[REQ] Great Houses of Calderia

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Re: [REQ] Great Houses of Calderia

Post by pacifista »

First table worked for me thank you.

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Re: [REQ] Great Houses of Calderia

Post by DeGorro8204 »

BigBear743 wrote:
Fri May 03, 2024 11:31 pm
New table added, need more test whether the new scripts affect everyone or just players:
Fast Skill Training
Quick Build
I'm pretty sure these 2 affect everyone.
- Fast Skill Training is free, you can tell when you level up your char, let say all stats goes 20, then check other kingdom nobles, many also reach high stats too. You'll end up fighting or negotiating another kingdom nobles with higher stats too.
- Quick Build also affecting, but because they didn't have enough resources required, they can't exploiting unlike we who cheat resources and able to upgrade infrastructure whenever we want.

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Re: [REQ] Great Houses of Calderia

Post by Atros »

Any way to increase the tradition points or the character traits?

PS. Town security is a float, which is really easy to find. Just don't freeze it and load the game, because that will crash the game.

PSS. You can easily increase character stats with Notepad++ with hex-editor plugin. Give characters unique names, search for them and scroll until you find the relevant stats. Just remember that in hex you can't increase characters in the middle without breaking the system (actually you can, but you must know where to change the relevant bit that tells the length of the variable). Easy way is to just change stat to 9/99/999 and then train/increase it naturally by 1 point and edit again.

You can use the same method to get fast traditions: Get few points of tradition -> change value to "9", get again point or few of tradition -> change value to "99", get third time some points -> change value to "900" and switch to the next tradition.

Doing this means also if you get few "wrong" points, it doesn't really matter, so you can concentrate on save-scumming better traits (by testing if the some of the choices give good trait or lose a bad one) for your pawns.

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