Manually calling an instruction. Executing a procedure.

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Manually calling an instruction. Executing a procedure.

Post by EyeOfTheMind86 »

Hey there folks, I was reading around stuff concerning "call" and "createthread" but I don't know if those are used to do what I am suggesting.
In a game I'm playing, after you collect 3 shards, you can extend your health, what I would like to know is if you can trigger the script which extends your health at will, without collecting any of the shards, basically I want to use this example to learn how to manually proc any instruction at will.
So far I could trigger this by simply editing the owned numbers of shards to 2 and picking a third one within the game, but does cheat engine allow you to do this kind of scripting? Basically pressing a hotkey the script triggers that instruction? Is "call" used to perform such operations?

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