Starfield - table v: 1.0.3 CT

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Re: Starfield - table v: 1.0.2 CT

Post by Wombleinc »

Can anyone explain how I could find an inventory pointer?

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: Starfield - table v: 1.0.2 CT

Post by Zanzer »

Wombleinc wrote:
Sat Sep 02, 2023 1:53 am
Can anyone explain how I could find an inventory pointer?
Container Pointer

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Re: Starfield - table v: 1.0.2 CT

Post by glyth »

DarkriftX2 wrote:
Sat Sep 02, 2023 12:02 am
Anyone know how to find values like persuasion chance or bonus XP gain? Ive been doing unknown initial value and "increased by" but there are SOOOOOOOOO many, its not working out well.

I dont mind CE methods to find it, or console (dont give a damn about achievements).
setforcespeechchallengealwayssucceed [1/0] player will always succeed at speech challenge.

got it off rock papers and scissors but they have a annoying malware popup

Code: Select all

All Starfield console commands
Console Command 	Description
tgm 	Toggle God Mode - Enables complete invincibility and unlimited ammo.
tim 	Toggle Immortal Mode - Enables you to take damage, but you'll never reach 0 health.
psb 	Player Spellbook - Unlocks all available powers.
tdetect 	Toggle Detect - NPCs will no longer detect you.
tcai 	Toggle Combat AI - Combat AI will no longer target you. This can be disabled and enabled by re-entering the code.
tcl 	Toggle No Clip - Character collision is disabled, allowing you to fly through walls, floors, and other objects. This can be disabled and enabled by re-entering the code.
tm 	Toggle Menus - Toggle UI menus on/off.
tfc 	Toggle Freefly Camera - The Camera is detached from the player, and you're free to fly about the map.
player.additem [item id] [value] 	Adds Items - Specified items will be added to your character.
[ref id].amod [omod id] 	Attach Weapon Mods - Specified weapon mods will be applied to your reference weapon. An item's Reference ID can be obtained while in the Command Console and clicking on any items dropped on the ground to reveal their Reference ID.
[ref id].rmod [omod id] 	Remove Attached Weapon Mod - Specified weapon mods will be removed to your reference weapon. An item's Reference ID can be obtained while in the Command Console and clicking on any items dropped on the ground to reveal their Reference ID.
killall 	Kill All NPCs - All NPCs in the area will be killed.
kah 	Kill All Hostiles - All hostile NPCs in the area will be killed.
resurrect 	Resurrect NPC - Selected NPC will be resurrected. For this command to work, you’ll need to select the NPC while in the console command menu so their Reference ID appears, then enter the cheat code.
unlock 	Unlock Doors and Containers - Unlock your current target door or container. In order for this to be a success, you must select the door while in the console menu, and then input the command.
sexchange 	Change Character Gender - Changes your Character's gender to the opposite sex.
showmenu sleepwaitmenu 	Show Sleep / Wait Menu - Quickly access the wait menu, allowing you to adjust time on the fly.
player.setlevel [value] 	Increase Character Level - Increases your character to the specified level.
player.additem [item id] [value] 	Add Items to Inventory - See some Item ID Values below.
player.placeatme [item id] [value] 	Spawn Item/Creature at You - The specified item or creature will be spawned directly in front of your character.
player.paycrimegold 0 0 [faction id] 	Pay Off Bounties - Remain out of jail, keep all stolen items, and pay off any outstanding Bounties for a specified Faction.
showlooksmenu player 1 	Open Character Creator - Opens the character creator menu, allowing you to adjust your character's appearance, name, background, and traits.
player.removeperk [perk id] 	Remove Skills, Traits, and Backgrounds - The specified skill, trait, or background will be removed from your character. See our Skill, Trait, and Background IDs below.
player.addperk [perk id] 	Add Skills, Traits, and Backgrounds - The specified skill, trait, or background will be added to your character. Do note that you will need to have a spare perk, trait, or background slot available in order to add a perk to your character. So, be sure to remove a perk first before attempting this command.
saq 	Start All Quests - All Main Story and Side Quests will be started. Please note this is likely to cause game crashes, so proceed with caution and ensure you have recently saved your game.
caqs 	Complete Main Quests - All Main Story Quests will be completed. Please note this is likely to cause game crashes, so proceed with caution and ensure you have recently saved your game.
showhighmaxheights [shmh] 	Shows or hides the high res max height data.
enablestorymanagerlogging 	Enable story manager logging.
dumppapyrusstacks [dps] 	Dumps all Papyrus stack information the log.
dumppapyrustimers 	Dumps all Papyrus timer registrations to the log.
dumppapyruslosevents 	Dumps all Papyrus LOS event registrations to the log.
dumppapyrusdistanceevents 	Dumps all Papyrus distance event registrations to the log.
dumppapyruspersistenceinfo [dppi] 	Dumps everything in Papyrus persisting the reference called on, or passed.
dumppapyruseventregistrations 	Dumps all Papyrus event registrations for the specified object (and script).
runcompaction 	Run a pass of compaction if possible.
toggleimmortalmode 	Toggle Immortal mode (health/stamina/magicka can decrease but never go to zero).
setsubgraphtodebug 	Subgraph To Debug.
enablerumble 	Enables / Disables rumble.
havokvdbcapture 	Havok VDB Capture
togglenavmeshinfo 	Toggle a view mode similar to the map camera and displays navmesh infos.
playsyncanim 	Play Sync Anim.
setformknown 	Sets the known flag on a form.
setdebugquest 	Sets the quest to be the only one startable from its event type.
setquestaliaslogging 	Turns alias logging on/off for a quest.
setrace 	Sets the passed in actor's race.
findform [find] 	Find a form.
startpapyrusscriptprofile [startpsp] 	Starts profiling a Papyrus script.
stoppapyrusscriptprofile [stoppsp] 	Stops profiling a Papyrus script.
startpapyrusformprofile [startpfp] 	Starts profiling Papyrus scripts on a form.
stoppapyrusformprofile [stoppfp] 	Stops profiling Papyrus scripts on a form.
startpapyrusstackrootprofile 	Starts profiling all Papyrus stacks starting at a script.
stoppapyrusstackrootprofile 	Stops profiling all Papyrusstacks starting at a script.
togglepapyrusglobalprofiler [tpgp] 	Toggles Papyrus global profiling on and off (profiles everything)
printquestsceneinfo 	Prints to the Quest Inf file the current state of scenes.
isinvulnerable 	Is the actor invulnerable?
collisionmesh 	Toggle Mesh Collision Info
havokworldstep [hkstep] 	Toggle BhkWorld Havok Step Info
isolaterendering 	Enable isolated rendering for selected object.
togglewatercurrentgeometry 	Displays or hides water current geometry.
performaction 	Performs the specified action on the selected actor.
starttrackplayerdoors 	Starts tracking palyer-activiated teleport doors.
stoptrackplayerdoors 	Stops tracking player-activated teleport doors.
checkplayerdoors 	Compares the Tracked Player path with the quest target path.
setinchargen 	Toggles aspects of Chargen Mode on/off [savingDisabled] [waitingDisabled][activationMessageDisabled]
forcereset 	Force the game to run a full reset.
forceclosefiles 	Close masterfile and plugins. Useful for letting CreationKit save to a plugin that is also loaded in-game. See also HotLoadPlugin. [Caution: Use at own risk! Gameplay and new savegames may be unstable.]
hotloadplugin [hlp] 	Load or reload the named plugin. Useful for getting changes without restarting. See also ForceCloseFiles. [Caution: Use at own risk! Modified running quests will be stopped (and restarted if possible). Gameplay and new savegames may be unstable.]
generatebendablespline [spline] 	Generate a bendable spline geometry instance.
reload [script] 	Reloads the specified Papyrus script.
testaim 	Test an actor's aim.
testlook 	Test an actor's looking.
pushcamera 	Push camera to editor.
movetoeditorcamera 	Move to the editor camera.
movetoeditorselection 	Move to the editor selection.
placefurnituretester [pft] 	Place actor, who will use the selected furniture. Can specify actor type via optional parameter.
dumpconditionsfunctions 	Output the current counters for condition function calls.
reloadanimationgraphs 	Reload the currently loaded animation graphs.
toggleweaponoverlay 	Toggle the weapon overlay.
forcedetect 	Forces the selected actor to detect the specified actor.
changeanimarchetype [caa] 	Change the selected actor's anim archetype.
changeanimflavor 	Change the selected actor's animal flavor.
setangrywithplayer 	Set the angry with player flag.
forcerepath 	Force the actor to repath.
forcepathfailure 	Force the actor's path to fail.
dumpformlist 	Dump the contens of given formlist to the console output.
traceanimationevents 	Trace an actor's animation events.
showmods 	Show all property mods on an object.
dumpinputenablelayers 	Dumps all currently used input enable layers to the console.
attachmod 	Attach a mod to an object.
removemod 	Remove a mod from an object.
spawntemplatedobject 	Spawn a ref to a templated object.[object, ilevel, pkeyword1, pkeyword2]
callfunction 	Calls a papyrus function on the targeted ref. First parameter is the function, the rest are parameters.
callquestfunction [cqf] 	Calls a papyrus function on a quest. Second parameter is the function, the rest are parameters.
callglobalfunction [cgf] 	Calls a global papyrus function. First parameter is the function, the rest are parameters.
resetinputenablelayer 	Resets all control disables on a specific input enable layer.
forceenableplayercontrols [fepc] 	Force-enables the player's controls, regardless of layers, see EnablePlayerControls.
resetforceenabledplayercontrols 	Resets all force-enabled player controls.
getactorrefowner 	Prints the owner of the currently selected reference.
setactorrefowner [saro] 	Sets ownership of the currently selected reference to the specified actor (or if not actor is specified, to the player).
hasactorrefowner [haro] 	Returns 1 if the currently selected reference has an owner, or 0 otherwise.
setoutfit 	Change the default outfit for the actor.
passtime [hours] 	Passes the given number of hours asif the player were sleeping.
linklocations 	Links two locations under the given keyword.
showlinkedlocations 	Outputs all locations linked to the given one under the given keyword.
setlinkedref 	Links the current ref to the given one under the given keyword.
resetcontainer 	Resets the currently selected container, or if you specify "1", then it'll reset all containers.
setscenefordebug 	Sets the current debug scene.
preloadexterior 	Preloads the exterior data for the currently selected ref.
testpath 	Debug function to test a path.
togglecontrolsoverly 	Toggle Controls Overlay
refresh 	Rebug function to refresh a reference.
dynamicresolution 	Change the dynamic resolution settings.
testloadingmenu 	Debug function to open/close the Loading menu in the Loading thread.
recalcinstancedata 	Debug function recalc instance data for the selected ref or all loaded refs if nothing is selected.
togglereferencepose 	Roggles forcing an animgraph for the selected actor to be in the reference pose. May specify "target" or "rig" as well.
setpersistlocation 	Debug function to set the persist loc on reference.
setlocationreftype 	Debug function to set the loc ref type for a location on a reference.
showlocdata 	Debug function to dump data about a location.
reserveloc 	Debug function to reserve a location so it can't be used for most aliases.
updateawakesound [uas] 	Update the selected actor's currentl conscious loop.
setharvested 	Mark the current reference as Harvested or not.
pausescene 	Pause or unpause the specified scene.
spawndupe 	Make a duplicate ref of the selected ref.
disabledistantreferences 	Disable references more than a certain distance from the selected ref.
fireassert 	Fire an assert (with text passed, if available).
forcepersistent 	Force a reference to become persistent.
playactioncamera [pac] 	Play this action camera on the reference with target reference.
stopactioncamera 	Stop the action camera.
changestance 	Change the actor's stance.
auditionwwiseevent 	Set of commands for auditioning Wwise events.
auditionreverbform [arf] 	Force a given Reverb form to be active.
setwwisestate [sws] 	Sets a global Wwise State
buildanimationdata [bad] 	Build the animation data for the actor.
switchskeleton 	Toggles between standard and chargen skeletons for an actor.
gethelloorgreeting [actor] 	Prints out the info id for actor's hello/greeting to actor param. One of these should be the player.
setbonetintregion 	Add bone tint data to an object's 3d given a region ID (integer) of that object.
senddialogueevent 	Sends a dialogue event for the selected and target actor.
setforcespeechchallengealwayssucceed [1/0] 	player will always succeed at speech challenge.
setforcespeechchallengealwaysfail [1/0] 	player will always fail at speech challenge.
runmaterialsanalysis [rma] 	Compares the materials of the selected reference.
capturemessages [string] 	Captures DebugString, USER1 and USER2 messages using a Message Event Listener and sends the outout to CaptureMessage.Iua
toggletrijuice 	Toggles Trijuicing in the renderer (may slightly degrade texture filtering quality in exchange for improved performance).
setpresentthreshold [spt] 	Set percentage (0-100) of scanlines covered before swap threshold is hit: default 0 (always swap)
linkfullaccount 	Link full Bnet account to game-account: (username) (password)
isloggedin [isonline] 	Is the player logged in to
getlegaldocs [getlegaldocs] 	Retrieves a list of all required legal documents.
acceptlegaldoc 	Accepts a legal document based on its ID: acceptlegaldoc (id)
getdataattachment 	Prints data from Profile Data Attachment: getattachment (type) (id)
deletedataattachment 	Deletes a Profile Data Attachment: deleteattachment (type) (id)
uploadcharacterdata 	Uploads character data playload as bnet Profile Data Attachment.
getattachmentleaderboard [getattachmentleaderboard] 	Gets attachment leaderboard page: getattachmentleaderboard (attachment type) (leaderboard type)
loaduniteddata 	Gets character data from leadersboard and caches it.
makeunitynpc 	Updates NPC with data from unity cache.
setvolumetriclighting parameters [vl] 	Set volumetric lighting parameters.
startworkshop [workshop] 	Enter Workshop mode if the player is within the buildable area of a Workshop.
togglevblankoptim 	Toggles VBlank optim
addkeyword 	Add the given keyword to the reference
removekeyword 	Remove the given keyword on the reference.
setambientparticlesenabled 	Enables(1)/disables(0) ambient particles.
removeoutposts [ref] 	Removes the given Outpost and all built items.
setesramsetup 	Force specific ESRAM setup (-1 for automatic setup).
callstacktracedepth 	Set the callstack depth when tracing it.
commandedactivated 	Commands selected actor to use a reference.
enablegalaxymode 	Enables/Disables galaxy mode.
togglestarfielddebug 	Toggles the StarField debug on or off.
setstarfieldcoordinatescale [value] 	Sets the StarField coordinate scale.
setstarsystemscale [sss] 	Sets the star system scale.
movetoplanet 	If target player ship, move to or give path to pilot to (target) (1 to do full jump sequence).
setorbitspeedscale 	Sets global orbit speed scale.
instancenamingrules 	Export instance naming rule data to file INRExport.txt.
getorbismodinfo 	Prints info relating to Orbis mod game data files.
togglescenedebug 	Show debug state for scene.
setfarclip 	Set far clip value. (-1 to clear override)
toggleoverdraw 	Toggle overdraw
recordscene 	Capture screen shots of scene. (Scene EditorID, [FPS 60 default])
landonplanet [lop] 	Land on a planet. (lop )
takeofftospace 	Take off to space.
previewbodyresources [pbr] 	Previews resources for a planet.
sendaffinityevent 	(AffinityEvent [ObjRef]) Run an affinity event on an optional object reference.
addpower 	AddPower (part) #
removepower 	RemovePower (part) #
matlockcapture 	Force matlock to realize a capture.
togglesnapnodemarkers 	Toggle snap node markers.
setvoicetype 	Set an override voice type on an actor.
addworldspacetoplanet 	Adds a world space to a planet.
debugdataprovider 	Set the name of the UI Data Provider we want to debug.
loadall3d 	Load all queued 3D.
printallmenus [pam] 	Print all active menus.
printallinputcontext [paic] 	Print the input context stack.
addplottobody [addplot] 	Plot a route to this body.
reloadfacedata 	Reload face data.
setgravityscale 	Sets gravity scale on a ref's parent cell.
previewblock 	PreviewBlock (blockname) (biome).
exportterraintextures 	Export terrain textures.
exportterraingrids 	Export terrain grids.
exportterrainheightmap 	Export terrain height map.
exportterrainsplatmap 	Explort terrain splat map.
exportterrainmaterialindexmap 	Export terrain material index map.
exportterrainfiles 	Export terrain files.
updateterrainclipmaps 	Refresh Terrain Clipmaps.
toggledebugcamera 	Toggle debug camera (mode name)
cycleprevdebugcamera 	Cycle to previous debug camera.
cyclenextdebugcamera 	Cycle to next debug camera.
toggledebugcameracontrols 	Toggle debug camera controls.
setimguiwindowfunction [siw] 	Activate an ImGui window.
invokeuievent 	Invokes a ui > c++ event.
hotreloadui 	Hot Reloads the User Interface SWFs.
setposrelativetoref 	Script function to set the position of the picked ref relatively to another ref (defaulted to the player).
faceref 	Make a ref face towards another ref (defaulted to the player), with an extra angle offset.
setworkshopitem 	Set the Workshop menu's Node Cursor to the currently selected reference, if any.
generatenavmesh 	Generates nav-mesh on the current cell.
landonplanetanimated 	Land players spaceship with animation.
startnewgame 	Command to trigger new game on main menu without UI.
forcedbleedout 	Force an actor to enter bleedout.
forceconditionformtrue 	Force a condition form to true. args: FromID, (enable)0/1, (permanent)0/1.
forceconditionformfalse 	Force a condition form to false. args: FromID, (enable)0/1, (permanent)0/1.
landonplanetbiome 	Land on a planet's biome. (lopb (planetname) (biome index) [(centered)0/1])
landonplanetmarker 	Land at a marker on the current planet.
testallplanets 	TestPlanets
clearlinkedref 	Clear a linked reference.
setlocaltime 	Sets the local time on the current planet, optionally updating the galaxy sim.
reloadmaterials 	Reloads all materials.
placementoncell 	Test overlay placement on a cell. (poc (cellindex.x)(xellindex.y))
toggleworkshopflycam 	Toggle workshop flycam.
checkbiomemarker 	Finds uses in the loaded area of the given biome marker.
testbiomeplanet [tbp] 	Creates a full planet set to use the given biome exclusively and puts the player there.
previewpattern 	PreviewPattern (patternname)(biome)
sethavokdynamic 	Set reference motion to dynamic with optional mass in kg.
sethavokkinematic 	Set reference motion to kinematic.
sethavokactive 	Set reference havok activity.
sethavoklod 	Set reference collision lod.
sethavoklinearvelocity 	Set reference linear velocity.
sethavokangularvelocity 	Set reference angular velocity.
sethavokcollisionlayer 	Set havok collision layer.
sethavokragdollfriction 	Set havok ragdoll friction.
sethavokparam 	Set havok param.
showhavokragdollvalues 	Show havok ragdoll values.
starthavokparttest 	Start/reset havok particles test.
stophavokparttest 	Stop havok particles test.
setorientation 	Set reference orientation
toggledebugtext3d 	Toggle in game debug text.
togglebiooverlay 	Toggle the BI Overlay.
togglemetricviewer 	Spawn Metric Viewer
printmessage 	Print a message to the screen (print (message) (time) (clear previous messages flag))
adddebugtest 	Add debug text to a reference (AddDebugText (debug text) (size) (color) (background color) (border color) (offsetX) (offsetY) (offsetZ) (pinned flag)
disableactorpackage [1/0] 	Disable or enable an actor's package.
stopbatchfile 	Stop a running batchfile.
centeronspacecell 	Move to the specified space cell, optionally specify a ship.
dependencygraphdump 	Dump Dependency Graph.
toggleexperimentalshaders 	Toggles experimental shaders on/off.
settestplanetandbiome 	Sets a test planet and biome for interior testing with biome markers.

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Re: Starfield - table v: 1.0.2 CT

Post by acecel »

2 questions :

1) Has anyone found a complete (or almost complete) item ID list (including AID items and such, the one i found didn't have any medkit and similar items) ? If yes could you please share it or a link to it ?

2) Would it be possible to add a "Money Multiplier" cheat in the table that would increase the money gain from quests, loot and such ? This is the cheat i am trying to find but couldn't find it anywhere, and i have no idea how to do it by myself.

Thanks in advance for the help

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Re: Starfield - table v: 1.0.2 CT

Post by Ou812_seth »

So ive been messing around with the console to try to edit ships max power since bethesda limited us to one reactor. Using the console i can find actor values for all ship parts, but using modav or setav doesnt seem to change anything. Im gonna try to find the value using cheat engine since I think you can upgrade specific ship parts, allowing a pretty consistent value refinement.

Id love to see this included in a table, since having enough power for all your ships parts is impossible at larger sizes of vessel.

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Re: Starfield - table v: 1.0.2 CT

Post by glyth »

i wish there was a free build command cause placing this one out post thing ship landingpad with ship builder is nerve racking

can you do infinite power bar

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Re: Starfield - table v: 1.0.2 CT

Post by AD0N »

How do I change the credit value? I’ve got everything working fine, can have unlimited o2 for example but I can’t seem to figure out how to actually put in my own value for the credits

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Re: Starfield - table v: 1.0.2 CT

Post by SunBeam »

AD0N wrote:
Sat Sep 02, 2023 1:22 pm
How do I change the credit value? I’ve got everything working fine, can have unlimited o2 for example but I can’t seem to figure out how to actually put in my own value for the credits
1 post...

At the bottom of first post there is a link to a site with a shit ton of console commands -> viewtopic.php?f=29&t=25679. Money is an item. It's listed in that link in the "Items Codes List" as "Bottlecap", cuz that's the currency name in Fallout 4.

Code: Select all

player.additem 0000000f 1000
The above adds 1000 to your Credits.

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Re: Starfield - table v: 1.0.2 CT

Post by KaguraSuzu »


Are there anyway to upgrade skill without requirement ?

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Re: Starfield - table v: 1.0.2 CT

Post by ModEngine »

AD0N wrote:
Sat Sep 02, 2023 1:22 pm
How do I change the credit value? I’ve got everything working fine, can have unlimited o2 for example but I can’t seem to figure out how to actually put in my own value for the credits
Enable credits editor then select credits and press Enter to type a value you like or use hotkeys to achieve the same. If the editor shows ?? then you need to have at least 1 credits first or switch to game bring up credits screen and back.

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Re: Starfield - table v: 1.0.2 CT

Post by Levifer »

Any idea how to find unique weapon ID's using the in-game console?
Trying to search by the in-game name using the "help" command doesn't seem to bring up any results.
I faintly recall this being easier in the fallout games.

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Re: Starfield - table v: 1.0.2 CT

Post by SunBeam »

KaguraSuzu wrote:
Sat Sep 02, 2023 2:17 pm

Are there anyway to upgrade skill without requirement ?
I don't know what "skill" is. Did you mean perks?

You already have player.addperk <id> command. You can find the perk ID with the help command (e.g.: help "perk" and scroll with mouse scroll up or down the list):


Every time you execute it the perk gets +1 rank.

P.S.#1: cfemen told me the last part above :)

P.S.#2: There's also a list online -> [Link].

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Re: Starfield - table v: 1.0.2 CT

Post by Gameholix »

KaguraSuzu wrote:
Sat Sep 02, 2023 2:17 pm

Are there anyway to upgrade skill without requirement ?
Zanzer added an option to "Ignore Skill Challenge" here:


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Re: Starfield - table v: 1.0.2 CT

Post by skonkndonk »

Seems to work for gamepass version too. Nice thanks for this

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Re: Starfield - table v: 1.0.2 CT

Post by m01s33nk0 »

persuade moves - attach to exe, after starting persuade set moves to 99, then go
Starfield.exe (paused).CT
(331 Bytes) Downloaded 202 times

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