Game Name: Ravenswatch
Game Process: Ravenswatch.exe
Game Version: #b7fc9b824b
Game Engine: RhiEngine
Savegame: ?
Steam App ID: 2071280
Game Website: If you like my work then please rate this post positive, it's easy, just hit the "Post reputation" button at the top right of the post. If you want to share the table then share the link to this post but do not upload this table anywhere else.
- God Mode
- Inf. Health
-- One Hit Kill
- Inf. Raven Fethers
- Instant Skill Cooldown[Added]
- What ever the thing under your health bar is
- Day/Night Transform[Added]
- Freeze Time[Added]
- Freeze Day Time[Added]
- FoV Modifier
- Freeze Camera Movement
- Save Player Co-ords
- Load Saved Co-ords
- Enemy Aimbot Pointer:
- oCDtEntityCpntHeroController
- oCDtEntityCpntCharacterController
- oCEntityCpntHitPoint
- oCDtEntityCpntCharacterController (2)
- oCDtEntityCpntGroupLevel
- oCDtHeroDefinition
- oCDtHeroProfileData
- oCDtBossTimerUiControllerEntityCpnt[Added]
- oCDtDayNightCycleSceneContext[Added]
The Table can also be found in our Discord Server: [Link] If you have any questions or need help feel free to ask there, we have tables for a lot other games as well. Old Versions
Your 'Real table' contains just two scripts which both use raw memory addresses which means that they will break through any game update and also won't work for the game on other launchers if it's available somewhere else besides steam.
Can you explain how to use your table? Im new to this. I appear to be experiencing the same problem as other users where only a couple of the scripts are able to be activated. What can I do to activate the god mode or inf. raven feathers and Inf. Health? When you said that you may need to change a 0 to a 1, where was that needed? Thank you for your time and patience.
I've been trying to make my own table just freezing time limit, but every time I tried to attach debugger it crashes the game. Just wandering which one should I use VEH and windows don't seem to work, haven't tried DBVM yet. finding the timer address is super easy (search for increasing float not countdown number in seconds) but that's pretty much where I hit a roadblock since I'm not really that familiar with making cheat tables, was mostly using cheat engine to manipulate values on the go.
I tried to attach debugger it crashes the game.
Just wandering which one should I use VEH and windows don't seem to work, haven't tried DBVM yet
I used the VEH debugger which worrked rather well.
Keep in mind that you gotta restart CE after changing the debugger options.
Also in case the debugger gives you an result and then the game crashes, just load the game back up, the address the debugger got will still be valid, at least in this game.