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Re: Starfield

Post by gir489 »

Blueskadoo wrote:
Thu Sep 07, 2023 7:59 am
There is also this [Link] where people put in their contributions related to console command codes. I contributed by adding the Armor Quality and Weapon quality I scrounged on the net.
Lmao, someone put an OMOD inside the contributions page that's the OMOD that's attached to the best armor in the game that gives +50 to all resistances and it fucking stacks.


There's also some armor protection bonuses that also stack. I made a bat script to execute it. Each time you run, it will add a stack. Run it as many times as you want.

Code: Select all

amod 0x002C38BF
amod 0x0003AF82
amod 0x0003AF81
amod 0x0003AF7E
amod 0x002EC4B9

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
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Re: Starfield

Post by lostfear »

is it possible to get ship health?

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Re: Starfield

Post by gir489 »

lostfear wrote:
Thu Sep 07, 2023 10:54 pm
is it possible to get ship health?
Just load it up with tons of shields. I have 2 black domes on mine, I even shat in the face of the UC just to test them, and I won the fight. Granted I have 8 proton beams, 4 pulse lasers, and an EMP-1000 suppressor to disable ships I want to hijack, so they didn't really have much of a chance to try and even penetrate (giggidy) the shields. But, if you're trying to play at least semi-legit, just give yourself ship parts and hire an engineer, that will speed up repairs.

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Re: Starfield

Post by ionstorm66 »

CobraPL wrote:
Sat Sep 02, 2023 7:47 pm
Guys, more lock-picks WITHOUT using console?
just get the dll that removes achievement disabling from Sunbeam.

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Re: Starfield

Post by Zanzer »

Put your lockpick into a crate, use the container pointer to to change that 1 lockpick into 999999. Loot them.

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Re: Starfield

Post by acecel »

I wonder if someone made a cheat or mod to set the ship inventory size to unlimited ?

Because of the issue with big inventory (lag when shooting and switching weapons) i would like to put all my stuff on my ship inventory but it's way to small so i wonder if a script exist to permanently set it to infinite ?

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Re: Starfield

Post by Blueskadoo »

gir489 wrote:
Thu Sep 07, 2023 10:38 pm
Lmao, someone put an OMOD inside the contributions page that's the OMOD that's attached to the best armor in the game that gives +50 to all resistances and it fucking stacks.
Yeah I put those values in since I got them from another gsheet that another user posted here. They give good values such that you can look good and not have shit stats.

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Re: Starfield

Post by gir489 »

Blueskadoo wrote:
Fri Sep 08, 2023 1:58 am
gir489 wrote:
Thu Sep 07, 2023 10:38 pm
Lmao, someone put an OMOD inside the contributions page that's the OMOD that's attached to the best armor in the game that gives +50 to all resistances and it fucking stacks.
Yeah I put those values in since I got them from another gsheet that another user posted here. They give good values such that you can look good and not have shit stats.
Absolutely. There aren't many armors that look good.

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Re: Starfield

Post by acecel »

Unrelated question, do you think it would be possible that modders manage get the blueprint of the big ships we get to go inside via the quests/story and recreate them as player spaceship ?
I love the way some of them are designed, outside and inside, and i would love to have them as my huge spaceship-base :mrgreen:

But i don't think they used the ship builder we have to create theses monsters of battleships :D

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Re: Starfield

Post by gir489 »

I had a problem with building my cross layered beam battery, it kept saying the landing gear was in the way of it, even though it was fine on the other side. This script will make it so it will allow you to affix any part to anywhere (so long as the part can normally attach to that location).

Code: Select all

// Game Executable   : Starfield.exe
// Author            : gir489
// Executable Version:
// MD5 Signature     : 173549837281599BF8E44DE81D884675
// EXE Compile Date  : August 21, 2023 04:58 PM
// Script Date       : September 07, 2023 11:36 PM
aobscanmodule(aob_ShipBuildCheckTollerance,Starfield.exe,C5 FA 11 45 20 4C 89 75)


  vmovss xmm0, [newTollerance]
  vmovss [rbp+20],xmm0
  jmp return_ShipBuildCheckTollerance

  jmp newmem_ShipBuildCheckTollerance

dq (float)-5

  db C5 FA 11 45 20



Starfield.exe.text+13BBF5E: C5 E8 54 81 80 00 00 00  - vandps xmm0,xmm2,[rcx+00000080]
Starfield.exe.text+13BBF66: C5 F8 11 85 90 00 00 00  - vmovups [rbp+00000090],xmm0
Starfield.exe.text+13BBF6E: C5 E8 54 81 90 00 00 00  - vandps xmm0,xmm2,[rcx+00000090]
Starfield.exe.text+13BBF76: C5 F8 11 85 A0 00 00 00  - vmovups [rbp+000000A0],xmm0
Starfield.exe.text+13BBF7E: C5 E8 54 81 A0 00 00 00  - vandps xmm0,xmm2,[rcx+000000A0]
Starfield.exe.text+13BBF86: C5 F8 11 85 B0 00 00 00  - vmovups [rbp+000000B0],xmm0
Starfield.exe.text+13BBF8E: C5 F8 10 91 B0 00 00 00  - vmovups xmm2,[rcx+000000B0]
Starfield.exe.text+13BBF96: C5 E8 59 0D F2 6A 1B 03  - vmulps xmm1,xmm2,[Starfield.exe.rdata+6CBA90]
Starfield.exe.text+13BBF9E: C5 F1 EB 0D EA DC B6 02  - vpor xmm1,xmm1,[Starfield.exe.rdata+82C90]
Starfield.exe.text+13BBFA6: C5 FA 7F 8D C0 00 00 00  - vmovdqu [rbp+000000C0],xmm1
Starfield.exe.text+13BBFAE: B9 FF FF 00 00           - mov ecx,0000FFFF
Starfield.exe.text+13BBFB3: 66 89 4D 00              - mov [rbp+00],cx
Starfield.exe.text+13BBFB7: 45 33 F6                 - xor r14d,r14d
Starfield.exe.text+13BBFBA: 44 89 75 04              - mov [rbp+04],r14d
Starfield.exe.text+13BBFBE: 4C 89 75 08              - mov [rbp+08],r14
Starfield.exe.text+13BBFC2: 4C 89 75 F8              - mov [rbp-08],r14
Starfield.exe.text+13BBFC6: 4C 89 75 F0              - mov [rbp-10],r14
Starfield.exe.text+13BBFCA: 66 C7 45 11 00 FB        - mov word ptr [rbp+11],FB00
Starfield.exe.text+13BBFD0: 48 89 45 18              - mov [rbp+18],rax
Starfield.exe.text+13BBFD4: C5 FA 10 05 04 8B 11 04  - vmovss xmm0,[Starfield.exe+54D5AE0]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
Starfield.exe.text+13BBFDC: C5 FA 11 45 20           - vmovss [rbp+20],xmm0
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
Starfield.exe.text+13BBFE1: 4C 89 75 28              - mov [rbp+28],r14
Starfield.exe.text+13BBFE5: C6 45 10 02              - mov byte ptr [rbp+10],02
Starfield.exe.text+13BBFE9: 48 8D 4C 24 30           - lea rcx,[rsp+30]
Starfield.exe.text+13BBFEE: E8 9D 00 81 FF           - call Starfield.sub_140BCD090
Starfield.exe.text+13BBFF3: 90                       - nop 
Starfield.exe.text+13BBFF4: E8 93 06 99 01           - call Starfield.sub_142D4D68C
Starfield.exe.text+13BBFF9: 48 89 44 24 30           - mov [rsp+30],rax
Starfield.exe.text+13BBFFE: 44 89 74 24 5C           - mov [rsp+5C],r14d
Starfield.exe.text+13BC003: C5 F8 10 05 25 38 C1 03  - vmovups xmm0,[]
Starfield.exe.text+13BC00B: C5 F8 11 44 24 60        - vmovups [rsp+60],xmm0
Starfield.exe.text+13BC011: 44 88 74 24 70           - mov [rsp+70],r14b
Starfield.exe.text+13BC016: 4C 89 75 E8              - mov [rbp-18],r14
Starfield.exe.text+13BC01A: C5 F8 11 75 80           - vmovups [rbp-80],xmm6
Starfield.exe.text+13BC01F: C5 F8 11 75 90           - vmovups [rbp-70],xmm6
Starfield.exe.text+13BC024: C5 FA 11 7D A0           - vmovss [rbp-60],xmm7
Starfield.exe.text+13BC029: B9 FF FF FF 00           - mov ecx,00FFFFFF
Starfield.exe.text+13BC02E: 89 4D A8                 - mov [rbp-58],ecx
Starfield.exe.text+13BC031: 83 CA FF                 - or edx,-01
Starfield.exe.text+13BC034: 89 55 AC                 - mov [rbp-54],edx
Starfield.exe.text+13BC037: C6 45 B0 0F              - mov byte ptr [rbp-50],0F
You can do cool things like stick habitats inside of themselves and also double up on parts.

(177.13 KiB) Downloaded 212 times
Last edited by gir489 on Fri Sep 08, 2023 4:05 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Starfield

Post by revanchrist »

Hi godlike Zanzer, is there any way to allow more than one Gravity Drive module on a ship? Whenever I put in more than one gravity jump drive, the ship's jump range will reset to 0. Your Ignore Error script works great for everything else even allow for multiple cockpits and docking bays but Gravity Drive is the odd one standing out. Thank you in advance.

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Re: Starfield

Post by gir489 »

revanchrist wrote:
Fri Sep 08, 2023 3:30 am
Is there any way to allow more than one Gravity Drive module on a ship? Whenever I put in more than one gravity jump drive, the ship's jump range will reset to 0. Your Ignore Error script works great for everything else even allow for multiple cockpits and docking bays but Gravity Drive is the odd one standing out. Thank you in advance.
Have you actually tried jumping further than 30LY with 2 gravity drives? The gravity drive's only purpose is to teleport you to other worlds. There is no point-to-point delta that I'm aware of longer than 30LY.

This is the furthest path I could find, and it was 30LY.


It will say 0LY when building, but when inspecting your ship, you will see the maximum 30LY capability of the two paired gravity drives.


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Re: Starfield

Post by WintermuteX »

Another question related to companions: does anyone know how to set their skills via console? I mean the skills if you assign them to outposts or a ship. Using addperk to assign them skills seems to have no effect.

PS: If anyone would like to beat the highscore on the redmile run use "set d6724 to 27" and you are one run behind the highest score of 28. Do two runs et voila.

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Re: Starfield

Post by Seeker001 »

Hello everyone!

A request that doesn't to be covered in this topic, Is there a non console way to maximize the social skills like manipulation, incite and the other combat skills to guarantee success and is there a way to remove the flag that prevents you from manipulating/socializing the character/robot enemy if you fail?

Thank you :)

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Re: Starfield

Post by gir489 »

gir489 wrote:
Fri Sep 08, 2023 3:28 am
I had a problem with building my cross layered beam battery, it kept saying the landing gear was in the way of it, even though it was fine on the other side. This script will make it so it will allow you to affix any part to anywhere (so long as the part can normally attach to that location).

Code: Select all

// Game Executable   : Starfield.exe
// Author            : gir489
// Executable Version:
// MD5 Signature     : 173549837281599BF8E44DE81D884675
// EXE Compile Date  : August 21, 2023 04:58 PM
// Script Date       : September 07, 2023 11:36 PM
aobscanmodule(aob_ShipBuildCheckTollerance,Starfield.exe,C5 FA 11 45 20 4C 89 75)


  vmovss xmm0, [newTollerance]
  vmovss [rbp+20],xmm0
  jmp return_ShipBuildCheckTollerance

  jmp newmem_ShipBuildCheckTollerance

dq (float)-5

  db C5 FA 11 45 20



Starfield.exe.text+13BBF5E: C5 E8 54 81 80 00 00 00  - vandps xmm0,xmm2,[rcx+00000080]
Starfield.exe.text+13BBF66: C5 F8 11 85 90 00 00 00  - vmovups [rbp+00000090],xmm0
Starfield.exe.text+13BBF6E: C5 E8 54 81 90 00 00 00  - vandps xmm0,xmm2,[rcx+00000090]
Starfield.exe.text+13BBF76: C5 F8 11 85 A0 00 00 00  - vmovups [rbp+000000A0],xmm0
Starfield.exe.text+13BBF7E: C5 E8 54 81 A0 00 00 00  - vandps xmm0,xmm2,[rcx+000000A0]
Starfield.exe.text+13BBF86: C5 F8 11 85 B0 00 00 00  - vmovups [rbp+000000B0],xmm0
Starfield.exe.text+13BBF8E: C5 F8 10 91 B0 00 00 00  - vmovups xmm2,[rcx+000000B0]
Starfield.exe.text+13BBF96: C5 E8 59 0D F2 6A 1B 03  - vmulps xmm1,xmm2,[Starfield.exe.rdata+6CBA90]
Starfield.exe.text+13BBF9E: C5 F1 EB 0D EA DC B6 02  - vpor xmm1,xmm1,[Starfield.exe.rdata+82C90]
Starfield.exe.text+13BBFA6: C5 FA 7F 8D C0 00 00 00  - vmovdqu [rbp+000000C0],xmm1
Starfield.exe.text+13BBFAE: B9 FF FF 00 00           - mov ecx,0000FFFF
Starfield.exe.text+13BBFB3: 66 89 4D 00              - mov [rbp+00],cx
Starfield.exe.text+13BBFB7: 45 33 F6                 - xor r14d,r14d
Starfield.exe.text+13BBFBA: 44 89 75 04              - mov [rbp+04],r14d
Starfield.exe.text+13BBFBE: 4C 89 75 08              - mov [rbp+08],r14
Starfield.exe.text+13BBFC2: 4C 89 75 F8              - mov [rbp-08],r14
Starfield.exe.text+13BBFC6: 4C 89 75 F0              - mov [rbp-10],r14
Starfield.exe.text+13BBFCA: 66 C7 45 11 00 FB        - mov word ptr [rbp+11],FB00
Starfield.exe.text+13BBFD0: 48 89 45 18              - mov [rbp+18],rax
Starfield.exe.text+13BBFD4: C5 FA 10 05 04 8B 11 04  - vmovss xmm0,[Starfield.exe+54D5AE0]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
Starfield.exe.text+13BBFDC: C5 FA 11 45 20           - vmovss [rbp+20],xmm0
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
Starfield.exe.text+13BBFE1: 4C 89 75 28              - mov [rbp+28],r14
Starfield.exe.text+13BBFE5: C6 45 10 02              - mov byte ptr [rbp+10],02
Starfield.exe.text+13BBFE9: 48 8D 4C 24 30           - lea rcx,[rsp+30]
Starfield.exe.text+13BBFEE: E8 9D 00 81 FF           - call Starfield.sub_140BCD090
Starfield.exe.text+13BBFF3: 90                       - nop 
Starfield.exe.text+13BBFF4: E8 93 06 99 01           - call Starfield.sub_142D4D68C
Starfield.exe.text+13BBFF9: 48 89 44 24 30           - mov [rsp+30],rax
Starfield.exe.text+13BBFFE: 44 89 74 24 5C           - mov [rsp+5C],r14d
Starfield.exe.text+13BC003: C5 F8 10 05 25 38 C1 03  - vmovups xmm0,[]
Starfield.exe.text+13BC00B: C5 F8 11 44 24 60        - vmovups [rsp+60],xmm0
Starfield.exe.text+13BC011: 44 88 74 24 70           - mov [rsp+70],r14b
Starfield.exe.text+13BC016: 4C 89 75 E8              - mov [rbp-18],r14
Starfield.exe.text+13BC01A: C5 F8 11 75 80           - vmovups [rbp-80],xmm6
Starfield.exe.text+13BC01F: C5 F8 11 75 90           - vmovups [rbp-70],xmm6
Starfield.exe.text+13BC024: C5 FA 11 7D A0           - vmovss [rbp-60],xmm7
Starfield.exe.text+13BC029: B9 FF FF FF 00           - mov ecx,00FFFFFF
Starfield.exe.text+13BC02E: 89 4D A8                 - mov [rbp-58],ecx
Starfield.exe.text+13BC031: 83 CA FF                 - or edx,-01
Starfield.exe.text+13BC034: 89 55 AC                 - mov [rbp-54],edx
Starfield.exe.text+13BC037: C6 45 B0 0F              - mov byte ptr [rbp-50],0F
You can do cool things like stick habitats inside of themselves and also double up on parts.

Just a note, don't put something unconventional like an engine between you and your boarding hatch, otherwise you won't be able to board ships. Rule of thumb is, if you can't walk to it, you won't be able to board.

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