Updated for actual game from Epic:
* fixed melee durability loss
* added 10 more slots to inventory edit
There are small difference, simply check via diff if you wanna see.
Also some tips:
* to find a correct items be on a correct tab and also on a correct group or resources, ammos & medkits/fuses are two different groups so you need to select the correct one.
* you can increase all resources you want, but the way to keep them as they are is to sell 1 item to seller or acquire +1 more
* repair your weapons before using "no durability loss"
* use CMD saving script, i call it `di2save.cmd`
Example, my `di2save.cmd` (copypasted from payday2's one):
Code: Select all
SET SavegamePath=C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\DeadIsland\Saved\SaveGames\DeadIsland2SaveGame.sav
SET DestinationFolder=C:\Users\USERNAME\Desktop\di2_saves
IF NOT "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" GOTO:EOF
WMIC.EXE Alias /? >NUL 2>&1 || GOTO:EOF
FOR /F "skip=1 tokens=1-6" %%G IN ('WMIC Path Win32_LocalTime Get Day^,Hour^,Minute^,Month^,Second^,Year /Format:table') DO (
IF "%%~L"=="" GOTO s_done
SET _yyyy=%%L
SET _mm=00%%J
SET _dd=00%%G
SET _hour=00%%H
SET _minute=00%%I
XCOPY "%SavegamePath%" "%DestinationFolder%\%_yyyy%%_mm:~-2%%_dd:~-2%_%_hour:~-2%%_minute:~-2%\" /Y
start C:\Users\USERNAME\Desktop\DeadIsland2.url
You need to replace `USERNAME` by your username, also setup folder where you will save the savegame before launch the game.
Actually this script will make a copy of `C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\DeadIsland\Saved\SaveGames\DeadIsland2SaveGame.sav` file inside `C:\Users\USERNAME\Desktop\di2_saves` folder w/ datetime timestamp and when it's done it will start `C:\Users\USERNAME\Desktop\DeadIsland2.url` from the desktop, `DeadIsland2.url` name of my shortcut to launch the dead island 2 (no spaces).
Game is great, folks, btw happy New Year!