I'm struggling to get this to work properly. I did it once when i was on 1.1.0 of the game. Couldn't repeat the process however and i think it was a bit of luck.
Now i'm on version 1.1.2 of the game. I watched more closely to the video and in short version i think i'm supposed to:
- Open inventory
Organize materials by type
Select a material (but dont press any button)
In CE do a new scan to number of chosen material
After that scan go back to game and select another material
do a 'next scan' for said number of material i have chosen
But time after time it doesn't give back any results.
So what i've also tried is for example choose my apples. Do a first scan, then drop some apples and do second scan to new number of apples. That does give me an address to use. But if i use that address to recalculate on both display or material (like someone mentioned here before) addresses the output of the CE list isn't working the right way.
Can anybody shine some light on this?
[Link] from the list when recalculated materials to the address i found of my apples.
Edit: wrong file added as attachment.