Alright since there's a guy almost spamming about "Engine Power", let me do a quick tutorial to help him.
First, 'unpack' the save, i won't provide a tutorial for that, it's very simple.
1- With the .db file with you, open it with DB Browser, as usual.
2- Find out what's your
TeamID, go to
3- Since i'm playing with Haas, my TeamID is 7, keep that number in mind, now, go to
Parts_CarLoadout, you need to find the
DesignID your
Team is using:
In my case, the
DesignID is between 55~64, keep these numbers in mind.
4- Go to
Parts_Designs_StatValues, here's the tricky part, we know our
DesignIDs are between 55~64 BUT, we need to know the
PartID so we can find out which part we'll be changing. save your time, here's the
PartID, you can find them in
If you want in text:
Code: Select all
0 AirFlowFront
1 AirFlowTolerance
2 BrakeCooling
3 DRSDelta
4 DragReduction
5 EngineCooling
6 FuelEfficiency
7 LowSpeedDownforce
8 MedSpeedDownforce
9 HighSpeedDownforce
10 Power
11 PerformanceThreshold
12 PerformanceLoss
13 AirFlowMiddle
14 OperationalRange
15 Durability
5- Now, let's go back to
Parts_Designs_StatValues, pay attention to your
DesignID range, if you want to edit something specific, like,
Engine Power, since we know the
Engine Power is
10, then we get our
DesignID range and then filter by the
Part you want to edit, like this:
...yes, you can put the tilde (
~) without any issues, it can help you to find what you want.
6- In my case, i edited everything to
2000 just for testing.
7- Save the .db, repack your save, you can check the results in-game:
Done. Your car is more powerful than any other team.