z Lords of the Fallen

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z Lords of the Fallen

Post by Zanzer »

Unlimited Stamina
Unlimited Mana
Unlimited Ammo
Unlimited Item Uses
Ignore Stat Requirements
Player Pointers
Unlimited Health (enemies too)

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
(119.98 KiB) Downloaded 2482 times
Last edited by Zanzer on Sat Oct 14, 2023 5:11 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: z Lords of the Fallen

Post by Kafua »

Thank you!

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Re: z Lords of the Fallen

Post by Kafua »

a Fellow by the name of Duckbeer posted this in the Trainer thread incase anyone needed to know how to bypass the anti-cheat for this table

1. Create a .txt file named steam_appid.txt and add it to the folder containing the game executable (steamapps\common\Lords of the Fallen\LOTF2\Binaries\Win64)
2. Open the .txt, add the string of numbers "1501750" (without quotes), and save. (This is the LOTF steam id)
3. Launch the game by clicking on the exe file: LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe

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Re: z Lords of the Fallen

Post by Cielos »

- added ignore mana.
- ignore stamina covered the stamina usage of magic attack now. still doesn't cover the continuous sprint and ammo attack.
- as the pdb got removed, so as the dependence to the debug symbols of the script move mod keys, i.e., you don't need to (and can't~) wait for the debug symbols to be loaded first to activate this script anymore. also, the mechanics got changed abit, you don't need to release and press the mod keys after you stop and move again, but you may get stuck to another default speed if you press more then one mod keys and release the first key you pressed first. should this happens, just press space to reset.
3 scripts:
move mod keys .4
- allows you to hold a key to change the moving speed:
- hold Alt to slow walk, MouseX1 to walk, MouseX2 to sprint.
- when using MouseX2 to sprint, you won't use any stamina. you can still do the sprint attack, but you can't jump.
- mod keys can be changed by changing the hot-keys of the empty child entries after you activated the script.
- ***** as it needs to wait for CE to load the debug symbol first, it may take awhile before you can activate this script, depending on your system.

ignore stamina .2
- allows you to attacks and dodge anytime regardless of stamina.
- stamina still decrease until it reaches zero.
- doesn't cover continuous sprinting though.

ignore mana
- allows you to do magic attacks regardless of the mana .
- mana still decrease until it reaches zero.
- you still need stamina to do magic attacks, using ignore stamina together is advised.

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <Description>"move mod keys .4"</Description>
      <Options moHideChildren="1"/>
      <LastState Activated="1"/>
      <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
      <AssemblerScript Async="1">[ENABLE]
//code from here to '[DISABLE]' will be used to enable the cheat
//aobscanregion(locomotionStateConstRead1AOB,LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerMovementComponent::execGetDesiredLocomotionState,LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerMovementComponent::execGetDesiredLocomotionState+f0,0F ** ** ** ** 00 00 41 ** ** C3)
aobscanmodule(locomotionStateConstRead1AOB,LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe,0F ** ** ** ** 00 00 41 ** ** C3 48 ** ** ** ** 57 48 ** ** ** 48 ** ** ** 33 C0)


alloc(newmem,2048,locomotionStateConstRead1AOB) //LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerMovementComponent::execGetDesiredLocomotionState+15) //"LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+25EDBC5)

newmem: //this is allocated memory, you have read,write,execute access
//place your code here
push rdx
//movzx eax,byte ptr [rcx+0000139D]
//test al,al
//jz resetdmmk
mov rdx,dMoveModKey
mov dl,[rdx]
movzx edx,dl
test dl,dl
cmovnz eax,edx
//mov [rcx+0000139D],al
jmp end

//mov rdx,dMoveModKey
//mov [rdx],al

pop rdx
jmp exit

//movzx eax,byte ptr [rcx+0000139D]

jmp returnhere

dd 0

locomotionStateConstRead1AOB: //LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerMovementComponent::execGetDesiredLocomotionState+15: //"LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+25EDBC5:
jmp newmem
nop 2

//aobscanregion(getMaxSpeedAOB,LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxSpeed,LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxSpeed+f0,C3 F3 0F ** ** ** ** 00 00 48 ** ** ** 5B C3)
resultSet=AOBScan("FF ** ** ** 00 00 84 C0 74 0E F3 0F ** ** ** ** 00 00 48 ** ** ** 5B C3 F3 0F ** ** ** ** 00 00 48 ** ** ** 5B C3","-W-C")

alloc(newmem2,2048,getMaxSpeedAOB+20) //+9) //LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxSpeed+4E) //"LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+48C349E)

newmem2: //this is allocated memory, you have read,write,execute access
//place your code here
//mulss xmm0,[fseee]
push rcx
mov rcx,aMoveModSpeeds
//xor rbx,rbx
mov rbx,dMoveModKey
movzx rbx,byte ptr [rbx]
test bl,bl
jz @f
movss xmm0,[rcx+rbx*4]
pop rcx

//add rsp,20
//pop rbx
readmem(getMaxSpeedAOB+20,5) //+9,5)

jmp returnhere2

dd (float)0
dd (float)120
dd (float)178
dd (float)400
dd (float)600

getMaxSpeedAOB+20: //+9: //LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxSpeed+4E: //"LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+48C349E:
jmp newmem2


//code from here till the end of the code will be used to disable the cheat
locomotionStateConstRead1AOB: //LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerMovementComponent::execGetDesiredLocomotionState+15: //"LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+25EDBC5:
//db 0F B6 81 9D 13 00 00
//movzx eax,byte ptr [rcx+0000139D]


getMaxSpeedAOB+20: //+9: //LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxSpeed+4E: //"LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+48C349E:
//db 48 83 C4 20 5B
//add rsp,20
//pop rbx


LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexBaseNavModifierComponent::execEnableDeferred - 48 89 5C 24 08        - mov [rsp+08],rbx
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexBaseNavModifierComponent::execEnableDeferred+5- 48 89 74 24 18        - mov [rsp+18],rsi
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexBaseNavModifierComponent::execEnableDeferred+A- 57                    - push rdi
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexBaseNavModifierComponent::execEnableDeferred+B- 48 83 EC 20           - sub rsp,20 { 32 }
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexBaseNavModifierComponent::execEnableDeferred+F- 33 FF                 - xor edi,edi
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexBaseNavModifierComponent::execEnableDeferred+11- 48 8B DA              - mov rbx,rdx
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexBaseNavModifierComponent::execEnableDeferred+14- 89 7C 24 38           - mov [rsp+38],edi
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexBaseNavModifierComponent::execEnableDeferred+18- 48 8B F1              - mov rsi,rcx
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexBaseNavModifierComponent::execEnableDeferred+1B- E8 F0258500           - call LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.FBoolProperty::StaticClass
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexBaseNavModifierComponent::execEnableDeferred+20- 48 8B CB              - mov rcx,rbx
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexBaseNavModifierComponent::execEnableDeferred+23- 48 39 7B 20           - cmp [rbx+20],rdi
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexBaseNavModifierComponent::execEnableDeferred+27- 74 10                 - je LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexBaseNavModifierComponent::execEnableDeferred+39
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexBaseNavModifierComponent::execEnableDeferred+29- 48 8B 53 18           - mov rdx,[rbx+18]
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexBaseNavModifierComponent::execEnableDeferred+2D- 4C 8D 44 24 38        - lea r8,[rsp+38]
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexBaseNavModifierComponent::execEnableDeferred+32- E8 49A48500           - call LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.FFrame::Step
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexBaseNavModifierComponent::execEnableDeferred+37- EB 1C                 - jmp LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexBaseNavModifierComponent::execEnableDeferred+55
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexBaseNavModifierComponent::execEnableDeferred+39- 4C 8B 83 88000000     - mov r8,[rbx+LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.t_elephantPoolBig65536]
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexBaseNavModifierComponent::execEnableDeferred+40- 48 8D 54 24 38        - lea rdx,[rsp+38]
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexBaseNavModifierComponent::execEnableDeferred+45- 49 8B 40 20           - mov rax,[r8+20]
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexBaseNavModifierComponent::execEnableDeferred+49- 48 89 83 88000000     - mov [rbx+LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.t_elephantPoolBig65536],rax
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexBaseNavModifierComponent::execEnableDeferred+50- E8 5BA48500           - call LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.FFrame::StepExplicitProperty
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexBaseNavModifierComponent::execEnableDeferred+55- 48 8B 43 20           - mov rax,[rbx+20]
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexBaseNavModifierComponent::execEnableDeferred+59- 48 8B CE              - mov rcx,rsi
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexBaseNavModifierComponent::execEnableDeferred+5C- 48 85 C0              - test rax,rax
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexBaseNavModifierComponent::execEnableDeferred+5F- 40 0F95 C7            - setne dil
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexBaseNavModifierComponent::execEnableDeferred+63- 48 03 F8              - add rdi,rax
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexBaseNavModifierComponent::execEnableDeferred+66- 83 7C 24 38 00        - cmp dword ptr [rsp+38],00 { 0 }
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexBaseNavModifierComponent::execEnableDeferred+6B- 48 89 7B 20           - mov [rbx+20],rdi
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexBaseNavModifierComponent::execEnableDeferred+6F- 0F95 C2               - setne dl
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexBaseNavModifierComponent::execEnableDeferred+72- E8 59ED4900           - call LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexBaseNavModifierComponent::EnableDeferred
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexBaseNavModifierComponent::execEnableDeferred+77- 48 8B 5C 24 30        - mov rbx,[rsp+30]
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexBaseNavModifierComponent::execEnableDeferred+7C- 48 8B 74 24 40        - mov rsi,[rsp+40]
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexBaseNavModifierComponent::execEnableDeferred+81- 48 83 C4 20           - add rsp,20 { 32 }
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexBaseNavModifierComponent::execEnableDeferred+85- 5F                    - pop rdi
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexBaseNavModifierComponent::execEnableDeferred+86- C3                    - ret
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe+25F6267                                      - CC                    - int 3
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe+25F6268                                      - CC                    - int 3
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe+25F6269                                      - CC                    - int 3
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe+25F626A                                      - CC                    - int 3
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe+25F626B                                      - CC                    - int 3
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe+25F626C                                      - CC                    - int 3
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe+25F626D                                      - CC                    - int 3
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe+25F626E                                      - CC                    - int 3
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe+25F626F                                      - CC                    - int 3
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerMovementComponent::execGetCurrentLocomotionState- 48 8B 42 20           - mov rax,[rdx+20]
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerMovementComponent::execGetCurrentLocomotionState+4- 45 33 C9              - xor r9d,r9d
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerMovementComponent::execGetCurrentLocomotionState+7- 48 85 C0              - test rax,rax
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerMovementComponent::execGetCurrentLocomotionState+A- 41 0F95 C1            - setne r9b
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerMovementComponent::execGetCurrentLocomotionState+E- 4C 03 C8              - add r9,rax
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerMovementComponent::execGetCurrentLocomotionState+11- 4C 89 4A 20           - mov [rdx+20],r9
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerMovementComponent::execGetCurrentLocomotionState+15- 0FB6 81 9C130000      - movzx eax,byte ptr [rcx+0000139C]
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerMovementComponent::execGetCurrentLocomotionState+1C- 41 88 00              - mov [r8],al
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerMovementComponent::execGetCurrentLocomotionState+1F- C3                    - ret
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerMovementComponent::execGetDesiredLocomotionState- 48 8B 42 20           - mov rax,[rdx+20]
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerMovementComponent::execGetDesiredLocomotionState+4- 45 33 C9              - xor r9d,r9d
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerMovementComponent::execGetDesiredLocomotionState+7- 48 85 C0              - test rax,rax
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerMovementComponent::execGetDesiredLocomotionState+A- 41 0F95 C1            - setne r9b
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerMovementComponent::execGetDesiredLocomotionState+E- 4C 03 C8              - add r9,rax
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerMovementComponent::execGetDesiredLocomotionState+11- 4C 89 4A 20           - mov [rdx+20],r9
locomotionStateConstRead1AOB                                          - 0FB6 81 9D130000      - movzx eax,byte ptr [rcx+0000139D]
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerMovementComponent::execGetDesiredLocomotionState+1C- 41 88 00              - mov [r8],al
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerMovementComponent::execGetDesiredLocomotionState+1F- C3                    - ret
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerSettings::execGetItemsIDs              - 48 89 5C 24 08        - mov [rsp+08],rbx
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerSettings::execGetItemsIDs+5            - 57                    - push rdi
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerSettings::execGetItemsIDs+6            - 48 83 EC 30           - sub rsp,30 { 48 }
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerSettings::execGetItemsIDs+A            - 48 8B 4A 20           - mov rcx,[rdx+20]
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerSettings::execGetItemsIDs+E            - 33 C0                 - xor eax,eax
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerSettings::execGetItemsIDs+10           - 48 85 C9              - test rcx,rcx
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerSettings::execGetItemsIDs+13           - 49 8B F8              - mov rdi,r8
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerSettings::execGetItemsIDs+16           - 0F95 C0               - setne al
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerSettings::execGetItemsIDs+19           - 48 03 C1              - add rax,rcx
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerSettings::execGetItemsIDs+1C           - 48 8D 4C 24 20        - lea rcx,[rsp+20]
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerSettings::execGetItemsIDs+21           - 48 89 42 20           - mov [rdx+20],rax
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerSettings::execGetItemsIDs+25           - E8 96C04C00           - call LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerSettings::GetItemsIDs
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerSettings::execGetItemsIDs+2A           - 48 8B D8              - mov rbx,rax
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerSettings::execGetItemsIDs+2D           - 48 3B F8              - cmp rdi,rax
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerSettings::execGetItemsIDs+30           - 74 2E                 - je LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerSettings::execGetItemsIDs+60
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerSettings::execGetItemsIDs+32           - 48 8B 0F              - mov rcx,[rdi]
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerSettings::execGetItemsIDs+35           - 48 85 C9              - test rcx,rcx
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerSettings::execGetItemsIDs+38           - 74 05                 - je LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerSettings::execGetItemsIDs+3F
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerSettings::execGetItemsIDs+3A           - E8 81035C00           - call LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.FMemory::Free
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerSettings::execGetItemsIDs+3F           - 48 8B 0B              - mov rcx,[rbx]
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerSettings::execGetItemsIDs+42           - 48 89 0F              - mov [rdi],rcx
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerSettings::execGetItemsIDs+45           - 48 C7 03 00000000     - mov qword ptr [rbx],00000000 { 0 }
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerSettings::execGetItemsIDs+4C           - 8B 43 08              - mov eax,[rbx+08]
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerSettings::execGetItemsIDs+4F           - 89 47 08              - mov [rdi+08],eax
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerSettings::execGetItemsIDs+52           - 8B 43 0C              - mov eax,[rbx+0C]
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerSettings::execGetItemsIDs+55           - 89 47 0C              - mov [rdi+0C],eax
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerSettings::execGetItemsIDs+58           - 48 C7 43 08 00000000  - mov qword ptr [rbx+08],00000000 { 0 }
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerSettings::execGetItemsIDs+60           - 48 8B 4C 24 20        - mov rcx,[rsp+20]
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerSettings::execGetItemsIDs+65           - 48 85 C9              - test rcx,rcx
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerSettings::execGetItemsIDs+68           - 74 05                 - je LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerSettings::execGetItemsIDs+6F
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerSettings::execGetItemsIDs+6A           - E8 51035C00           - call LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.FMemory::Free
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerSettings::execGetItemsIDs+6F           - 48 8B 5C 24 40        - mov rbx,[rsp+40]
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerSettings::execGetItemsIDs+74           - 48 83 C4 30           - add rsp,30 { 48 }
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerSettings::execGetItemsIDs+78           - 5F                    - pop rdi
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerSettings::execGetItemsIDs+79           - C3                    - ret
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerSettings::execGetItemsIDs+7A           - CC                    - int 3
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe+25F632B                                      - CC                    - int 3
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe+25F632C                                      - CC                    - int 3
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe+25F632D                                      - CC                    - int 3
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe+25F632E                                      - CC                    - int 3
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe+25F632F                                      - CC                    - int 3
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexOnlineUtils::execGetLocalPlayerController    - 48 89 5C 24 08        - mov [rsp+08],rbx
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexOnlineUtils::execGetLocalPlayerController+5  - 48 89 74 24 18        - mov [rsp+18],rsi
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexOnlineUtils::execGetLocalPlayerController+A  - 57                    - push rdi
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexOnlineUtils::execGetLocalPlayerController+B  - 48 83 EC 20           - sub rsp,20 { 32 }
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexOnlineUtils::execGetLocalPlayerController+F  - 33 FF                 - xor edi,edi
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexOnlineUtils::execGetLocalPlayerController+11 - 49 8B F0              - mov rsi,r8
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexOnlineUtils::execGetLocalPlayerController+14 - 48 89 7C 24 38        - mov [rsp+38],rdi
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexOnlineUtils::execGetLocalPlayerController+19 - 48 8B DA              - mov rbx,rdx
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexOnlineUtils::execGetLocalPlayerController+1C - E8 5F328500           - call LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.FObjectPropertyBase::StaticClass
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexOnlineUtils::execGetLocalPlayerController+21 - 48 8B CB              - mov rcx,rbx
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexOnlineUtils::execGetLocalPlayerController+24 - 48 39 7B 20           - cmp [rbx+20],rdi
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexOnlineUtils::execGetLocalPlayerController+28 - 74 10                 - je LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexOnlineUtils::execGetLocalPlayerController+3A
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexOnlineUtils::execGetLocalPlayerController+2A - 48 8B 53 18           - mov rdx,[rbx+18]
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexOnlineUtils::execGetLocalPlayerController+2E - 4C 8D 44 24 38        - lea r8,[rsp+38]
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexOnlineUtils::execGetLocalPlayerController+33 - E8 F8A28500           - call LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.FFrame::Step
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexOnlineUtils::execGetLocalPlayerController+38 - EB 1C                 - jmp LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexOnlineUtils::execGetLocalPlayerController+56
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexOnlineUtils::execGetLocalPlayerController+3A - 4C 8B 83 88000000     - mov r8,[rbx+LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.t_elephantPoolBig65536]
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexOnlineUtils::execGetLocalPlayerController+41 - 48 8D 54 24 38        - lea rdx,[rsp+38]
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexOnlineUtils::execGetLocalPlayerController+46 - 49 8B 40 20           - mov rax,[r8+20]
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexOnlineUtils::execGetLocalPlayerController+4A - 48 89 83 88000000     - mov [rbx+LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.t_elephantPoolBig65536],rax
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexOnlineUtils::execGetLocalPlayerController+51 - E8 0AA38500           - call LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.FFrame::StepExplicitProperty
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexOnlineUtils::execGetLocalPlayerController+56 - 48 8B 43 20           - mov rax,[rbx+20]
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexOnlineUtils::execGetLocalPlayerController+5A - 48 8B 4C 24 38        - mov rcx,[rsp+38]
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexOnlineUtils::execGetLocalPlayerController+5F - 48 85 C0              - test rax,rax
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexOnlineUtils::execGetLocalPlayerController+62 - 40 0F95 C7            - setne dil
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexOnlineUtils::execGetLocalPlayerController+66 - 48 03 F8              - add rdi,rax
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexOnlineUtils::execGetLocalPlayerController+69 - 48 89 7B 20           - mov [rbx+20],rdi
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexOnlineUtils::execGetLocalPlayerController+6D - E8 7E343900           - call LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexOnlineUtils::GetLocalPlayerController
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexOnlineUtils::execGetLocalPlayerController+72 - 48 8B 5C 24 30        - mov rbx,[rsp+30]
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexOnlineUtils::execGetLocalPlayerController+77 - 48 89 06              - mov [rsi],rax
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexOnlineUtils::execGetLocalPlayerController+7A - 48 8B 74 24 40        - mov rsi,[rsp+40]
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexOnlineUtils::execGetLocalPlayerController+7F - 48 83 C4 20           - add rsp,20 { 32 }
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexOnlineUtils::execGetLocalPlayerController+83 - 5F                    - pop rdi
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexOnlineUtils::execGetLocalPlayerController+84 - C3                    - ret

LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxJumpHeightWithJumpTime - 40 53                 - push rbx
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxJumpHeightWithJumpTime+2- 48 83 EC 20           - sub rsp,20 { 32 }
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxJumpHeightWithJumpTime+6- 48 8B 01              - mov rax,[rcx]
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxJumpHeightWithJumpTime+9- 48 8B D9              - mov rbx,rcx
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxJumpHeightWithJumpTime+C- FF 90 38070000        - call qword ptr [rax+00000738]
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxJumpHeightWithJumpTime+12- 48 8B 83 78010000     - mov rax,[rbx+LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.t_elephantPoolSmall64]
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxJumpHeightWithJumpTime+19- 0F28 C8               - movaps xmm1,xmm0
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxJumpHeightWithJumpTime+1C- 48 85 C0              - test rax,rax
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxJumpHeightWithJumpTime+1F- 74 14                 - je LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxJumpHeightWithJumpTime+35
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxJumpHeightWithJumpTime+21- F3 0F10 80 30040000   - movss xmm0,[rax+LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.Chaos::GThreadLockCheckData+30]
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxJumpHeightWithJumpTime+29- F3 0F59 83 88010000   - mulss xmm0,[rbx+LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.t_elephantPoolSmall32]
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxJumpHeightWithJumpTime+31- F3 0F58 C1            - addss xmm0,xmm1
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxJumpHeightWithJumpTime+35- 48 83 C4 20           - add rsp,20 { 32 }
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxJumpHeightWithJumpTime+39- 5B                    - pop rbx
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxJumpHeightWithJumpTime+3A- C3                    - ret
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe+48D43EB                                               - CC                    - int 3
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe+48D43EC                                               - CC                    - int 3
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe+48D43ED                                               - CC                    - int 3
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe+48D43EE                                               - CC                    - int 3
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe+48D43EF                                               - CC                    - int 3
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxSpeed                  - 40 53                 - push rbx
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxSpeed+2                - 48 83 EC 20           - sub rsp,20 { 32 }
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxSpeed+6                - 0FB6 81 B4010000      - movzx eax,byte ptr [rcx+LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.hydro_random_context+14]
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxSpeed+D                - 48 8B D9              - mov rbx,rcx
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxSpeed+10               - 83 F8 06              - cmp eax,06 { 6 }
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxSpeed+13               - 77 69                 - ja LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxSpeed+7E
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxSpeed+15               - 48 8D 0D F4BB72FB     - lea rcx,[LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe] { (9460301) }
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxSpeed+1C               - 8B 94 81 78448D04     - mov edx,[rcx+rax*4+048D4478]
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxSpeed+23               - 48 03 D1              - add rdx,rcx
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxSpeed+26               - FF E2                 - jmp rdx
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxSpeed+28               - 48 8B 03              - mov rax,[rbx]
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxSpeed+2B               - 48 8B CB              - mov rcx,rbx
getMaxSpeedAOB                                                                 - FF 90 C0050000        - call qword ptr [rax+LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.dtor_list_head+70]
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxSpeed+34               - 84 C0                 - test al,al
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxSpeed+36               - 74 0E                 - je LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxSpeed+46
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxSpeed+38               - F3 0F10 83 FC010000   - movss xmm0,[rbx+LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.LowLevelTasks::FSchedulerTls::ActiveScheduler+4]
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxSpeed+40               - 48 83 C4 20           - add rsp,20 { 32 }
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxSpeed+44               - 5B                    - pop rbx
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxSpeed+45               - C3                    - ret
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxSpeed+46               - F3 0F10 83 F8010000   - movss xmm0,[rbx+LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.LowLevelTasks::FSchedulerTls::ActiveScheduler]
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxSpeed+4E               - 48 83 C4 20           - add rsp,20 { 32 }
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxSpeed+52               - 5B                    - pop rbx
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxSpeed+53               - C3                    - ret
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxSpeed+54               - F3 0F10 83 00020000   - movss xmm0,[rbx+LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.FTaskGraphCompatibilityImplementation::NewTasks]
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxSpeed+5C               - 48 83 C4 20           - add rsp,20 { 32 }
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxSpeed+60               - 5B                    - pop rbx
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxSpeed+61               - C3                    - ret
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxSpeed+62               - F3 0F10 83 04020000   - movss xmm0,[rbx+LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.FTaskGraphCompatibilityImplementation::NewTasks+4]
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxSpeed+6A               - 48 83 C4 20           - add rsp,20 { 32 }
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxSpeed+6E               - 5B                    - pop rbx
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxSpeed+6F               - C3                    - ret
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxSpeed+70               - F3 0F10 83 08020000   - movss xmm0,[rbx+LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.FTaskGraphCompatibilityImplementation::NewTasks+8]
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxSpeed+78               - 48 83 C4 20           - add rsp,20 { 32 }
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxSpeed+7C               - 5B                    - pop rbx
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxSpeed+7D               - C3                    - ret
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxSpeed+7E               - 0F57 C0               - xorps xmm0,xmm0
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxSpeed+81               - 48 83 C4 20           - add rsp,20 { 32 }
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxSpeed+85               - 5B                    - pop rbx
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxSpeed+86               - C3                    - ret
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxSpeed+87               - 90                    - nop
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxSpeed+88               - 6E                    - outsb
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxSpeed+89               - 44 8D 04 18           - lea r8d,[rax+rbx]
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxSpeed+8D               - 44 8D 04 18           - lea r8d,[rax+rbx]
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxSpeed+91               - 44 8D 04 36           - lea r8d,[rsi+rsi]
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxSpeed+95               - 44 8D 04 44           - lea r8d,[rsp+rax*2]
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxSpeed+99               - 44 8D 04 52           - lea r8d,[rdx+rdx*2]
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxSpeed+9D               - 44 8D 04 60           - lea r8d,[rax]
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxSpeed+A1               - 44 8D 04 CC           - lea r8d,[rsp+rcx*8]
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe+48D4495                                               - CC                    - int 3
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe+48D4496                                               - CC                    - int 3
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe+48D4497                                               - CC                    - int 3
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe+48D4498                                               - CC                    - int 3
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe+48D4499                                               - CC                    - int 3
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe+48D449A                                               - CC                    - int 3
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe+48D449B                                               - CC                    - int 3
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe+48D449C                                               - CC                    - int 3
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe+48D449D                                               - CC                    - int 3
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe+48D449E                                               - CC                    - int 3
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe+48D449F                                               - CC                    - int 3
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.FMemberReference::GetMemberParentClass                    - 40 53                 - push rbx
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.FMemberReference::GetMemberParentClass+2                  - 48 83 EC 20           - sub rsp,20 { 32 }
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.FMemberReference::GetMemberParentClass+6                  - 48 83 39 00           - cmp qword ptr [rcx],00 { 0 }
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.FMemberReference::GetMemberParentClass+A                  - 48 8B D9              - mov rbx,rcx
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.FMemberReference::GetMemberParentClass+D                  - 74 35                 - je LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.FMemberReference::GetMemberParentClass+44
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.FMemberReference::GetMemberParentClass+F                  - E8 6C6849FE           - call LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UClass::StaticClass
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.FMemberReference::GetMemberParentClass+14                 - 48 8B D0              - mov rdx,rax
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.FMemberReference::GetMemberParentClass+17                 - 48 8B 03              - mov rax,[rbx]
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.FMemberReference::GetMemberParentClass+1A                 - 48 85 C0              - test rax,rax
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.FMemberReference::GetMemberParentClass+1D                 - 74 25                 - je LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.FMemberReference::GetMemberParentClass+44
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.FMemberReference::GetMemberParentClass+1F                 - 48 8B 48 10           - mov rcx,[rax+10]
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.FMemberReference::GetMemberParentClass+23                 - 48 85 C9              - test rcx,rcx
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.FMemberReference::GetMemberParentClass+26                 - 74 1C                 - je LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.FMemberReference::GetMemberParentClass+44
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.FMemberReference::GetMemberParentClass+28                 - 48 85 D2              - test rdx,rdx
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.FMemberReference::GetMemberParentClass+2B                 - 74 17                 - je LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.FMemberReference::GetMemberParentClass+44
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.FMemberReference::GetMemberParentClass+2D                 - 4C 8D 42 30           - lea r8,[rdx+30]
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.FMemberReference::GetMemberParentClass+31                 - 48 63 52 38           - movsxd  rdx,dword ptr [rdx+38]
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.FMemberReference::GetMemberParentClass+35                 - 3B 51 38              - cmp edx,[rcx+38]
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.FMemberReference::GetMemberParentClass+38                 - 7F 0A                 - jg LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.FMemberReference::GetMemberParentClass+44
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.FMemberReference::GetMemberParentClass+3A                 - 48 8B 49 30           - mov rcx,[rcx+30]
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.FMemberReference::GetMemberParentClass+3E                 - 4C 39 04 D1           - cmp [rcx+rdx*8],r8
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.FMemberReference::GetMemberParentClass+42                 - 74 02                 - je LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.FMemberReference::GetMemberParentClass+46
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.FMemberReference::GetMemberParentClass+44                 - 33 C0                 - xor eax,eax
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.FMemberReference::GetMemberParentClass+46                 - 48 83 C4 20           - add rsp,20 { 32 }
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.FMemberReference::GetMemberParentClass+4A                 - 5B                    - pop rbx
LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.FMemberReference::GetMemberParentClass+4B                 - C3                    - ret
            <Hotkey OnlyWhileDown="1">
              <Action>Set Value</Action>
            <Hotkey OnlyWhileDown="1">
              <Action>Set Value</Action>
            <Hotkey OnlyWhileDown="1">
              <Action>Set Value</Action>
              <Action>Set Value</Action>
      <Description>"ignore stamina .2"</Description>
      <LastState Activated="1"/>
      <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
      <AssemblerScript Async="1">[ENABLE]
//code from here to '[DISABLE]' will be used to enable the cheat
//aobscanregion(staminaSufucebtForNormalAttChkAOB,LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UGA_AttackAbility::CanActivateAbility,LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UGA_AttackAbility::CanActivateAbility+200,74 05 E8 ** ** ** ** 0F ** ** 0F ** ** 0F ** ** ** ** 77)
aobscanmodule(staminaSufficientForNormalAttChkAOB,LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe,74 05 E8 ** ** ** ** 0F ** ** 0F ** ** 0F ** ** ** ** 77)

staminaSufficientForNormalAttChkAOB+12: //LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UGA_AttackAbility::CanActivateAbility+91: //"LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+29ADCC1:
db EB

aobscanmodule(staminaSufficientForNormalAttComboChkAOB,LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe,0F ** ** 48 ** ** 40 0F 97 C5 E8)

staminaSufficientForNormalAttComboChkAOB+6: //LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UGA_AttackAbility::OnComboAttackEvent+a7: //"LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+29BCFC7:
db 90 40 B5 01

aobscanmodule(staminaSufficientForSpecialMovesAOB,LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe,E8 ** ** ** ** 40 ** ** 74 0C 0F ** ** 0F ** ** 76 04)

staminaSufficientForSpecialMovesAOB+10: //LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UGA_ForwardAttack::CanActivateAbility+84: //"LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+29ADE14:
db 90 90

aobscanmodule(staminaSufficientForDodgeAOB,LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe,74 05 E8 ** ** ** ** 0F ** ** 0F ** ** 40 0F 97 C7)

staminaSufficientForDodgeAOB+d: //"LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+279EA4F:
db 90 40 B7 01

aobscanmodule(staminaSufficientForSprintStartAOB,LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe,E8 ** ** ** ** 48 ** ** ** ** 0F ** ** 0F ** ** 0F 93 C3)

staminaSufficientForSprintStartAOB+10: //"LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+29EED95:
db 90 B3 01

aobscanmodule(staminaSufficientForMagicAttChkAOB,LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe,E8 ** ** ** ** 48 ** ** ** ** 0F ** ** 0F ** ** 0F 97 44 24 20)

staminaSufficientForMagicAttChkAOB+10: //LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.RangedWeaponHelper::HasEnoughManaAndStamina+6d: //"LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+2B5912D:
db C6 44 24 20 01


//code from here till the end of the code will be used to disable the cheat
staminaSufficientForNormalAttChkAOB+12: //LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UGA_AttackAbility::CanActivateAbility+91: //"LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+29ADCC1:
db 77

staminaSufficientForNormalAttComboChkAOB+6: //LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UGA_AttackAbility::OnComboAttackEvent+a7: //"LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+29BCFC7:
db 40 0F 97 C5
//seta bpl

staminaSufficientForSpecialMovesAOB+10: //LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UGA_ForwardAttack::CanActivateAbility+84: //"LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+29ADE14:
db 76 04
//jna LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UGA_ForwardAttack::CanActivateAbility+8A

staminaSufficientForDodgeAOB+d: //"LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+279EA4F:
db 40 0F 97 C7
//seta dil

staminaSufficientForSprintStartAOB+10: //"LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+29EED95:
db 0F 93 C3
//setae bl

staminaSufficientForMagicAttChkAOB+10: //LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.RangedWeaponHelper::HasEnoughManaAndStamina+6d: //"LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+2B5912D:
db 0F 97 44 24 20
//seta byte ptr [rsp+20]

      <Description>"ignore mana"</Description>
      <LastState Activated="1"/>
      <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
      <AssemblerScript Async="1">[ENABLE]
//code from here to '[DISABLE]' will be used to enable the cheat
aobscanmodule(manaSufficientForMagicAttChkAOB,LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe,48 ** ** 74 05 E8 ** ** ** ** 0F ** ** 77 08 ** ** 01 E9)

manaSufficientForMagicAttChkAOB+d: //LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.RangedWeaponHelper::HasEnoughManaAndStamina+215: //"LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+2B592D5:
db 90 90

//code from here till the end of the code will be used to disable the cheat
manaSufficientForMagicAttChkAOB+d: //LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.RangedWeaponHelper::HasEnoughManaAndStamina+215: //"LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+2B592D5:
db 77 08
//ja LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.RangedWeaponHelper::HasEnoughManaAndStamina+21F
Last edited by Cielos on Sun Oct 15, 2023 1:00 am, edited 1 time in total.

Expert Cheater
Expert Cheater
Posts: 331
Joined: Wed Mar 04, 2020 1:14 pm
Reputation: 41

Re: z Lords of the Fallen

Post by demorest2 »

Cielos wrote:
Sat Oct 14, 2023 4:46 am
2 scripts:
move mod keys .3
- allows you to hold a key to change the moving speed:
- hold Alt to slow walk, MouseX1 to walk, MouseX2 to sprint.
- when using MouseX2 to sprint, you won't use any stamina. you can still do the sprint attack, but you can't jump.
- ***** as it needs to wait for CE to load the debug symbol first, it may take awhile before you can activate this script, depending on your system.

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <Description>"move mod keys .3"</Description>
      <Options moHideChildren="1"/>
      <LastState Activated="1"/>
      <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
      <AssemblerScript Async="1">[ENABLE]
//code from here to '[DISABLE]' will be used to enable the cheat
aobscanregion(locomotionStateConstRead1AOB,LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerMovementComponent::execGetDesiredLocomotionState,LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerMovementComponent::execGetDesiredLocomotionState+f0,0F ** ** ** ** 00 00 41 ** ** C3)


alloc(newmem,2048,locomotionStateConstRead1AOB) //LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerMovementComponent::execGetDesiredLocomotionState+15) //"LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+25EDBC5)

newmem: //this is allocated memory, you have read,write,execute access
//place your code here
push rdx
//movzx eax,byte ptr [rcx+0000139D]
test al,al
jz resetdmmk
mov rdx,dMoveModKey
mov dl,[rdx]
test dl,dl
cmovnz eax,edx
mov [rcx+0000139D],al
jmp end

mov rdx,dMoveModKey
mov [rdx],al

pop rdx
jmp exit

//movzx eax,byte ptr [rcx+0000139D]

jmp returnhere

dd 0

locomotionStateConstRead1AOB: //LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerMovementComponent::execGetDesiredLocomotionState+15: //"LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+25EDBC5:
jmp newmem
nop 2

aobscanregion(getMaxSpeedAOB,LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxSpeed,LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxSpeed+f0,C3 F3 0F ** ** ** ** 00 00 48 ** ** ** 5B C3)

alloc(newmem2,2048,getMaxSpeedAOB+9) //LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxSpeed+4E) //"LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+48C349E)

newmem2: //this is allocated memory, you have read,write,execute access
//place your code here
//mulss xmm0,[fseee]
push rcx
mov rcx,aMoveModSpeeds
//xor rbx,rbx
mov rbx,dMoveModKey
movzx rbx,byte ptr [rbx]
test bl,bl
jz @f
movss xmm0,[rcx+rbx*4]
pop rcx

//add rsp,20
//pop rbx

jmp returnhere2

dd (float)0
dd (float)120
dd (float)178
dd (float)400
dd (float)600

getMaxSpeedAOB+9: //LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxSpeed+4E: //"LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+48C349E:
jmp newmem2


//code from here till the end of the code will be used to disable the cheat
locomotionStateConstRead1AOB: //LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UHexPlayerMovementComponent::execGetDesiredLocomotionState+15: //"LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+25EDBC5:
//db 0F B6 81 9D 13 00 00
//movzx eax,byte ptr [rcx+0000139D]


getMaxSpeedAOB+9: //LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UCharacterMovementComponent::GetMaxSpeed+4E: //"LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+48C349E:
//db 48 83 C4 20 5B
//add rsp,20
//pop rbx

          <LastState Value="0" RealAddress="7FF63591004A"/>
            <Hotkey OnlyWhileDown="1">
              <Action>Set Value</Action>
            <Hotkey OnlyWhileDown="1">
              <Action>Set Value</Action>
            <Hotkey OnlyWhileDown="1">
              <Action>Set Value</Action>
              <Action>Set Value</Action>
ignore stamina
- allows you to attacks and dodge anytime regardless of stamina.
- stamina still decrease until it reaches zero.
- doesn't cover sprinting and magic usage though.

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <Description>"ignore stamina"</Description>
      <LastState Activated="1"/>
      <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
      <AssemblerScript Async="1">[ENABLE]
//code from here to '[DISABLE]' will be used to enable the cheat
//aobscanregion(staminaSufucebtForNormalAttChkAOB,LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UGA_AttackAbility::CanActivateAbility,LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UGA_AttackAbility::CanActivateAbility+200,74 05 E8 ** ** ** ** 0F ** ** 0F ** ** 0F ** ** ** ** 77)
aobscanmodule(staminaSufficientForNormalAttChkAOB,LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe,74 05 E8 ** ** ** ** 0F ** ** 0F ** ** 0F ** ** ** ** 77)

staminaSufficientForNormalAttChkAOB+12: //LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UGA_AttackAbility::CanActivateAbility+91: //"LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+29ADCC1:
db EB

aobscanmodule(staminaSufficientForNormalAttComboChkAOB,LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe,0F ** ** 48 ** ** 40 0F 97 C5 E8)

staminaSufficientForNormalAttComboChkAOB+6: //LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UGA_AttackAbility::OnComboAttackEvent+a7: //"LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+29BCFC7:
db 90 40 B5 01

aobscanmodule(staminaSufficientForSpecialMovesAOB,LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe,E8 ** ** ** ** 40 ** ** 74 0C 0F ** ** 0F ** ** 76 04)

staminaSufficientForSpecialMovesAOB+10: //LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UGA_ForwardAttack::CanActivateAbility+84: //"LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+29ADE14:
db 90 90

aobscanmodule(staminaSufficientForDodgeAOB,LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe,74 05 E8 ** ** ** ** 0F ** ** 0F ** ** 40 0F 97 C7)

staminaSufficientForDodgeAOB+d: //"LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+279EA4F:
db 90 40 B7 01

aobscanmodule(staminaSufficientForSprintStartAOB,LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe,E8 ** ** ** ** 48 ** ** ** ** 0F ** ** 0F ** ** 0F 93 C3)

staminaSufficientForSprintStartAOB+10: //"LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+29EED95:
db 90 B3 01


//code from here till the end of the code will be used to disable the cheat
staminaSufficientForNormalAttChkAOB+12: //LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UGA_AttackAbility::CanActivateAbility+91: //"LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+29ADCC1:
db 77

staminaSufficientForNormalAttComboChkAOB+6: //LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UGA_AttackAbility::OnComboAttackEvent+a7: //"LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+29BCFC7:
db 40 0F 97 C5
//seta bpl

staminaSufficientForSpecialMovesAOB+10: //LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UGA_ForwardAttack::CanActivateAbility+84: //"LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+29ADE14:
db 76 04
//jna LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.UGA_ForwardAttack::CanActivateAbility+8A

staminaSufficientForDodgeAOB+d: //"LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+279EA4F:
db 40 0F 97 C7
//seta dil

staminaSufficientForSprintStartAOB+10: //"LOTF2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+29EED95:
db 0F 93 C3
//setae bl

Zanzer wrote:
Sat Oct 14, 2023 5:12 am
Unlimited Stamina
Unlimited Mana
Unlimited Ammo
Unlimited Health (enemies too)
Auto-perfect block for slow reaction ppl, pls ^_^/
Last edited by demorest2 on Sat Oct 14, 2023 5:28 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: z Lords of the Fallen

Post by czarnozeby »

is there a chance to upgrade the stats of the character permanently to 99 ?

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Re: z Lords of the Fallen

Post by Zanzer »

Unlimited Stamina
Unlimited Mana
Unlimited Ammo
Unlimited Health (enemies too)

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Re: z Lords of the Fallen

Post by Zanzer »

Cielos wrote:
Sat Oct 14, 2023 4:46 am
as it needs to wait for CE to load the debug symbol first
You've got the PDB?

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Re: z Lords of the Fallen

Post by sbpham1995 »

Lovely tks sir, is there any chance for item spawn table?

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Re: z Lords of the Fallen

Post by Rhark »

Zanzer wrote:
Sat Oct 14, 2023 5:17 am
Cielos wrote:
Sat Oct 14, 2023 4:46 am
as it needs to wait for CE to load the debug symbol first
You've got the PDB?
The symbols load with the steam version, so it's probably included.

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Re: z Lords of the Fallen

Post by igromanru »

Zanzer wrote:
Sat Oct 14, 2023 5:17 am
Cielos wrote:
Sat Oct 14, 2023 4:46 am
as it needs to wait for CE to load the debug symbol first
You've got the PDB?
They released the game with the PDB. I don't have the game, but you can see it here.

It would be nice, if someone could upload both the exe and the pdb somewhere.

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Re: z Lords of the Fallen

Post by dannybates »

Would love it if you could add an amount edit for Plucked Eyeballs, Pilfered Coins and Severed Hands. You use them at shrines and they dont appear in your inventory.

I have screenshotted the 3 shrines here [Link] There could be more.

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Re: z Lords of the Fallen

Post by Evoc »

igromanru wrote:
Sat Oct 14, 2023 11:51 am
Zanzer wrote:
Sat Oct 14, 2023 5:17 am
Cielos wrote:
Sat Oct 14, 2023 4:46 am
as it needs to wait for CE to load the debug symbol first
You've got the PDB?
They released the game with the PDB. I don't have the game, but you can see it here.

It would be nice, if someone could upload both the exe and the pdb somewhere.
Here is the latest steam version shipping exe and pdb.

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Re: z Lords of the Fallen

Post by lostfear »

Using UUU 5.1 it allows you to have console commands but I have no idea what the commands are

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Re: z Lords of the Fallen

Post by Evoc »

Game just updated again, latest version removed the pdb :roll:

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