Beginner need help with Peggle

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Beginner need help with Peggle

Post by Chenzen »

Hello Smile

I'm new to game hacking and needed some help concerning hacking a simple game called Peggle.

It's a game where you have to destroy "bricks" with a ball pretty much like a flipper but you can't throw more than one ball at a time and currently trying to make a script to modify that.

When there where no ball in game i scanned for 0 and 1 when i shot the ball and paused.

I found the right address and found the two instructions that i need but cant find the right way to modify the assembler code.

If someone can hint me ^^ Thanks !


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Re: Beginner need help with Peggle

Post by Messy6666 »

click on "Show disassembler" on the entry mov [ecx+08], eax

inject it by pressing <CTRL>a and then <CTRL><SHIFT>a

change eax before the original code
for example

mov eax, 2

ofcourse this is just changing the number
it's not that it is guaranteed to work for that game ( more balls supported by the game )

if you don't understand this:
just google "cheat engine inject code" or find other tutorials

good luck

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