Game Name: Trepang2
Game Process: CPPFPS-Win64-Shipping.exe
Game Version: 2168
Game Engine: Unreal Engine 4.27.20
Savegame: C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Local\CPPFPS\Saved\SavedGames
Steam App ID: 1164940
Game Website:
If you like my work then please rate this post positive, it's easy, just hit the "Post reputation" button at the top right. If you want to share the table then share the link to this post but do not upload this table anywhere else.
-Inf. Health
-One Hit Kill
-Inf. Stamina
-Inf. Invisibility
-Inf. Focus
-Inf. Clip Ammo
-Inf. Reserve Ammo
-Inf. Grenades
-No Recoil
-No Spread
-Rapid Fire
-Automatic Fire
-Dual Wield Mode
-Carry All Weapons At Once (99 weapon slots)
-FoV Modifier
The Table can also be found in our Discord Server: [Link] If you have any questions or need help feel free to ask there, we have tables for a lot other games as well. Old Versions
You can do cheat.ForceUnlockAll 1 to get the Cheat menu options unlocked right from the beginning. But if you're keen on your progression not being reset to Easy, then:
To access the SANDBOX mode (or TMod -- T from Trepang), just go with cheat.ForceTMod 1. Once you get tired with it, set it back to 0. Doing it like this won't have you access it from the Cheats menu and get your progression difficulty reset.
Enough said.
P.S.: I've reviewed all of this with cfemen 1-2 days ago. Just didn't feel like posting anything, as the game is not my cup of tea. It reminded me of games I used to play in my childhood, with crappy ragdoll physics and other shit that shows the amount of free market assets the devs used I had to refund it...
It reminded me of games I used to play in my childhood, with crappy ragdoll physics and other shit that shows the amount of free market assets the devs used I had to refund it...
Yeah it really does kind of feel like a bootleg FEAR trying to be Goldeneye a little too much, but I got the [Link] version, so I'm happy with the price I paid for the game.
Game Name: Trepang2
Game Process: CPPFPS-Win64-Shipping.exe
Game Version: 2168
Game Engine: Unreal Engine 4.27.20
Savegame: C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Local\CPPFPS\Saved\SavedGames
Steam App ID: 1164940
Game Website:
If you like my work then please rate this post positive, it's easy, just hit the "Post reputation" button at the top right. If you want to share the table then share the link to this post but do not upload this table anywhere else.
-Inf. Health
-One Hit Kill
-Inf. Stamina
-Inf. Invisibility
-Inf. Focus
-Inf. Clip Ammo
-Inf. Reserve Ammo
-Inf. Grenades
-No Recoil
-No Spread
-Rapid Fire
-Automatic Fire
-Dual Wield Mode
-Carry All Weapons At Once (99 weapon slots)
-FoV Modifier
The Table can also be found in our Discord Server: [Link] If you have any questions or need help feel free to ask there, we have tables for a lot other games as well. Old Versions
@KyleKatarn and @Akira, Hello. Will either of these two (2168) tables be getting an update for 2215 (Sep 29, 2023) - Side Mission Hotfix - Build ID: 12206337 ? Thanks in advance.