I decided to return to offering my cheat table work for free and supporting me is optional. Here is what I have for the release version of Star Ocean Second Story R. This has been updated to work with 1.1 of the game
Activate Trainer
Activate Trainer 2 (Controls Damage Modifier)
Activate Trainer 3 (Controls Pointers)
Save Current Trainer Values
Load Current Trainer Values
Change Slot Config Description
Enable Damage Modifier Options (God Mode, One Hit Kill, etc.)
God Mode
Hero Damage Multiplier HP
Hero Cannot Die
One Hit Kill
Enemy Damage Multiplier HP
Enable MP Damage Modifier Options (Infinite MP, etc.)
Infinite MP
Hero Damage Multiplier MP
Enemy Damage Multiplier MP
Enable Fol (Money) Multiplier (Loss and Gain)
Fol Gain Multiplier
Fol Loss Multiplier
Enable BP Gain Multiplier
BP Gain Multiplier
Enable SP Gain Multiplier
SP Gain Multiplier
Enable EXP Multiplier
EXP Multiplier
Enable Bonus Gauge Multiplier
Bonus Gauge Multiplier
Always Drop All Items
Drop Every Item After Battle
Always Success IC Creation
Infinite Item Usage
Bloody Armor Doesn't Take Away HP
Fol (View Main Menu)
Play Time (In Seconds)
I just have a 10x time limit so far if you activate trainer on this table. I'm not sure I have time to actually do more options, so this is all I have for now.
I cannot test it, but I think this version lets you get over level 12 and still earn EXP if you wish to spend your time grinding. Let me know if it doesn't work.
My original table is for the Demo. Dhaos Collider has a table for the release version.
I have posted what I have for the release version of Star Ocean Second Story R.
EDIT 3.5:
I have updated this table to fix the problem with MP Damage Modifier in latest version of the game on Steam.
How to use this cheat table?
- Install Cheat Engine
- Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
- Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
- Keep the list.
- Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1