[REQUEST] Age of Reforging: The Freelands

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[REQUEST] Age of Reforging: The Freelands

Post by TheRedFear »

Game Name: Age of Reforging: The Freelands
Game Engine: Unity
Game Version: 1.01
Options Required: Freely edit Potential, Profession, and Skill points, and money.
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Re: [REQUEST] Age of Reforging: The Freelands

Post by xanthic »

Yeah, I would appreciate one as well. Unfortunately, I am not one with the magic of creating the fancy cheats so I throw my hat into the pile requesting that someone who can, will help.

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Re: [REQUEST] Age of Reforging: The Freelands

Post by DrH0us3 »

+1 from me, I would really like a table. I tried myself but I cant find the values yet searching for all and using increased decreased for gold but I can only narrow it down to 203 adresses so Im out of ideas lol.

Thanks to the people that CAN do this and also those who tried

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Re: [REQUEST] Age of Reforging: The Freelands

Post by eddmos »

Tarli tarli Da DAaa

1.Enter the path in the folder address bar: C:/Users/%USERPROFILE%/AppData/LocalLow/PersonaeGame Studio/Age of Reforging:The Freelands/Saves
Press “Win + R”, then enter %appdata%,
go back to the AppData folder and then open: LocalLow -> PersonaeGame Studio -> Age of Reforging:The Freelands -> Saves
2. edit -> sav.dat
"wealth":XXYYZZ xx-gold yy- silver zz-bronz for example "wealth":204054 20 gold 40 silver 54 bronze
and etc.
3. in game is console command (~) , maybe somebody know some spells??

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Re: [REQUEST] Age of Reforging: The Freelands

Post by ModnarNosrep »

Hello! Sadly, I have no table to give, but I do know how to edit some variables in the game through Cheat Engine, and through eddmos's advice, through the sav.dat file as well. Just wanted to share it to you guys how I did it so you may have something to use until a mighty hero creates a table. I am currently using the 1.02 version of the game.

Through sav.dat file:

ALWAYS back up your save files before doing any sort of modification. ALWAYS play it safe.

The sav.dat file is a wall of text, but with perseverance you can somehow determine it's structure and edit most of the important stuff here.

The general syntax I have observed in the save file is "NameOfVariable":Value.

I'll list down the ones I have tried below. I skipped a bunch a of values that I was not interested in/was too scared to edit. The values are ordered by the order they appear in my sav.dat file, from top to bottom.
  • "wealth" - Your money. So far, I was able to have 3-digit gold. Having "wealth" set to 1234567 will cause your character to have 123 Gold, 45 Silver, and 67 Bronze.
The following values repeat for each character encountered in the game.
  • "humanAttribute" - A character's status. Under it are "BSstrength","BSendurance","BSagility","BSprecision","BSintelligence","BSwillpower". I personally did not edit these values, since I instead went with adding more Potential Points, then using those Potential Points to increase the stats instead.
  • "humanTalent" - A character's talents. Under it are "BSPersuade","BSBargain","BSIntimidate","BSPathfind","BSInsight","BSSneak","BSMechanics","BSTheft","BSScholarly","BSSmithing","BSAlchemy","BSCooking". I also did not edit these values, I just went with adding more Living Skill Points, then using those to increase Persuade, Bargain, etc.
  • "potentialPoint" - Points used when upgrading stats such as Strength, Endurance, Agility, etc.
  • "livingSkillPoint" - Points used when upgrading stats such as Persuade, Bargain, Intimidate, etc.
  • "skillPoint" - Points used when upgrading skills, both skills from Weapons and Classes.
  • "traitPoint" - Points used for traits (?). I'm not really sure, I tried editing this in my save, but couldn't find any way to edit traits. Maybe later in the game?
  • "weaponMastery" - Values of weapon mastery. It is an array of seven integers, and it is ordered the way the masteries appear in character info screen. Having "weaponMastery":[0,1,2,3,4,5,6] will cause your character to have 0 mastery in Unarmed, 1 mastery in One-Handed, 2 mastery in Two-Handed, 3 mastery in Shield, 4 mastery in Dual, and so on.
  • "weaponMasteryEXP" - Values of weapon mastery exp. Also an array of seven integers. I did not try to edit these values.
"umaRecipe" - Contains character appearance info, as well as current equipment info. Contains a lot of values under it. I made a huge skip in the sav.dat file here, since I was not particularly interested in editing these values, apart from the \"UnderCloth\",\"recipe\":\"MaleUnderwear\" \"UnderCloth\",\"recipe\":\"FemaleUnderwear\" values, wherein I removed the stuff in recipe, which in turn allowed me to view my characters as nature intended when I removed their equipment.
"favorToPlayer" - Companion influence.
"portrait" - Contains random gibberish characters spanning across numerous lines. I did not edit this, but I included this here since to me, it served like a guide to determine my location in the massive wall of text known as the sav.dat file.
"level" - Level of character.
"unitname" - Name of character. It is followed by values such as "currenthp", "currentsp", "currentmp", etc.

Nearing the end of the file, you will find:

"factionFavorToPlayer" - Amount of influence your party has on a town/faction.
"factionCrimeToPlayer" - Amount of crime your party has done on a town/faction.

Through Cheat Engine

Item Quantity
Item quantities are of 4-bytes data type.
Method requires having a stackable item with a quantity more than 2, but for good measure, at least 5 to have more work room. Also, I haven't been able to find a way to divide the stack in your inventory, apart from buying/selling an item to a trader.

Go to a trader/merchant (ensure that they have adequate amount of money and are capable of buying your items). Initial Scan the quantity of the item. Change the quantity by either (a) buying from the trader or (b) selling to the trader. Next Scan the new quantity. Repeat until one address remains, and voila, edit the address value to the desired value.

Maximum Carry Weight
Maximum carry weights are of float data type.
Method requires having at least one equipment/accessory that modifies strength value, which in turn, modifies max carry weight value.

Open inventory. Initial Scan the max carry weight value of a character (for example, the player character). Equip/unequip the equipment/accessory that modifies strength. Check new max carry weight, if it did not change, you may need to switch to another character's inventory tab first, then go back to player character (if you do have companions) to force the game to update to show to correct values. You may also close the inventory window, then open it again (have not tried this at all). Once it shows the new values, Next Scan until it only shows one address. Change value as you see fit. Don't forget to freeze the value, as based on my observation it changes to default once you change your equipment.

Sadly, the change is not permanent and you will need to do this every time you open a session of the game. If in another session you did this and still suffer from an overweight penalty, simply transfer an item to one of your companions, then give it back to original holder of item to get rid of the overweight penalty.

Others & Notes:
I don't know how assembly works, but I was able to somehow get all positive traits at character creation through Cheat Engine and assembly editing through trial and error. However, I was not able to replicate it ever since.

Still, if you guys would like to have all positive traits, (and I think, one neutral trait?), I have here my player character's trait array values from my sav.dat file.

Code: Select all

To have this in your own player character, simply open sav.dat and search/find (Ctrl-F) for "Traits" without the quotes. The first result from the top should be your player character's trait array values. Select your current player character's trait (from "[" to "]"), and paste over the array above.

Also, some values don't immediately update in the GUI. Like in the case of Max Carry Weight, you sometimes need to do a bunch of things. In the case of when you edit the "factionFavorToPlayer" and "factionCrimeToPlayer", you will need to restart the game and load the save file, since simply loading the edited save file from an ongoing session does not update the values.

Sorry for blabbering, hope this helps! :D

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Re: [REQUEST] Age of Reforging: The Freelands

Post by TheRedFear »

I will try some of the more complicated suggestions above. But for those Boomer/Xers who...like me...are old enough to crap their pants trying to make sense of those suggestions that our Millennial/Zoomer friends just casually toss around, I found through trial and error that you CAN find Skill/Ability values fairly easily but you need to level up a bit and avoid spending points until you have at least 3(minimal) of whatever you want to spend. 4 or 5 makes it much easier, but you CAN get there with 3 but you're more likely to end up with multiple results at the end which can be confusing.

Save your game first before you try this in case you mess up along the way and want to try again. Keep in mind you may need to "reattach" cheat engine to the game. I'm not sure it's necessary but it doesn't hurt.

So if you got 5 Ability points, just do a default search for 5. You'll probably end up with thousands or even millions of results. I like to repeat that search for 5 a few times to eliminate thousands from the search results. You're always aiming to narrow the results down as much as you can before moving to the next search. Then spend a skillpoint and make sure you confirm/finalize the expenditure. If you try to search without locking in the expenditure your final results will be a mess. Now search for 4, and again repeat the search for 4 a few times to eliminate thousands more results.

Usually by the time you try the search for 3 you're down to less than 50 results. Maybe even less. One more search for 2 should eliminate all but a handful of remaining results. Try changing each until you see the number in your character menu change and presto, you got it. You might need to close and reopen the character menu in game to see the change.

I don't think it's necessary but once I find the value I need, I always change the other values back to whatever they were just in case.

You will often find that some stats have TWO final results and only one of them will change your character sheet. I'm too Boomer to explain that, but don't sweat it. As long as you change the right one, the "fixed" one will update accordingly. It can be a bit wierd with "Skill" points though. I think the 2nd Value for skill points tracks the TOTAL skill points for your entire Party. Don't mess with that. Just identify the one that will change skill points for the specific character you wish to change and you'll be fine.

All that works for Skill, Ability, and Profession points, though you may need to wait a while before trying it on profession points since you only get 1 Per level, and you want to have at least 3(again, preferably 5) before you try this.

For money, I find the easiest way to change that is right at the start of the game. As soon as you head into town, look at your money. You shouldn't have more than a few silvers and coppers and that's perfect. That will make this easier.

Again, save first in case you mess up along the way.

Now you just have to understand how the game calculates money. If you have 20 silver and 5 copper, you have 2005 "dollars" in game. 2005 is the real value. 100 Copper = 1 Silver. So just look at your starting money, search it's real value, then buy something and search your new real value. Unlike trying to narrow down the result of searching for smaller numbers, this will almost always give you the number you're looking for within one...maybe two attempts. Be careful about going too obscene with whatever you change it too. I'm not sure the in-game interface knows what you do with more than 999 Gold.

Edit: Oh and keep in mind that unlike many games, your characters will be starving to death even while the game is minimized if you don't pause first. So make sure to pause before you start all this back and forth. I think being in the town menu also halts starvation/exhaustion even without pausing the game.

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