Because it takes up the entire window when I am adding my own stuff to the table. There's like 30 un needed lines and I said I added it to the existing script. It's whatever though, I won't post anything else on tables you made.
Usually people make 1 line and say, Made by ______, not 30 lines which makes adding extra addresses a pain
Your script contained only gold, and you expected people not to improve it? Also this is a community
Could we please go back to being civilized with each other?
I agree it was a shitty thing to do, especially because it would have taken a minute to simply put the line "based on the prior work of ColonelRVH" in. It's not that hard. But please can we stop derailing the thread because of it? I think something like that should first and foremost be discussed among the two parties and not like in a medieval village.
Welcome to our beautiful world where people like to rip your stuff jejeje.
And full of people with enormous ego. Well, thanks for table and so on, but in this table is hard to see script itself with all that autor's signatures.
If $12 is "paying through the nose" then perhaps you might want to be out looking for a job instead of wasting all day on internet forums. I just paid more for a big-mac combo at McDonalds for lunch.
If $12 is "paying through the nose" then perhaps you might want to be out looking for a job instead of wasting all day on internet forums. I just paid more for a big-mac combo at McDonalds for lunch.
My point is that you don't even bother advertising it. How about instead of accusing me of spending all my day on the internet forums on a fucking Saturday, stopping your stealth campaign? They stopped you from spamming the trainer section and drowning everyone else in a flood of fearlessrevolution trainers and now you take to bothering the table section as well? How about being up front saying:
Hey just in case you guys didn't know, fearlessrevolution has a trainer for this game. It costs you so and so much for a membership of a month which includes so and so many trainers, you can't use the trainers unless you pay a suscription fee. We have a promo trainer that includes one option which is not unlimited health. You also need to validate each download you take and once your suscription runs out so does the use of those trainers?
At least that would be open and honest and upfront. What you are doing is extremely shady. Also: what's the fucking point? Your site comes up at number 1 or 2 on google searches, rarely beaten by MAF and yet you feel the need to basically invade a small ass community like this to make some more money? Come off it dude.
I have no Stealth campaign. It's obvious that you guys are running in circles on this title, ripping off one another instead of being the loving sharing super tight community that you portray. It's just providing the end users with FREE!!!! yet useless tables that don't work. I was simply offering an alternative.
Also, actually knowing our membership structure, how it works and benefits the end users would help when you start bashing us with comments that aren't even close to being true.
I have no Stealth campaign. It's obvious that you guys are running in circles on this title, ripping off one another instead of being the loving sharing super tight community that you portray. It's just providing the end users with FREE!!!! yet useless tables that don't work. I was simply offering an alternative.
Also, actually knowing our membership structure, how it works and benefits the end users would help when you start bashing us with comments that aren't even close to being true.
I was a member of your site looong ago. Trust me. I know how it works.
Either way. There was one person ripping of another on here. Not dozens. Everybody else including me tried to find stuff their own way. But it's just pretty hard. Colonels table worked and for most other stuff basic CE knowledge is all you need. You can find anything in the game in like 3 tries.
Yes it's a stealth campaign. You had dozens of threads advertising CH trainers without any information on the price, the available options for the free version etc. They were deleted so now you go around and post in existing threads. Again: no mention of the price, the options that are available for free etc.
So like I said: Get lost already. This is the table subsection NOT the trainer subsection. We want a table, not a trainer. If I want a trainer I go to MAF.
lol... MAF... your hero that "borrows" CE tables from your very community to magically come up with trainers only after a CE script has appeared. If you guys only knew the half of it. priceless.
And full of people with enormous ego. Well, thanks for table and so on, but in this table is hard to see script itself with all that autor's signatures.
Not sure if it's just my issue but the instant cooldown doesn't activate for me. It freezes the table for a short time and then unfreezes but doesn't allow me to activate it. Is it meant to be used during certain situations only?
Last edited by ColonelRVH on Sun May 21, 2017 4:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason:Quote full topic removed
Actually, every value is super easy to find, all the get, set functions are in the players vfTable. which is how this game handle the values internally. Mega trainer cominggggg as soon as i get my nails done jejeje.