Hello guys, maybe you could help me with this. I'm trying to hack myself this game the same way as I hacked the demo, however the game crashes after a few seconds when I activate a script. Is there some sort of protection which wasn't present in the demo? I see that you guys used the word "reframework", what do you mean exactly?
Thank you very much for your help.
Edit: I found my answer and solution, forgot to edit the post.
Last edited by EyeOfTheMind86 on Sat Apr 01, 2023 12:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Which table is the one that adds items? I need the wayshrine key. It's gonna kill me to have to run through the game again if I can't get it, ugh.
Edit: Okay I got the wayshrine key added to my inv, but the game doesn't recognize it as the key, changed a gold token into the key. Had to noclip my way back. I am assuming it has to do with game triggers or something. Any assistance with that?
Figured I'd share what I use sometimes myself outside of trainers that's available.
I recommend loading these only when loaded into a level. Sometimes causes crashes on loading etc. Especially the hit ratio or deaths/damage one:)
Feel free to do more reasearch into them to make them more stable.
Available options are: Easy Challenges - Doing anything in the challenge list with this enabled will instantly gain what you need. Get 1 treasure to get all treasures. 1 Weapon to get all weapon challenge. You catch my drift. Only enable if you are doing something very specific you want to get done fast.
Set treasure to 990 - Only enable when you want to sell something. After enabling, anything you sell will become 990 in amount. Be it caught animals, treasures etc. Only works for items that can actually stack (Not socketed treasures).
100% Hit Ratio - Copies amount fired to amount hit (On shooting)
0 Deaths/Damage Taken - Might be a bit buggy, but makes it so you don't gain a number in "damage taken" or "Deaths" on result screen. If you enable this on a save where damage or death has occured, you must get either hit or die again based on which value you want to become 0.
Inf Vehicle Health (Disable subtraction) - Waterscooter tested only - Makes it so damage doesn't register.
Gain Max HP Vehicle On Hit - Waterscooter tested only - Copies max HP value into current value on damage taken.
Recently I noticed that when the player is set inside the boat, but does not enter the boat itself, a "walk through walls" mode similar to that in classic RE4 is activated (where the physics doesn't work, you can walk X/Z freely, with the fixed Y), that would be a very interesting thing to have in the CT.
Speaking of coords has anyone found those yet? I tried searching for them but i never got anywhere. I tried the usual scan for increase/decrease on Z but i don't think the game updates coords like most traditional games.
Inf Vehicle Health (Disable subtraction) - Waterscooter tested only - Makes it so damage doesn't register.
Gain Max HP Vehicle On Hit - Waterscooter tested only - Copies max HP value into current value on damage taken.
Thanks for this, will be testing it out when I get to the mining cart and jet ski sections (I'm already well past the boat section so will have to wait until my next playthrough) and will report back on if they work for those sections or not.
Hi, would it be possible to add a god mode/no hit reaction?
I made it base off Rhark info.
God Mode (No Hit or Grab) Bear trap will still get you.
It’s usually effective,but I don’t know why sometimes Leon still hit or grabbed by the enemy.Could you please fix the problem?
Was it a pitchfork guy? I don't know why, but he was the only one in the game that could hit and grab me when this script is on. I can promise you nothing else other than bear trap can harm you. I recommend turning it on while you are on the main menu.
God Mode (No Hit or Grab) Bear trap will still get you.
It’s usually effective,but I don’t know why sometimes Leon still hit or grabbed by the enemy.Could you please fix the problem?
Was it a pitchfork guy? I don't know why, but he was the only one in the game that could hit and grab me when this script is on. I can promise you nothing else other than bear trap can harm you. I recommend turning it on while you are on the main menu.
Thanks for reply. Including but not limited to:bare-handed,enemy with axes or sickle、pitchfork、even meteor hammer. It can be caused by any type of enemy in any scene at any time. It's completely random and unpredictable.