Rienfleche wrote: ↑Sat Oct 07, 2023 3:50 am
Simplify table pointer code to script that only need one click
Persinally I think Max Money and Max Skill Points aren't needed having the pointers and without a reason to have them always maxed. I may make a money don't decrease if people is lazy to freeze the money or forgot though. Same with Skill Points.
The one for Skill and friendship after a single use was something I had pendent to work into, so I am adding to the table. The Scripts say it is amde by ASUS, but I get that is jsut the name of your PC. Crediting to Rienfleche is fine?
By the way, the Friendship one I think will work better modified like this:
Code: Select all
aobscanmodule(FriendShip,sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe,66 89 AF 58 01 00 00) // should be unique
cmp bp,#2700
jge code
mov bp,#2700
mov [rdi+00000158],bp
jmp return
jmp newmem
nop 2
db 66 89 AF 58 01 00 00
// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+10EA1EB
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+10EA1C1: 45 33 C9 - xor r9d,r9d
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+10EA1C4: 0F B7 8F 58 01 00 00 - movzx ecx,word ptr [rdi+00000158]
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+10EA1CB: 44 8B C5 - mov r8d,ebp
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+10EA1CE: 88 44 24 38 - mov [rsp+38],al
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+10EA1D2: C6 44 24 30 3E - mov byte ptr [rsp+30],3E
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+10EA1D7: C6 44 24 28 3D - mov byte ptr [rsp+28],3D
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+10EA1DC: 48 89 5C 24 20 - mov [rsp+20],rbx
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+10EA1E1: E8 EA 9A F3 FF - call sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+1023CD0
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+10EA1E6: EB 03 - jmp sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+10EA1EB
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+10EA1E8: 0F B7 EA - movzx ebp,dx
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+10EA1EB: 66 89 AF 58 01 00 00 - mov [rdi+00000158],bp
// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+10EA1F2: 48 85 FF - test rdi,rdi
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+10EA1F5: 75 49 - jne sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+10EA240
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+10EA1F7: 41 B0 01 - mov r8b,01
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+10EA1FA: 33 D2 - xor edx,edx
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+10EA1FC: 0F B7 CE - movzx ecx,si
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+10EA1FF: E8 9C 68 FE FF - call sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+10D0AA0
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+10EA204: 48 8B F8 - mov rdi,rax
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+10EA207: 48 85 C0 - test rax,rax
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+10EA20A: 75 34 - jne sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+10EA240
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+10EA20C: E8 BF 58 FE FF - call sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+10CFAD0
It is just checking if the the value. if it is 2700 or over, it does the normal process in code, otherwise, it forces it to be 2700. This way, it wouldn't diminish since the value can go over despite the affinity being maxed for game purposes. Exact same change to the Skill one since the values can also go over.
Code: Select all
aobscanmodule(WeaponArt,$process,66 89 53 04 66 3B C2) // should be unique
cmp dx,#10000
jge code
mov dx,#10000
mov [rbx+04],dx
cmp ax,dx
jmp return
jmp newmem
nop 2
db 66 89 53 04 66 3B C2
// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+12BB69A
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+12BB671: 45 33 C9 - xor r9d,r9d
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+12BB674: 88 44 24 38 - mov [rsp+38],al
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+12BB678: 44 8B C7 - mov r8d,edi
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+12BB67B: C6 44 24 30 3E - mov byte ptr [rsp+30],3E
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+12BB680: C6 44 24 28 3D - mov byte ptr [rsp+28],3D
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+12BB685: 48 89 74 24 20 - mov [rsp+20],rsi
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+12BB68A: E8 81 B7 E0 FF - call sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+10C6E10
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+12BB68F: 66 89 7B 04 - mov [rbx+04],di
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+12BB693: EB 0E - jmp sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+12BB6A3
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+12BB695: B8 10 27 00 00 - mov eax,00002710
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+12BB69A: 66 89 53 04 - mov [rbx+04],dx
// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+12BB69E: 66 3B C2 - cmp ax,dx
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+12BB6A1: 77 1D - ja sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+12BB6C0
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+12BB6A3: 0F B7 03 - movzx eax,word ptr [rbx]
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+12BB6A6: 48 8D 4C 24 40 - lea rcx,[rsp+40]
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+12BB6AB: 66 89 44 24 40 - mov [rsp+40],ax
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+12BB6B0: E8 8B 50 FF FF - call sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+12B0740
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+12BB6B5: 84 C0 - test al,al
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+12BB6B7: 74 07 - je sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+12BB6C0
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+12BB6B9: B1 01 - mov cl,01
sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+12BB6BB: E8 C0 4D FB FF - call sao_lr-Win64-Shipping.exe+1270480
Mirfah wrote: ↑Sat Oct 07, 2023 4:42 am
I'm at chapter 10 and mine is at 310 currently. Aside from that, been trying to find character settings in memory and having no luck, feel like I'm just dumb when it comes to UE games, had issues with it in Remnant 2 as well. I just want Dorothy's hair, why isn't it an option to begin with?? Yui's is nice too, smfh.
Changed the value to 314 on the next version, let's hope is enough. Than you very much. Edit: I see your edit now. I am leaving it at 314 since it track lower "than" and it always goes in groups of two.
The personalization of MC/Kirito was something I found, but editing it was useless, and it was dynamic, so I didn't even bother making a pointer given the no use of it anyway. Maybe there is a different place where it is.
Edit: Infinite Money script done. Money doesn't decrease, but it can increase.
Edit2: In the end I made also a Infinite Skill Points script. You cna icnrease Skill point normally but shouldn't decrease.