Hello there , I am not good with naming things .
Add to Address List Popup Menu:
- "Create Structure Data", Dissect Data/Structure at the selected Address (more than one, add multiple groups)
- "Convert Records to Pointer", Convert Records to Pointer (Format "2:30,0x50" 2 offsets, 1=30 dec, 2=0x50 hex) (more than one record)
- "Copy Address String", => [chrome.exe+28E6E8]
- "COPY CURRENT ADDRESS", Value of [chrome.exe+28E6E8] => 7FFD2F3D7B80
- "COPY ADDRESS Name", Name of [chrome.exe+28E6E8] => KERNEL32.GetSystemTimeAsFileTime
- "Create Header Spacer", Add Header to the selected record with "------------"
- "Create AutoAssemble Script", Add Script to the selected record, [Hold CTRL to Input Name]
- "Disable Without Executing", Disable selected Scripts Without Executing the Disable section. (More than one script)
Note: Put the file "AddressList Record Extra.lua" in "autorun" folder, located in "C:\Program Files\Cheat Engine 7.x\"