[Request] New Cycle

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Re: [Request] New Cycle

Post by imjustmaxie »

anonymouz wrote:
Thu Mar 14, 2024 11:00 pm
imjustmaxie wrote:
Wed Jan 31, 2024 7:40 am

Made a supplement table.
Table is auto updating (on table load), you will only need to download it once.
Features will be gradually updated.

Current Features:
- Pointers (Make sure the city name is shown correctly, else go in game to populate value)
-> City Name
-> Knowledge (can set to Infinity)
-> Base Electricity Production
-> Materials List (Now you can change the material details for every existing material)

- Citizen Status*
-> Max Health, Zero Sickness, Max Ration Need, Max Water Need, Max Tool Need, Max Clothes Need

- Instant Construction (now actually constructs instantly when not paused)
- Instant Development / Research
- Max Materials / Resources (Overview -> Materials)
doesnt work for me, doesnt even activate
Can you clarify what does not work?
I have just tested this with the latest version of the game on Steam (Alpha 24-135.07), and everything is still working.
I did not make this for any beta participated copies (both public-hotfix and public-rollback).
Please provide any script errors if you cannot enable it, by right clicking and mentioning if there are any AOB errors whatsoever.

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Re: [Request] New Cycle

Post by TheGodUncle »

The table doesn't update to the newest version of the game.

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Re: [Request] New Cycle

Post by imjustmaxie »

TheGodUncle wrote:
Fri Mar 22, 2024 1:13 pm
The table doesn't update to the newest version of the game.
It does now.

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Re: [Request] New Cycle

Post by igromanru »

imjustmaxie wrote:
Wed Jan 31, 2024 7:40 am
Table is auto updating (on table load), you will only need to download it once.
Features will be gradually updated.

Current Features:
- Pointers (Make sure the city name is shown correctly, else go in game to populate value)
-> City Name
-> Knowledge (can set to Infinity)
-> Base Electricity Production
-> Materials List (Now you can change the material details for every existing material)

- Citizen Status*
-> Max Health, Zero Sickness, Max Ration Need, Max Water Need, Max Tool Need, Max Clothes Need

- Instant Construction (now actually constructs instantly when not paused)
- Instant Development / Research
- Max Materials / Resources (Overview -> Materials)
lmao whole table gets downloaded by an encoded script and the table isn't even signed. Very trustworthy.

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Re: [Request] New Cycle

Post by imjustmaxie »

igromanru wrote:
Mon Mar 25, 2024 11:56 am
imjustmaxie wrote:
Wed Jan 31, 2024 7:40 am
Table is auto updating (on table load), you will only need to download it once.
Features will be gradually updated.

lmao whole table gets downloaded by an encoded script and the table isn't even signed. Very trustworthy.
I will make it clear on what the table does:

1. The table retrieves the latest table from my own GitHub repo.
2. It is then downloaded to the TEMP folder and loaded into Cheat Engine and that the TEMP copy was deleted afterwards.
That's it.
3. I have yet to solve the issue where downloading from an external URL breaks the signature since saving the getInternet().getURL(url) content makes extra line breaks that affect the signature, and this was also tested by Akira Fudo (former Table Maker here) previously.

Extra Note: Yes, I have a function that disables copying/pasting/cutting/deleting memrecs from the scripts by regular means (but Table Makers can still access it from memrec.script)

Here is the decoded function:

Code: Select all

local function dlTable(intPage,strGamePlatform,strGameName)

    local function kopipastanada(mf)

        if not mf then return end
        if mf.Copy1 then mf.Copy1.OnClick = nil end ; if mf.Copy2 then mf.Copy2.OnClick = nil end
        if mf.Paste1 then mf.Paste1.OnClick = nil end ; if mf.Paste2 then mf.Paste2.OnClick = nil end
        if mf.Cut1 then mf.Cut2.OnClick = nil end ; if mf.Cut2 then mf.Cut2.OnClick = nil end
        if mf.Deletethisrecord1 then mf.Deletethisrecord1.OnClick = nil end

    if getCEVersion() < 7.5 then showMessage(string.format("Minimum CE Version: 7.5\nCurrent CE Version: %s\nCheat Engine will close.",getCEVersion())) closeCE() end
    local al = getAddressList() ; local mf = getMainForm() ; local le = getLuaEngine() ; local tmp = os.getenv("TEMP")
    local tableURL = 'https://github.com/imjustmaxie/ctr/releases/download/'..tostring(intPage).."/"..strGamePlatform .."."..strGameName..".CT"
    local tablename = tmp.."\\ijmtable.CT"
    al.OnAutoAssemblerEdit = nil
    mf.Changescript1.Enabled = false

    local tt = createThread(function (t)
        le.mOutput.Clear() print('\nRetrieving table...')
        local content = getInternet().getURL(tableURL) ; local tpt = io.open( tablename , 'r' ) ; if tpt then tpt:close() os.remove(tablename) end
        local file = io.open( tablename , 'w' ) ; file:write(content) file:close() ; loadTable(tablename) os.remove(tablename)
        mf.OnCloseQuery=nil --prevent changes from saving popup on CE close
        for i=0,al.Count-1 do local mr = al.MemoryRecord[i] mr.DontSave = true mr.beginEdit() end ; kopipastanada(mf)
        le.mOutput.Clear() print('\nTable successfully loaded.\nDO NOT SAVE THE TABLE OR THE AUTO UPDATER TABLE WILL BREAK.')
    -- how to use:
    -- e.g dlTable(1,'steam','7daystodie')

To which it is encoded into this:

Code: Select all

You can verify with Wireshark or any network monitoring tools that it downloads from the GitHub repo mentioned in the code.

I have removed the auto update table, and uploaded the standalone one.

Feel free to verify.
If you have further questions, do contact me in DMs.
I do not wish to engage in any form of drama or discord, so do contact me if you have questions regarding the table.

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Re: [Request] New Cycle

Post by igromanru »

imjustmaxie wrote:
Mon Mar 25, 2024 3:42 pm
You can verify with Wireshark or any network monitoring tools that it downloads from the GitHub repo mentioned in the code.

Feel free to verify.
If you have further questions, do contact me in DMs.
I do not wish to engage in any form of drama or discord, so do contact me if you have questions regarding the table.
It doesn't matter if I or any person with enough reverse engineering skills can verify what the script does right now, beside the fact that the code could potential contain something that doesn't connect to the internet right away.
The fact alone that the entire table is encoded and also downloads code from the internet screams "security risk". Let alone that without an internet connection the table isn't usable.
There is no guarantee that you don't wake up one day and decide to put a trojan in the code. How long will it take until someone actually finds out?
In my opinion such things should be forbidden to be posted on the site. Cheat Engine itself is already a great security risk, it always has to be executed as administrator and has a signed driver, that can be exploited.

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Re: [Request] New Cycle

Post by imjustmaxie »

igromanru wrote:
Mon Mar 25, 2024 4:07 pm
imjustmaxie wrote:
Mon Mar 25, 2024 3:42 pm
You can verify with Wireshark or any network monitoring tools that it downloads from the GitHub repo mentioned in the code.

Feel free to verify.
If you have further questions, do contact me in DMs.
I do not wish to engage in any form of drama or discord, so do contact me if you have questions regarding the table.
It doesn't matter if I or any person with enough reverse engineering skills can verify what the script does right now, beside the fact that the code could potential contain something that doesn't connect to the internet right away.
The fact alone that the entire table is encoded and also downloads code from the internet screams "security risk". Let alone that without an internet connection the table isn't usable.
There is no guarantee that you don't wake up one day and decide to put a trojan in the code. How long will it take until someone actually finds out?
In my opinion such things should be forbidden to be posted on the site. Cheat Engine itself is already a great security risk, it always has to be executed as administrator and has a signed driver, that can be exploited.
I have removed the table, and I shall remove it from my past and future tables.
Thank you for the feedback.
Sorry for the inconvenience brought to the site.

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Re: [Request] New Cycle

Post by igromanru »

imjustmaxie wrote:
Mon Mar 25, 2024 4:13 pm
I have removed the table, and I shall remove it from my past and future tables.
Thank you for the feedback.
Sorry for the inconvenience brought to the site.
Thanks. Also I recommend you to make your own thread in the Tables section for better visibility and google results.
If you want to keep the auto update function, I would like to suggest that you just keep it not encoded and let it replace existing content, instead of pulling the whole table each time. This way someone who don't have an internet connection all the time can still use table and you can keep updating it in the background.

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Re: [Request] New Cycle

Post by imjustmaxie »

igromanru wrote:
Mon Mar 25, 2024 4:26 pm
imjustmaxie wrote:
Mon Mar 25, 2024 4:13 pm
I have removed the table, and I shall remove it from my past and future tables.
Thank you for the feedback.
Sorry for the inconvenience brought to the site.
Thanks. Also I recommend you to make your own thread in the Tables section for better visibility and google results.
If you want to keep the auto update function, I would like to suggest that you just keep it not encoded and let it replace existing content, instead of pulling the whole table each time. This way someone who don't have an internet connection all the time can still use table and you can keep updating it in the background.
Thank you again for the constructive feedback and suggestions.
I already removed the tables.

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