- Requires Cheat Engine 7.2/later. (used many features added on CE 7.2)
- Create GameRes Data List gets the address of the game value from an environment dependent array of pointers called "GameRes".
The number of variables changes as the play progresses. So after playing for a while, try re-enabling this script.
I have devised a way for variables to be added automatically.
Have fun
View Options
- Script or Script that's no available for AOB Error
- AddressGroupHeader
- GroupHeader/Comment
- Variable
- CE: Compact Mode
- CT: Save Checkbox States
- Notes:
- If saved, states of the checkbox will be restored when CT is started next time.
- If they are variables, the values are also saved. (supports AllowIncrease/Decrease)
- Notes:
- CT: Load Checkbox States
- CT: Expand All Headers
- day
- _str_lvl
- _agl_lvl
- _stm_lvl
- _str_fuel
- _stm_fuel
- _agl_fuel
- _satiety
- _energy
- _health
- _satisfaction
- satisfaction_training_mod
- satisfaction_neurotraining_mod
- satisfaction_work_eff
- satisfaction_green_zone
- time
- character_inventory_slots
- map_km_moving_time_minutes
- global_intox_mod
- global_work_eff
- global_training_mod
- global_neurotraining_mod
- overload_neurotraining_mod
- overload_work_eff
- intox_neurotraining_mod
- intox_training_mod
- old_school_mod_soft
- neurotraining_mod_soft
- mafia_work_eff_mod_soft
- bobo_work_eff_mod_soft
- jakuza_work_eff_mod_soft
- str_train_focus
- stm_train_focus
- agl_train_focus
- bus_ticket_cost_mod
- is_easy_mode
- new_game_started
- s_event_1_first_awakening
- is_fuel_enabled
- quest_inventory_slots
- carpet_training_tired_at_all
- listen_joke_today
- barbell_training_tired
- punching_ball_training_tired
- running_track_2_training_tired
- vinchun_trainer_training_tired
- punching_bag_training_tired
- horizontal_bar_training_tired
- jumping_rope_training_tired
- tyre_trainer_training_tired
- parallel_bars_training_tired
- donuts_dumbell_training_tired
- ball_machine_training_tired
- handcuff_machine_training_tired
- vrmachine_training_tired
- treadmill_training_tired
- holoprojector_training_tired
- ntr_warm_up_tired
- ntr_bench_press_tired
- ntr_breakdance_tired
- ntr_skipping_rope_tired
- ntr_boxing_match_tired
- ntr_aerial_gymnastics_tired
- ntr_marathon_tired
- ntr_paradise_tired
- ntr_x_cans_opening_tired
- ntr_x_aim_training_tired
- ntr_x_shopping_run_tired
- ntr_x_bearish_challenge_tired
- ntr_x_hand_fishing_tired
- ntr_x_breath_training_tired
- ntr_x_rolling_up_tired
- ntr_x_catching_flies_tired
- ntr_x_pain_therapy_tired
- _stm_exp
- _agl_exp
- _str_exp
- carpet_training_tired
- silver_training_locked
- silver_ask_train_count
- silver_training_v2_locked
- gold_training_locked
- pet_was_strokked_today
- _overload
- _intoxication
- s_event_1_adriana_visit
- fridge_inventory_slots
- s_ev_2_1_henry_visit
- _money
- s_ev_3_first_apu_visit
- hemp_inventory_slots
- pet_inventory_slots
- last_fight_start_hp_percent
- act_kick_used_count
- act_punch_used_count
- last_fight_end_hp_percent
- last_fight_losed_hp_percent
- last_fight_opponent_hp
- s_ev_4_arrest
- s_ev_6_first_bobofarm_visit
- s_ev_7_first_silver_meet
- time_when_chip_installed
- s_event_5_mom_is_waiting_after_arrest
- s_event_8_apu_waits_after_arrest
- s_ev_4_show_casey_shadow
- speaked_with_holocop
- i_h_has_henry_took_burger
- _osr
- carpet_training_mod
- s_ev_i_aa1_medicine_for_mom
- s_ev_10_need_visit_noodleman
- bought_apu_first_tape
- bought_apu_second_tape
- bought_apu_third_tape
- give_first_tape
- barbell_training_mod
- punch_ball_training_mod
- runtrack_training_mod
- health_bonus_perk_1
- fuel_exp_mod
- entertainment_eff_perk_1
- vinchin_training_mod
- soda_bonus_perk_1
- eng_bonus_perk_1
- s_event_9_need_first_junkyard
- is_need_beat_huey
- silver_league_after_fight_load
- ev7_is_silver_waiting_for_win
- _gpp
- waiting_tech_tree_tutorial
- ev7_is_silver_waitng_second_fight
- player_was_in_silvers_gym
- first_silvers_gym_enter
- lil_bobo_first_call_ready
- corporation_unlocked
- ev_6_speaked_with_bobo
- bobo_farm_lvl
- bobo_farm_1_progress
- bobo_farm_1_cycle
- i_k1_first_conversation
- yakudza_unlocked
- _slots
- scholars_count
- robofactory_lvl
- robofactory_1_progress
- robofactory_1_cycle
- knows_about_junkyard_work_time
- act_low_kick_used_count
- act_side_punch_used_count
- act_side_kick_body_used_count
- barbell_training_tired_at_all
- punching_ball_training_tired_at_all
- ev_i_bobo_farm_work_over_1_was_once
- ev7_is_silver_waitng_second_fight_ready_start
- asked_silver_about_portrait
- club_street_lvl
- was_ev_i_club_street_work_not_started_1
- i_k1_got_quest
- club_street_1_progress
- club_street_1_cycle
- was_ev_i_club_street_work_over_1
- i_k2_got_trinket
- i_k3_passed_trinket
- bobo_farm_1_can_lvlup
- bobo_promotion_1_in_progress
- corporation_rep
- wasFirstSchoolUnlock
- new_school_tutorial
- bobo_farm_2_progress
- bobo_farm_2_cycle
- robofactory_1_can_lvlup
- i_s1_got_quest
- player_answered_silver_event_s1
- mafia_rep
- robofactory_2_progress
- club_street_1_can_lvlup
- yakudza_rep
- robofactory_2_cycle
- bobo_farm_2_can_lvlup
- i_b2_find_slimes
- act_low_kick_mastered
- act_side_kick_body_mastered
- win_fake_res_1_fighter
- i_b3_win_fake_resistance
- bobo_slimes_was_found_and_delivered
- bobo_farm_3_progress
- bobo_farm_3_cycle
- bobo_farm_3_can_lvlup
- i_b4_got_slime_lunch
- i_s2_lost_fight
- i_s2_s3_after_fight
- i_s2_s3_player_won_once
- i_s2_s3_end
- club_street_2_progress
- club_street_2_cycle
- club_street_2_can_lvlup
- i_l2_removeAfterGiveQuest
- i_l2_work_lvlup_count
- i_i2_sewerage_o3_open
- act_side_punch_mastered
- i_l3_win_fake_resistance_3
- win_fake_res_3_fighter
- i_l3_got_noodlebox
- fight_with_bridge_cop
- act_upper_cut_used_count
- i_b4_quest_failed
- i_b5_win_bridgecop
- ev_i_bobo_farm_work_not_started_1_was_once
- robofactory_2_can_lvlup
- s_ev_i_g2_MoralHelp_count
- s_ev_i_g2_MoralHelp
- s_ev_i_g3_moralHelp
- i_g3_find_sewage_cassette
- i_g3_win_fake_resistance_2
- win_fake_res_2_fighter
- i_l3_got_sewage_cassette
- robofactory_3_progress
- bobo_farm_-1_progress
- bobo_farm_-1_cycle
- club_street_3_progress
- club_street_3_cycle
- club_street_3_can_lvlup
- i_l4_noodle_for_henry
- i_l4_noodle_for_bridge
- i_l4_work_lvlup_count
- i_l5_henry_complete
- i_l5_henry_stone_ready
- second_attempt_ev_l5
- fight_with_bridge_cop_with_courier
- i_l5_bridge_complete
- stop_check_i_l5_complete
- robofactory_3_cycle
- robofactory_3_can_lvlup
- i_g4_got_implants
- i_g5_win_bridgecop
- i_g5_quest_failed
- after_huey_fight
- after_huey_fight_win
- ruth_prefight_ev
- huey_beat_complete
- robofactory_-1_progress
- robofactory_-1_cycle
- event_11_runned
- s_ev_12_casey_waits_at_mikes_house
- s_ev_13_first_emmit_visit
- event_pol_2_ready
- started_learn_laws_quests
- mick_house_visited
- huey_fake_res_active_forced
- huey_fake_fully_finished
- know_npc_emmit
- s_ev_14_attempts_to_win_robot
- emmit_last_quest_complete_day
- got_quest_i_e1
- i_e1_WeaponDeliveryToBridge_go_to_bridge
- act_upper_cut_mastered
- i_e2_onbridge_win
- i_e2_dreamlab_quest_complete
- i_e1_weapon_delivery_to_bridge_emmit_visit
- 15_ev_open_sewage_f7
- ev_16_find_casey
- win_fake_res_4_fighter
- ev_17_first_enter
- 17_ev_mike_ready
- event_20_completed
- 20_ev_mick_multi
- 20_ev_need_to_restore
- club_street_-1_progress
- club_street_-1_cycle
- police_hall_education_lvl
- police_hall_education_1_progress
- police_hall_education_1_cycle
- police_hall_education_1_can_lvlup
- police_hall_education_2_progress
- police_hall_education_2_cycle
- police_hall_education_2_can_lvlup
- police_hall_education_3_progress
- police_hall_education_3_cycle
- police_hall_education_3_can_lvlup
- police_hall_education_4_progress
- police_hall_education_4_cycle
- police_hall_education_4_can_lvlup
- police_hall_education_5_progress
- police_hall_education_5_cycle
- police_hall_education_5_can_lvlup
- finished_learn_laws_quests
- police_education_is_over
- wait_ruth_fight_1
- ruth_win_1
- ruth_can_apology
- fuel_tutorial_was_seen
- bobo_farm_-1_can_lvlup
- wait_ruth_sparring
- w8_any_win_for_aesop_ev_1
- robofactory_-1_can_lvlup
- aesop_meeting_night_club
- should_win_aesop
- player_know_about_exteme_trainings
- silvers_gym_repairman_active
- mikes_office_repair_lvl
- mikes_office_repair_1_progress
- mikes_office_repair_1_cycle
- mikes_office_repair_1_can_lvlup
- mikes_office_repair_2_progress
- mikes_office_repair_2_cycle
- mikes_office_repair_2_can_lvlup
- mikes_office_repair_3_progress
- mikes_office_repair_3_cycle
- mikes_office_repair_3_can_lvlup
- mikes_office_repair_4_progress
- mikes_office_repair_4_cycle
- mikes_office_repair_4_can_lvlup
- mikes_office_repair_5_progress
- mikes_office_repair_5_cycle
- mikes_office_repair_5_can_lvlup
- mick_holo_device_working
- w8_win_silvers_league_for_mick
- underbridge_visited
- airpods_after_gyatso_talk
- player_unlocked_extreme_trainingss
- extreme_neuro_unlocked
- added_spoonboy_stat_change_event
- first_stat_change_opened
- three_days_after_extreme_unlock
- abil_penetrating_attack_mastered
- abil_penetrating_attack_used_count
- abil_feint_mastered
- abil_feint_used_count
- act_side_kick_head_used_count
- won_aesop
- complete_2000_gpp
- event_ii_II-Pol3
- police_office_is_active
- first_pos_in_silvers_league
- barry_office_invite
- mick_gym_is_active
- w8_first_police_duty
- became_a_policeman
- police_work_int_action_point
- police_work_action_point
- police_work_soc
- first_duty_started
- police_work_docs_res
- police_work_patrol_res
- first_duty_complete
- won_division_2_match
- once_after_first_win_on_pro_league
- after_first_win_on_pro_league
- w8_first_mick_train
- player_became_trainer
- mick_gym_int_action_point
- mick_gym_action_point
- mick_gym_soc
- first_mick_train_started
- mick_gym_training_res
- act_side_punch_mick_gym_tired
- mick_gym_abil_res
- act_side_kick_body_mick_gym_tired
- act_low_kick_mick_gym_tired
- act_upper_cut_mick_gym_tired
- first_train_complete
- skipped_first_mick_train
- police_duty_failed_cutscene
- mick_train_failed_cutscene
- _police_duty_complete
- _mick_duty_complete
- abil_wind_gust_mastered
- abil_wind_gust_used_count
- act_side_kick_head_mastered
- mick_lvlup_1_trainers
- mick_lvl_1_up_1_ready
- mick_lvlup1_ready_help_scholar
- load_after_lvlup
- adriana_sick_ready_1
- mick_lvlup1_ready_help_scholar_after_lose
- ii_pol_lvl_up_1_gym
- lose_to_boris_in_police_uniform
- police_lvl_up_1_full_complete
- police_paperwork_upgrade
- ii_pol_lvl_up_2_home
- pol_lvl_up_2_lost_rorscharch_second_time
- pol_lvl_up_2_lost_rorscharch
- police_lvl_up_2_full_complete
- adriana_sick_ready_2
- police_patrolling_upgrade
- mick_lvlup2_ready_help_scholar
- mick_lvlup_2_trainers
- mick_lvlup2_seen_bandits
- mick_lvlup_2_wait_fight_bandit_1
- mick_lvlup_2_after_win_first
- mick_lvlup_2_wait_fight_bandit_2
- mick_lvlup_2_after_win_second
- mick_lvlup2_spawn_scholar_next_enter
- mick_lvlup3_ready_help_scholar
- mick_lvlup_3_trainers
- first_tower_hall_enter
- first_delivery_office_enter
- second_attempt_apu_delboy_1
- new_delivery_era_active
- new_delivery_era_silver_finished
- new_delivery_era_apu_finished
- new_delivery_era_officer_finished
- new_delivery_era_finished
- uncle_barry_first_donuts_delivered
- ii_pol_lvl_up_3_club
- ii_pol_lvl_up_3_club_door
- ii_pol_lvl_up_3_club_from_door
- police_lvl_up_3_full_complete
- police_socializing_upgrade
- first_pos_in_division2
- once_cheat_lil_bobo_event
- ready_to_first_cheat_lil_bobo_event
- side_fallen_money_50_ready
- slime_food_perk_1
- adriana_sick_delayed_start
- three_days_after_third_lvlup_ready
- gold_training_first_call_ready
- first_poison_fight
- barry_poisoned_ready
- poisoned_fighter_line_finished
- pizza_for_barry_started
- pizza_for_barry_ready_started
- barry_pizza_crocodile_base
- first_undercover_fight
- undercover_junkyard_ready
- undercover_robot_line_finished
- 10%_to_sensei_tape
- 40%_to_sensei_tape
- 90%_to_sensei_tape
- set_for_cooking_perk_1
- health_bonus_perk_2
- mick_gym_talk_perk_1
- entertainment_eff_perk_2
- horizontal_bar_perk_1
- punching_bag_perk_1
- mick_gym_abil_perk_1
- janitor_after_win_prol
- adriana_sick_ready_3
- adriana_recovery_branch_locked
- cat_conference_active
- ready_to_start_adriana_apu
- police_ready_to_become_detective
- found_lil_bobo_while_cat_conference
- ii_hack_device_prequel_carla_1_in_garage
- ev_ii_robot_killer_1_night_club_first_1_ready
- hack_device_robo_killer_complete
- ii_run_slime_run_3_path_clear_1_ready
- hack_device_run_slimes_complete
- disable_lil_after_slime_run
- hack_device_roboboyfriend_complete
- w8_hack_device_combine_in_garage
- delivery_flashback_ready
- silver_flashback_ready
- yakudza_flashback_ready
- robofactory_flashback_ready
- bobo_flashback_ready
- final_1_event_ready
- final2_flashback_load
- final_3_event_ready
- final_4_event_ready
- final_5_event_ready
- final_5_event_dummy_ready
- final_6_event_ready
- junkyard_safe_load
- final_7_event_ready
- carla_journey_stop_grounds_moving
View update history
Find other contribution
- Table by aanpsx
- After the game ended, I had 465 variables in my play.
Here are a few that might help those who are dizzy with too many options. - Be careful not to set "_gpp" and "_osr" too high and you'll miss the story.
- Basic tips by KS212
- "Facility name"_"number"_progress, "Facility name"_"number"_cycle
Coordination helps you get the job done faster. - police/mic_work_soc
Keep your sociability at 100. - police_work_docs_res, mick_gym_training_res
Get the job done at breakneck speed. Set like the image.
- Can you open Memory View and do a search on UICharacter:get_IsOSREnabled to find the difference with me?
Also are you using CE 7.5? It may just be a problem with your dll.Code: Select all
UICharacter:get_IsOSREnabled: 48 83 EC 08 - sub rsp,08 UICharacter:get_IsOSREnabled+4: 48 89 34 24 - mov [rsp],rsi UICharacter:get_IsOSREnabled+8: 48 8B F1 - mov rsi,rcx // ---------- Important opcode ---------- UICharacter:get_IsOSREnabled+b: 48 B8 E8 3E F4 6A FF 01 00 00 - mov rax,000001FF6AF43EE8 // -------------------------------------- UICharacter:get_IsOSREnabled+15: 48 8B 00 - mov rax,[rax] UICharacter:get_IsOSREnabled+18: 48 8B 40 28 - mov rax,[rax+28] UICharacter:get_IsOSREnabled+1c: 48 8B 40 70 - mov rax,[rax+70] UICharacter:get_IsOSREnabled+20: 0F B6 40 44 - movzx eax,byte ptr [rax+44] UICharacter:get_IsOSREnabled+24: 85 C0 - test eax,eax UICharacter:get_IsOSREnabled+26: 74 09 - je UICharacter:get_IsOSREnabled+31 UICharacter:get_IsOSREnabled+28: 0F B6 86 8C 01 00 00 - movzx eax,byte ptr [rsi+0000018C] UICharacter:get_IsOSREnabled+2f: EB 02 - jmp UICharacter:get_IsOSREnabled+33 UICharacter:get_IsOSREnabled+31: 33 C0 - xor eax,eax UICharacter:get_IsOSREnabled+33: 48 8B 34 24 - mov rsi,[rsp] UICharacter:get_IsOSREnabled+37: 48 83 C4 08 - add rsp,08 UICharacter:get_IsOSREnabled+3b: C3 - ret
How to use this cheat table?
- Install Cheat Engine
- Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
- Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
- Keep the list.
- Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1