
Anything Cheat Engine related, bugs, suggestions, helping others, etc..
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What is cheating?
What is cheating?
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Post by LunaMoon »

I have a what might be, a stupid question.

A friend directed me to this website due to someone making tables (I think that's what it's called) and I was able to get the reward of not having to grind until the next century.

Fast-forward 2 weeks, and I'm looking for something similar for FFVI-PR. Every table I download seems to require the Cheat Engine app, which is just a conglomeration of a bunch of trainers.

Was I looking in the incorrect sub-topic?

Any assistance would be wonderful.

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Re: Question

Post by Casisback »

Trainers are (standalone) exe files containing cheats for different games. There’s some all in one tools (AIO) with multiple trainers in them.

Cheat tables are script files generated and loaded by Cheat Engine software.

FearlessRevolution/Fearless Cheat Engine (this site) is the main resource for cheat engine tables and also trainers clearly labelled. There’s mods(physical game modification)/tools posted as well but in smaller numbers.

Does this clarify things for you?

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