Post by jeremyrem »

lmrlmax wrote:
Wed Nov 01, 2023 12:22 pm
Here is my table, hope it work for you guys.
The unlimited Ammo makes it so you cant use ARs or SMGs if you previously used them and swapped.

When I try picking them up, it eitehr wont work or just grab ammo for a gun I dont have

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Re: [REQ] RoboCop: Rogue City

Post by lmrlmax »

jeremyrem wrote:
Thu Nov 02, 2023 2:44 am
The unlimited Ammo makes it so you cant use ARs or SMGs if you previously used them and swapped.

When I try picking them up, it eitehr wont work or just grab ammo for a gun I dont have
Yeah sry about that, the ammo script work but not perfect, hope someone can fix it or try other method.
You can turn off script and load last checkpoint if you want to change weapon.

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Re: [REQ] RoboCop: Rogue City

Post by jeremyrem »

lmrlmax wrote:
Thu Nov 02, 2023 3:01 am
jeremyrem wrote:
Thu Nov 02, 2023 2:44 am
The unlimited Ammo makes it so you cant use ARs or SMGs if you previously used them and swapped.

When I try picking them up, it eitehr wont work or just grab ammo for a gun I dont have
Yeah sry about that, the ammo script work but not perfect, hope someone can fix it or try other method.
You can turn off script and load last checkpoint if you want to change weapon.
That doesnt fix it, think my save is borked

What I mean is I would need to go back to before it happened, which is no longer possible for me

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Re: [REQ] RoboCop: Rogue City

Post by demorest2 »

aimbot would be realy fun n canonic XD...

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Re: [REQ] RoboCop: Rogue City

Post by Kalinag »

Works great! Thank you. (Health tops out at 66, but it never decreases.) 👍

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Re: [REQ] RoboCop: Rogue City

Post by Kalinag »

The table works great, but there is one place in the game where you will have to remove the "1 Hit Kill" option. Before the very last boss fight, un-tick the "1 Hit Kill" option. If you don't, the game will go crazy!! You won't even be able to turn or walk.

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Re: [REQ] RoboCop: Rogue City

Post by gir489 »

lmrlmax wrote:
Wed Nov 01, 2023 12:22 pm
Here is my table, hope it work for you guys.
- Ammo Script can make your character can't swap weapon, so careful using that
If you want to use unlimited ammo you can visit this thread: Trainer and it have more feature.
Infinite Ammo as you mentioned causes me to lose my weapons as well as not being able to swap guns. It also affects the OCP healing charge. That trainer you linked is from a fag who charges money. The Unlimited Ammo script is locked behind his pro paywall.

Anyway, here's a script that should only affect ammo based on yours. However, I can't for some reason pick up the LMG anymore or the assault rifle. Very annoying.

Code: Select all

// Game Executable   : RoboCop-Win64-Shipping.exe
// Author            : gir489
// Executable Version:
// MD5 Signature     : FD85E27B3FEB47F3B385713E5C26BC07
// EXE Compile Date  : November 02, 2023 08:11 AM
// Script Date       : November 09, 2023 03:27 PM
aobscanmodule(aob_SubAmmo,RoboCop-Win64-Shipping.exe,29 7C 28 08 48 8B 13)

cmp rcx, 2
je @f
  sub [rax+rbp+08],edi
  mov rdx,[rbx]
  jmp return_SubAmmo

  jmp newmem_SubAmmo
  nop 2

  db 29 7C 28 08 48 8B 13


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: RoboCop-Win64-Shipping.exe+211B957

RoboCop-Win64-Shipping.exe+211B900: 49 3B 46 10              - cmp rax,[r14+10]
RoboCop-Win64-Shipping.exe+211B904: 75 1A                    - jne RoboCop-Win64-Shipping.exe+211B920
RoboCop-Win64-Shipping.exe+211B906: 48 8B 46 30              - mov rax,[rsi+30]
RoboCop-Win64-Shipping.exe+211B90A: 4C 89 24 03              - mov [rbx+rax],r12
RoboCop-Win64-Shipping.exe+211B90E: 48 8B 46 30              - mov rax,[rsi+30]
RoboCop-Win64-Shipping.exe+211B912: 44 88 64 18 0C           - mov [rax+rbx+0C],r12b
RoboCop-Win64-Shipping.exe+211B917: 48 8B 46 30              - mov rax,[rsi+30]
RoboCop-Win64-Shipping.exe+211B91B: 4C 89 64 18 20           - mov [rax+rbx+20],r12
RoboCop-Win64-Shipping.exe+211B920: FF C5                    - inc ebp
RoboCop-Win64-Shipping.exe+211B922: 48 83 C3 28              - add rbx,28
RoboCop-Win64-Shipping.exe+211B926: 3B 6E 38                 - cmp ebp,[rsi+38]
RoboCop-Win64-Shipping.exe+211B929: 0F 8C 71 FF FF FF        - jl RoboCop-Win64-Shipping.exe+211B8A0
RoboCop-Win64-Shipping.exe+211B92F: 8B 7C 24 40              - mov edi,[rsp+40]
RoboCop-Win64-Shipping.exe+211B933: 48 8D 5E 40              - lea rbx,[rsi+40]
RoboCop-Win64-Shipping.exe+211B937: 44 8B 7C 24 20           - mov r15d,[rsp+20]
RoboCop-Win64-Shipping.exe+211B93C: 48 8B 6C 24 50           - mov rbp,[rsp+50]
RoboCop-Win64-Shipping.exe+211B941: 44 8B AC 24 C0 00 00 00  - mov r13d,[rsp+000000C0]
RoboCop-Win64-Shipping.exe+211B949: 48 8B 03                 - mov rax,[rbx]
RoboCop-Win64-Shipping.exe+211B94C: 44 2B EF                 - sub r13d,edi
RoboCop-Win64-Shipping.exe+211B94F: 44 89 AC 24 C0 00 00 00  - mov [rsp+000000C0],r13d
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
RoboCop-Win64-Shipping.exe+211B957: 29 7C 28 08              - sub [rax+rbp+08],edi
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
RoboCop-Win64-Shipping.exe+211B95B: 48 8B 13                 - mov rdx,[rbx]
RoboCop-Win64-Shipping.exe+211B95E: 44 39 64 2A 08           - cmp [rdx+rbp+08],r12d
RoboCop-Win64-Shipping.exe+211B963: 75 74                    - jne RoboCop-Win64-Shipping.exe+211B9D9
RoboCop-Win64-Shipping.exe+211B965: 49 63 C7                 - movsxd  rax,r15d
RoboCop-Win64-Shipping.exe+211B968: 48 8D 0C 80              - lea rcx,[rax+rax*4]
RoboCop-Win64-Shipping.exe+211B96C: 48 8D 1C CD 00 00 00 00  - lea rbx,[rcx*8+00000000]
RoboCop-Win64-Shipping.exe+211B974: 48 8B 4C 13 10           - mov rcx,[rbx+rdx+10]
RoboCop-Win64-Shipping.exe+211B979: 48 85 C9                 - test rcx,rcx
RoboCop-Win64-Shipping.exe+211B97C: 74 05                    - je RoboCop-Win64-Shipping.exe+211B983
RoboCop-Win64-Shipping.exe+211B97E: E8 CD 82 28 00           - call RoboCop-Win64-Shipping.exe+23A3C50
RoboCop-Win64-Shipping.exe+211B983: 44 8B 4E 48              - mov r9d,[rsi+48]
RoboCop-Win64-Shipping.exe+211B987: 45 2B CF                 - sub r9d,r15d
RoboCop-Win64-Shipping.exe+211B98A: 41 83 E9 01              - sub r9d,01
RoboCop-Win64-Shipping.exe+211B98E: 74 27                    - je RoboCop-Win64-Shipping.exe+211B9B7
RoboCop-Win64-Shipping.exe+211B990: 4C 8B 46 40              - mov r8,[rsi+40]
RoboCop-Win64-Shipping.exe+211B994: 41 8D 47 01              - lea eax,[r15+01]
RoboCop-Win64-Shipping.exe+211B998: 48 63 C8                 - movsxd  rcx,eax
RoboCop-Win64-Shipping.exe+211B99B: 48 8D 04 89              - lea rax,[rcx+rcx*4]
RoboCop-Win64-Shipping.exe+211B99F: 49 8D 14 C0              - lea rdx,[r8+rax*8]
RoboCop-Win64-Shipping.exe+211B9A3: 49 63 C1                 - movsxd  rax,r9d
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Re: [REQ] RoboCop: Rogue City

Post by gir489 »

So, hopefully cfemen will release a console enabler for this, but for now, I've been using a pirated version of UUU. Here's what I found so far:


Takes the weapon name, and can use any of the following:

Code: Select all

WP_BarrettM82_explosive //Cobra Assault Cannon (CLARENCE, CLARENCE, WAIT!)
WP_BaseballBat //Untested
WP_BerettaAuto9 //Untested, will probably crash or do nothing since you should have this already by default.
WP_Hecklerkoch //Doesn't work
WP_IntraTec //TEC-9
WP_MossbergBullpup //OCP Combat Shotgun
WP_MountedMinigun //DLC1 (Cut content? It's called the T-600 internally, probably a reference to Terminator. Has no icons, animations are broken, can't take ammo.)
WP_NoWeapon //Could be useful if you've glitched out your weapons? IDK never tested it. After I glitched out mine, I reset to an earlier save.
Now, when you call AddWeapon from the MyCheatManager class (default), it's going to give you no ammo with it. I spent a lot of time figuring this out, and it's a pain in the ass. Hopefully cfemen can get the console working and forward the calls to the Backpack class which has a function called AddWeaponToBackpack that takes a boolean bAddDefaultAmmo, which will probably act like as if you picked up the weapon off the ground.

There's a function called Add, which takes the amount and the item parameter. I found a list of all the Ammo classes that each weapon takes, but some of them work, some of them don't, and of course the M60's LMG ammo doesn't work, so I had to work out a 2nd option (which I'll get to in a second)

Here are the following ammo classes:

B_AmmoAuto9 (WP_BerettaAuto9)
B_AmmoCobra (WP_BarrettM82_explosive) //Tested and working.
B_AmmoGrenade (WP_MM1GL)
B_AmmoLMG (WP_BrowningM60) //Doesn't work.
B_AmmoMinigun (WP_MountedMinigun) //Doesn't work.
B_AmmoPistol (WP_Pistol)
B_AmmoRifle (WP_SteyrAUG / WP_Hecklerkoch / WP_HKG11 / WP_AKM) //Doesn't work.
B_AmmoRocket (WP_ATGM)
B_AmmoShotgun (WP_MossbergBullpup / WP_Spas12 / WP_Mossberg)
B_AmmoSmall (WP_SigSauer)
B_AmmoSmall44 (WP_DesertEagle) //Tested and working
B_AmmoSmg (WP_SmgUzi / WP_IntraTec / WP_SterlingMk6)
B_AmmoSniper (WP_BarrettM82_Sniper)

Now, if Add 100 Ammo_name doesn't work, says the alias is not found or whatever, you can use the Uncheck Ammo script in this table. Here's what you do.

AddWeapon Weapon_YouWant
Enable Uncheck Ammo.
Go back in game and wait for the reload to finish.
Change the weapon out for another one on the ground.
Disable Uncheck Ammo.
Pickup the weapon you just dropped.

It should now work as if you picked it up normally. It did at least for the M60 for me.

DO NOT leave Uncheck Ammo on, it writes to a lot of things, and I CBF'd to check what.

You can also execute the console command Chip to get a random chip, but like AddWeaponToBackpack, there exists a function in the Backpack class to generate exactly the chip you want called AddPredefinedChip that takes the NewConnectionType (shape), BoostValue, Rotation and Chip Tier. But, again, will have to wait for cfemen's magic, as working out how to forward console commands to the backpack class is beyond my scope of willingness to put effort in.

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Re: [REQ] RoboCop: Rogue City

Post by Korvax »

gir489 wrote:
Fri Nov 10, 2023 11:24 pm
So, hopefully cfemen will release a console enabler for this, but for now, I've been using a pirated version of UUU. Here's what I found so far:


Takes the weapon name, and can use any of the following:

Code: Select all

WP_BarrettM82_explosive //Cobra Assault Cannon (CLARENCE, CLARENCE, WAIT!)
WP_BaseballBat //Untested
WP_BerettaAuto9 //Untested, will probably crash or do nothing since you should have this already by default.
WP_Hecklerkoch //Doesn't work
WP_IntraTec //TEC-9
WP_MossbergBullpup //OCP Combat Shotgun
WP_MountedMinigun //DLC1 (Cut content? It's called the T-600 internally, probably a reference to Terminator. Has no icons, animations are broken, can't take ammo.)
WP_NoWeapon //Could be useful if you've glitched out your weapons? IDK never tested it. After I glitched out mine, I reset to an earlier save.
Now, when you call AddWeapon from the MyCheatManager class (default), it's going to give you no ammo with it. I spent a lot of time figuring this out, and it's a pain in the ass. Hopefully cfemen can get the console working and forward the calls to the Backpack class which has a function called AddWeaponToBackpack that takes a boolean bAddDefaultAmmo, which will probably act like as if you picked up the weapon off the ground.

There's a function called Add, which takes the amount and the item parameter. I found a list of all the Ammo classes that each weapon takes, but some of them work, some of them don't, and of course the M60's LMG ammo doesn't work, so I had to work out a 2nd option (which I'll get to in a second)

Here are the following ammo classes:

B_AmmoAuto9 (WP_BerettaAuto9)
B_AmmoCobra (WP_BarrettM82_explosive) //Tested and working.
B_AmmoGrenade (WP_MM1GL)
B_AmmoLMG (WP_BrowningM60) //Doesn't work.
B_AmmoMinigun (WP_MountedMinigun) //Doesn't work.
B_AmmoPistol (WP_Pistol)
B_AmmoRifle (WP_SteyrAUG / WP_Hecklerkoch / WP_HKG11 / WP_AKM) //Doesn't work.
B_AmmoRocket (WP_ATGM)
B_AmmoShotgun (WP_MossbergBullpup / WP_Spas12 / WP_Mossberg)
B_AmmoSmall (WP_SigSauer)
B_AmmoSmall44 (WP_DesertEagle) //Tested and working
B_AmmoSmg (WP_SmgUzi / WP_IntraTec / WP_SterlingMk6)
B_AmmoSniper (WP_BarrettM82_Sniper)

Now, if Add 100 Ammo_name doesn't work, says the alias is not found or whatever, you can use the Uncheck Ammo script in this table. Here's what you do.

AddWeapon Weapon_YouWant
Enable Uncheck Ammo.
Go back in game and wait for the reload to finish.
Change the weapon out for another one on the ground.
Disable Uncheck Ammo.
Pickup the weapon you just dropped.

It should now work as if you picked it up normally. It did at least for the M60 for me.

DO NOT leave Uncheck Ammo on, it writes to a lot of things, and I CBF'd to check what.

You can also execute the console command Chip to get a random chip, but like AddWeaponToBackpack, there exists a function in the Backpack class to generate exactly the chip you want called AddPredefinedChip that takes the NewConnectionType (shape), BoostValue, Rotation and Chip Tier. But, again, will have to wait for cfemen's magic, as working out how to forward console commands to the backpack class is beyond my scope of willingness to put effort in.

Regarding the Mounted Minigun/DLC1, it's likely from the first DLC in Terminator: Resistance (Infiltrator DLC) where the T-800 could make use of a mounted minoigun used by Resistance/Techcom enemies and it was about as deadly against humans as you'd expect. The T-650s and I think some T-600s from Annihilation Line also used Miniguns. DLC1 could also refer to some DLC in the making where RoboCop will have access to a minigun as a secondary weapon. Given how some actions such as grabbing and punching are lifted right from the Infiltrator DLC in their previous game, I'm guessing it's stuff left-over/improved upon from Terminator: Resistance.

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Re: [REQ] RoboCop: Rogue City

Post by zufield »

Can we get an option for no penalties when modding PCB boards for the Auto-9?

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Re: [REQ] RoboCop: Rogue City

Post by gir489 »

Updated table for
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Re: [REQ] RoboCop: Rogue City

Post by gir489 »

I added Generate 300% Chips From Merging. Didn't test it. Got stupid fucking drunk and decided to fuck around randomly with the chip system, because reasons. No idea if it works or not.

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