Please keep in mind I don't know a ton about Cheat Engine or Lua, i'm trying to expand on what i've learned so far.
My question is: Can I change values like gold if I have a unique Array of Bytes using the Xbox 360 emulator Xenia? In this case, for the game Blue Dragon.
I have the AOB which I have used in my script below to essentially freeze the gold value. I would like to change my gold to something like 1,000,000. The problem is, I cannot use pointers with emulators and there isn't enough information online(That i've seen) to help me get this done otherwise. I'm not even sure if it is possible to change values or do math with code if using AOB/if there is an emulator involved.
Code: Select all
// Buying from shops doesn't decrease gold.
aobscan(Purchase1,44 0F 38 F1 14 17 90 90 B8 B8 60 1C 82 90 90 45 84 E4)
db 90 90 90 90 90 90 90
db 44 0F 38 F1 14 17 90